Whispers Beneath the Clock

One – ‘A little girl who lost in her own mediocre life; alone’

“O-ouch,” Eun Ji muttered, her nose cringed in pain. Her chest moved up and down. She breathed rapidly. Her eyes were still shut tight; the rays of the bright sunlight jerked into her eyes. A soft breeze flew by her fair and flawless face, making her shudder bitterly. She could felt that she was lying down on a ground – not on tiles of floors. She took a move by spreading her arms wide, gripped something greasy and oily by her side and pulled it. What is this?

As a rage of confidence slowly build in her mind, she daintily opened her eyes, revealing her stunning brown pupil. She gasped; her eyes widen.

The view was pleasant; flock of birds flew gracefully in the light, bright sky. It was daylight. The fluffy white clouds shaped like a cotton-candy, giving an alluring view in one’s eye. Eun Ji then looked what’s in her hands; thin and needle-like green leaves. “Grass?” she uttered in shock.

Eun Ji stood up on both of her feet quickly. She then wiped off the dashes of black dirt in her hands. She whirled around, a look of confusion and worry conquered over her eyes. She was surprised once she knew she was standing on top of a hill that totally covered in yellowish grass; she just leaned against an old bark tree, the only tree that stayed on top of the hill.

Eun Ji stared with gaped, her movements numb. She was completely frozen despite of the cold, windy breeze that flew. Both of her hands locked on her side. Where am I now?

Eager burst in her tiny heart. Questioning thoughts flooded in her mind. Where am I now? Where’s appa? What time is it? As if her heart said so, she sprang her feet, climbing down the hill. She can’t take it anymore; she wanted to know everything from the start. And only a deep yet detailed explanation could reveal everything. Every question needs to be answered, no matter how hard and painful the answer could be.

Every step she trailed made her heart to leap higher. Slight droplets of sweat started to trickle down her hand. She just can’t help it, nervousness kept on invading her mind. She puffed out a muffle of air from her parted lips. Easy now, Eun Ji, she thought.


She stopped in her tracks; her feet stood still, side by side. “Huh,” she escaped a breath of exhalation. She was now in a vast town with plenty of shops that seemed old. The signature that symbolised the shops was uniquely and traditionally decorated, with old letter calligraphy and characters. Most of them were in cursive writing and it was perfectly written and engraved on hard and dark brown wood that was hung up on the most top part of the building.  

Eun Ji whirled her head around. The town was vacant and white snow flooded it. Snowflakes stacked on one after another, developing little hills of snow in front of the shops. Most of the shop were closed and to Eun Ji, it seemed that the shop in front her was the only one open.

Eun Ji lifted her head up, her eyes locked on the sign that says, “Lee’s Repairing Shop.” Unhesitant, Eun Ji placed her right hand on the handle of the fragile glass door, and then took an unheard step inside.

She felt a unique sensation in her mind once she stepped in. Antique wallpaper covered the walls, giving a dash of matte look over it. Few shelves were hammered to the wall, with lots of things arranged neatly on it. Her eyes wandered the whole place. A tiny photo frame shone the most of the shelves, capturing Eun Ji’s attention.

She took closer steps, approaching it. She then carefully lifted it up, taking a closer look of it and slowly caressed it with her fingers. The frame was gold coloured and simply artistic that it wonderfully blinded Eun Ji’s eyes.

“Welcome to the shop, how can I help you?”

Eun Ji slightly jumped. She then quickly placed the frame on its usual location. Her eyes then darted on the figure of the man that suddenly whispered to her. The man was bald, not a single strand of hair covered his head. His clothes were loose and wary; some holes have applied on his shirt. He looked old, which made Eun Ji to assume he was in his fifties or even late-forties. A look of an offer for help sparkled in his eyes.

“Oh, you’re just a little girl. How come you’re not at home when it was completely cold today?” he suddenly asked. “Do you sneak out from the house?” he shot a suspicious glare at Eun Ji.

Little girl, what does he mean? Eun Ji asked herself. She was sixteen already! Plus, she wasn’t that short, she’s in a perfect ideal height, 163cm. Satisfaction blurred in her mind, why does he said that? But oh well, instead, she decided to get straight to her point, backing all the ridiculous yet nonsense mutter the old man just said.

“Excuse me, sir, but may I know where I am now?” Eun Ji started to voice out, her hand interlocked with the other.

His forehead wrinkled, his fingers lightly pressed the middle part of his forehead. “Aigoo,” he muttered then continued his conversation with Eun Ji, both of his hands patted the table firmly. “How could you be alone, little girl? Where’s your mother?” he asked, glaring at Eun Ji.

Impatience burst in her heart, a fire of anger blazed in her eyes. And now, he’s asking for her mother? Why does this old man talk to her like a kid? But the utter of a single word a past memory flew through her head. Her rage of anger vanished into thin air. Mother… That’s the only thing that she wanted the most when she’s in trouble... But to think of it, now she's just…

Eun Ji mentally sighed. She closed her eyes, struggling to shift herself back to reality. She needed to get out from soaking in the same memory, those pitiful memories… She took a hard deep breath, taking in those tears that about to fall and the anger that conquered her. She then opened her eyes, meeting the old man’s gaze that still locked in her.

Politely, she said, “U-uh, I don’t know, sir… But I just wanted to know, what date is today, sir?” Her lips curved into a simple yet sincere smile.

The old bald man smiled, his eyes twinkled in amusement. He caressed his chin, nodding firmly in awe. “How polite you are… Today? Well it was 25th December in 1999, why?”

Two – ‘A Christmas in 1999…’

Eun Ji left the question unanswered. Her pursued lips were closed by an invincible unknown energy; the grasp was so tight that she just can’t bear to open it. “I-I’m going now, t-t-thanks,” Eun Ji stuttered under her clenched teeth. She then lifted her feet, and then pushed the door open. She then led herself out of the shop, leaving the old man to rapt in his own confused deep thoughts.


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Chapter 1: The way you wrote it made it seem like...she's dating her father o.o
Chapter 10: asdfghjkl; I wanna know what happens next. ;n; This was a wonderful story to read. Thank you so much for writing it. <3
Chapter 10: Sequel!! :)nice story
MineLove #4
Chapter 10: I feel like im in fairytales world. .It was a dream, (._.) But!! I like how you write the story:) some times some things are better left untold. Keke ^_^ true
KimSeokjinwifey #5
Chapter 10: So, it's just a dream? O.o
Woah! This is a good story :DD
Hope you'll make a sequel! :))
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 9: Aww. Eun Ji saw her mom died.
It's so sad :((
Chapter 9: Agh omo this chapter :( so sad seriously
Chapter 8: Suho and eunji <3 so sweet xD
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 8: Suho and Eun Ji moments :)
Chapter 7: Kyaaaa chocolate!! Update soon authornim ;)