Just to Tell You

Just to Tell You

Onew sighed heavily as he looked at the younger male beside him, his eyes begging the younger not to make him go through with this. It had been two years, two long, hard, and unforgiving, years; but he was back. He had written a letter to his brother and (now) ex-boyfriend as quickly as he could before taking flight- literally. Since the day he had run away from them, he had received numerous calls, messages, and letters- but he ignored them all. It was only when he invited his current boyfriend, Kibum, to live with him and the younger had discovered the most recent letter from Taemin that Onew had been forced to face his past. He had forgiven Minho and Taemin a long time ago, but he just wasn't able to bring himself to speak to them.

"No, Lee Jinki we are going to stay in their apartment, you are going to wish them well, and only then can we go back home." Kibum chastised his boyfriend for the hundredth time since he had woken the elder up that morning. Normally, Kibum wouldn't have to reprimand his boyfriend like this, but his brother was just a subject the elder wished to avoid- like the plague.

"But, Bummie! They haven't seen us yet, we can go home and you can watch as I write a letter to them, please?" Onew begged the younger, trying his best to convince the other with whatever form of "cute" he was able to pull out- none of which worked.

Kibum simply narrowed his eyes and folded his arms across his chest, "Are you saying that you don't have faith in me? Do you not trust me? Are you even really sure that you love me?" Kibum listed off the questions he knew would bend Onew into obedience in seeing his brother again without so much as a second thought. He had been trying to be as patient as humanly possible- but there was a point where even a saint would not have been able to withstand any of the yammering excuses and failed attempts at begging.

As Onew registered the questions that Kibum had prompted him with, his head hung low as his mouth snapped shut and his hands slid into his pockets, his shoulders hunching slightly in defeat. A small part of the younger felt guilty- but just a small part. He was more intrigued by the words that came from Onew's mouth next, "If I didn't love you, I never would have come this close to the place I left." It was a quiet admission, but he still spoke loud enough that Kibum could hear him over the annoying crowd of people, "There's several reasons I didn't want to come back here. One of which being that Minho is my ex-boyfriend, Bummie, I don't want to put anyone in an uncomfortable position; you, Taemin, or Minho."

"And what about you? You may have forgiven them, but your curiosity has been chewing away at you for these last two years." Kibum murmured as he pulled Onew into a hug, "Onew, I hate to tell you this now, but you talk in your sleep."


"Ever since I moved in, I've heard from you multiple times about your concern for Taemin, and trust me, threatening to beat up a dream-land Minho if Taemin is not well is not going to get you anywhere." Kibum was serious, but at the same time he managed to brighten the mood just a bit.

Gently nibbling on his bottom lip, Onew finally gave a slight conceding nod as he wrapped his hand in Kibum's, "You're right, but I need my Bummie by my side."

"I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else." Kibum's response filtered through the increasingly more annoying noise as they pulled apart and made their way onto the streets. 

It may have been two years, but as Onew led Kibum through the streets, he didn't have to stop to think about anything. Random stories would spill forward as he pointed out shops he used to frequent with his brother, or the church his parents had been wed in, or the street corner where he narrowly avoided being hit by the ice cream truck. A walk that should have taken no more than ten to fifteen minutes ended up taking Kibum and Onew nearly an hour; but at the end of that hour, they were faced with a building that Onew knew all too well. Pointing to the tree in the yard, Onew continued telling another story as though his hands weren't shaking and his mind wasn't suddenly freaking out again about seeing Taemin and Minho.

"Then there was the time I was dared to climb this tree- all the way to the very top branch- for a game of truth or dare. I remember it like it was yesterday, My hand had just pushed forward through the top boughs and I was about to touch the tip of the tree when-"

"Jinki?" Onew's voice faltered and he couldn't seem to force out another syllable. "That is you, right?"

"Minho..." Onew mumbled the other's name as he slowly tore his gaze from the browned leaves of the tree before him to stare at the man who had left him for his brother.

"Jinki, I can't believe... Taemin! Tae will be so happy to see you! I can't even... How have you been?" Like old friends... the irony of that thought struck a chord deep inside Onew as he half-heartedly replied to Minho, his grip on Kibum's hand tightening the slightest bit as he waited for an opportunity to introduce the reason he was here today.

Onew was completely at a loss as Taemin came from the house, his younger brother having matured so much in two years that Onew immediately fell back into self-hatred. His brother and Minho ushered Onew into the house, their excited chatter not giving him the opportunity to introduce the man beside him. As the scenery continued to fly past, and the words flew in one ear and out the other, Onew nervously turned his gaze to Kibum.

"Bummie..." His voice was nothing more than a mere whisper, but it carried such a tone of pain and confusion, that Kibum gave the elder a reassuring smile and a peck on the cheek. The simple peck on Onew's cheek finally silenced the over-zealous younger couple and Kibum took the opportunity to speak up.

"Taemin, Minho," Kibum nodded to each male respectively, he quickly picked up on which was which just from the way Onew reacted to them- ignoring the fact that Onew had mumbled Minho's name the second the other male had said his name, "My name is Kibum, Kim Kibum." He introduced, bowing his head slightly.The following minute and a half was slightly awkward with the younger two introducing themselves and staring at Kibum and Onew with wide eyes.

Although Minho was curious, he wasn't one to speak out his mind unless he deemed it necessary, but Taemin had deemed it completely okay to speak whenever he deemed fit as his curiosity took the reins of his lips. "Are you Kim Kibum the fashion designer behind the label Key?" The youngest one's eyes were nearly gleaming with admiration as the question rambled forth.

Glancing over at Onew, Key smiled softly before giving a slow nod, "One and the same."

