
I cant just watch you anymore.

Does Baekhyun hyung like me?

I really like him, but he seems to avoid me a lot nowadays.

I think im going to consult Sehun.


"Nae, Chanyeol hyung?" Sehun looked at me, wondering why i entered his room.

"Do you think Baekhyun hyung dislikes me?" Sehun's eyes turned as big as Kyungsoo's eyes.

"Of course not! Do you know how much he talks about you?! You're delusional, hyung."

He... talks about me?

"What? Baekhyun talks about me? Is it good or bad?"

"Uh.... you should ask him that yourself."

Ugh this Oh Sehun really doesnt help. Im going to ask Baek-hyung tonight when i have the time. For now, im just going to sleep.


"Hyung." I said in my most stern voice.

"Oh? Channie. What do you want?" Baekhyun beamed, but his smile softened as he saw my stern eyes.

I really want to kiss you, I thought.

"Do you.... by any chance..." I could feel my face turning red.

"U-uh?" Baekhyun had a confused look.

"Like me?" I managed to get out.

Baekhyun dropped his mug and stared at me dumbfoundedly as he bent down to pick it up.

"Chanyeol ah..." Baekhyun tried laughing it off. "It's not what you think it is, i mean it is, but i-" I held him up to stop him from picking his mug up and bent down to kiss him, savouring the sweet taste of his lips.

"W-why did you do that Chanyeol?" He was obviously surprised, but i didnt know if he liked it.

"I like you too, Baekkie hyung."

Baekhyun looked at me and i saw his hands trembling as he approached my cheek. He cupped my cheek and gave me a soft kiss which turned into a longer and more passionate one.

He held my hand and brought me to the edge of the bed.

"Chanyeol ah, i've always wanted to tell you how much i loved you, how much i wanted to kiss you on stage, how much i wanted to mean to you, i love you, Park Chanyeol." He said it all in one breath, i could imagine how much he liked me.

"Baekhyun hyung, i've always appeared dorky because i wanted to charm you with my crazy and weird side, i guess that worked? I love you too Baekhyun ah. I'm so glad i can finally tell you this." I said while i was on the verge of crying.

Baekhyun stretched his hand to wipe the tear that was threatening to fall from my left eye, and kissed my forehead.

"I will never leave you, and I will make sure you dont leave me too."

Thank you, Baekhyun, and i just wanted to make sure you remember this.

I love you.


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Chapter 1: That gif almost killed me........ *.*
clarisseyeo #2
Chapter 2: helloooooo!! this fic so cutesy hehe :D
Chapter 2: haha~~ so cute >< ! i really enjoyed reading your story it's really sweet !
it's actually the first time that i read a story about exo ^^ !
Chapter 2: sweet!!!!!!!am starting to love exo fics....