"How did Jinki end up with you?" Taemin nearly squealed as he leaned forward, his chin propped up by his hands as his elbows pressed against the hard wood surface of the dining room table.

"Minnie..." Minho quietly reprimanded the younger who in turn just waved a dismissive hand at his boyfriend.

"H-hey..." Onew feebly interjected, suddenly feeling completely insignificant.

"Actually, that question should be the other way around." Kibum allowed, a slight blush creeping across his cheeks as he continued, "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be who and where I am today." The room went quiet and Onew had bowed his head to avoid the gazes of the younger couple. Sure, he was a different man now, but he was still weak against the first two people who really meant something in his life.

"What do you mean?" Minho questioned, his eyes widening in shock as he realized the question had come from himself and not his younger boyfriend.

A quiet laugh left Kibum before he could suppress it, "When we met, I was debating calling my fashion career to an end. As much as I have always loved designing, I had failed to do anything with it and was stuck under the lead of a second-rate designer helping them with their works." Kibum explained, pausing as the memory flitted through his mind's eye and a small, sad, smile spread upon his face. "We were tenants at the same apartment building, Jinki and I, and after work that day I had found myself on the roof of our building." He remembered the tears that had stained his cheeks as he debated on how to procede in his life, as well as his horrible attempts at wiping the stained trails away when Jinki had appeared beside him, a jacket held in silent offering in his outstretched hand. "Jinki talked me through that down point in my life. It's actually because of him that I turned in my notice, spoke with a few big-name companies, and produced my first line." A smile filled with nostalgia taking control of his facial muscles.

"Jinki was the reason you-?" Taemin started to ask the older couple, admiration shining in his eyes.

"Yes, he managed to be the person I turned to every time I felt nervous about starting on my own." Kibum explained easily, leaning against the elder's shoulder happily.

Taemin nudged Minho with his elbow at this moment, causing Minho to glance at his boyfriend. A silent conversation took place between the younger two, Taemin wanting Minho to ask Kibum the question that everyone was curious to know the answer to, and Minho not wanting too; but eventually Minho gave in. "Why did you name the brand Key?"

At this question, Kibum blushed as he looked up at Onew. This was a topic he avoided during interviews because he didn't want the world to know how hopelessly romantic he was, but this was a conversation with Onew's brother and the younger male's boyfriend. Staring at his fingers, Kibum slowly answered, "Because through working on my debut line with Jinki I felt like he discovered something that no one else would be able to. I wanted to give him something in return, no matter how vague it was. I don't know how or when, but he was able to unlock my heart and make me fall for him, and he told me I was able to do the same with him. My line was named after that moment- discovering the Key to our hearts." As the answer settled in the air, Kibum knew his cheeks were a bright crimson color, and from the corner of his eye he could see Jinki's weren't much better.

"So you two..." Taemin murmured, his eyes glancing from his brother, to the fashion designer, and back. His sentence left unfinished, all three of the other occupants in the room had to cover their ears as the youngest let out a shrill squeal.

"Minnie!" Onew yelled at his brother over the ear-piercing squeal, relaxing as the youngest stopped his squealing long enough to gape. The sudden change stunned Onew and Kibum.

"J-Jinki... you called me... Minnie." There were unshed tears of joy clinging to the corners of Taemin's eyes and blurring his vision, "I missed you, so much." The whispered admission shouldn't have been a surprise, but it still struck a chord deep inside Onew as he watched tears slide down his brother's cheeks. Remaining silent, Minho reached around and started comforting the youngest.

Onew remembered the time he had first seen this action and how all he could feel was hurt and betrayal. At that time, Minho had still been his boyfriend, but now; all he could feel was guilt. How could he have been so dense? These two had been the two he had loved the most in the world, and he ignored them for two years. Sure, he found Kibum and his boyfriend was now number one in his heart, but he hated himself for being so heartless toward his own brother.

"Minnie..." Kibum watched as Onew struggled to get the endearing nickname of his brother out, "I'm so sorry." The apology was choked and Kibum could see tears in his boyfriend's eyes, but he couldn't help but feel proud of the elder.

"N-no! You don't have to apologize, we-" Taemin started, clinging to Minho's arm as his boyfriend was also looking at the eldest with pain and concern flickering through his eyes.

"Taemin, Jinki isn't apologizing for everything." Kibum calmly interjected for his boyfriend, "He's apologizing for waiting to come back and waiting to see you again. He's your brother, and he's always cared- he was just afraid that you wouldn't want to see him." Onew looked over at Kibum. He couldn't help but admire, and be thankful for, his boyfriend. The younger was able to easily translate his thoughts into intelligent words, and it just added to his reasons for loving the fashion designer.

It was all out in the open now, although the words were left unspoken, there was an understanding. Forgiveness was a thing of the past, and they were all focused on the future, aiming for a higher purpose. For Jinki, it was rekindling a relationship with his brother; for Taemin it was becoming a better person- and he was looking toward the older couple for that role model; for Kibum it was to move on with his career and maybe further his relationship with Onew; and for Minho it was to make sure his loved one remained happy. Although their first story ended with broken hearts and connections and a letter of tears, their second story became one to show hope of a brighter future as they moved forward; four friends, two couples, but one family.

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Chapter 1: This is really beautiful. Especially that last line <3
neon_fighter #2
This was really cute! Your last line was really touching. You did amazing! By far one of my top favorite Onkey fan fictions.
DarkAngelMay #3
Chapter 1: Awwww<3 "Four friends, two couples but one family" Sooooo sweet <3
Chapter 1: yeah, onew and key belongs to each other... no one else!!!
thestrangelittlegirl #5
Chapter 1: that was sweet ^^ I loved the happily ever after <3
hippychick #6
Chapter 1: ooo so happy that onew is finally happy :D