Chapter 4

I Do Love You


A/N: I just have GD's That XX song stuck in my head. I re-read this with the song on. Just saying. Please, continue LOL
Recess started. Class was dissmissed. But Sungyeol's class was full. Everybody didn't bother to eat, including Sungyeol.
'You should stop. You got into trouble because of me.' Peniel said, as he turned around. Sungyeol was shocked. He tried as hard as possible to shut his mouth and not talking to the boy. But he failed.
'Bastard.' Sungyeol muttered under his breath, but was loud enough for the whole class to hear. Sungyeol did a lot of things that shocked the class. But this? Lee Sungyeol doesn't curse on their book. Not once in a lifetime. Even Woohyun who had grown up with the boy was shocked. He never curses.
His teeth was clenching. He's mad and he knows it.
'Mianhe. I didn't mean to hurt you like that.' Peniel looked at Sungyeol straight in the eyes. he saw tears in those eyes.
'Shut up! You have no rights to talk to me after what you did.' Sungyeol stood up, breathing hard. He tried as hard as he could to not yell and make the class in more shock. He decided not to make the problem bigger.
'Lee Sungyeol. Gwenchana?' Woohyun asks, terrified. Sungyeol had never been as mad as this. He looked as if he could pounce on anyone that makes a slight mistake now. Thankfully, Sungyeol nodded at his question and sat down at his seat once again.
'Who would want to take over my job to show this...guy around school?' Sungyeol had a hard time describing Peniel. Eventually, no one answered. Everyone was now terrified at the boy. If he could make Sungyeol as mad as before...
Peniel got up from his seat and bowed at the whole class. 'Chusonghamnida.'
Sungyeol got angry once again. He pinned Peniel to the wall, tears in his eyes. However, Peniel was calm. He knows Sungyeol's weakness.
'Why did you come back?' Sungyeol whispered before the world sort of collapsed on him. Luckily,Peniel was there to catch him right on time. Myungsoo was too shocked to respond. Who was this guy? Why does it seems like he knows everything about Sungyeol? Why did Sungyeol change around this guy? And why was the arms carrying Sungyeol to the sick bay was not his, but that guys'? He needed answers.
Sungyeol woke up feeling very tired and exausted. He scanned around the room, and knew where he was. zthe sick bay. God, he hated the smell of medicine in there.
'You okay?' Peniel asked when he saw Sungyeol wake up.
Sungyeol responded with a groan and slumped himself back to the bed. 'Please. I don't have any energy to fight. Just go.'
'No. You of all people know I won't leave you in this condition. Even if you're to kill me.' Peniel shrugged and continued to his little game of angry birds.
'You brought me here?' Sungyeol managed to croak out. His throat was sore,  but he didn't care.
'Yeah.' Tragic. He was hoping it would have been Myungsoo. Moving on over that guy was hard. He gave himself a mental equivalent of a sigh.
'How are you doing now?' Peniel asked after a long awkward silence passed by.
'I'm fine. Thank you very much.'Sungyeol said with mock politeness. He rolled his eyes to the boy beside him and scowled at the ceiling. Peniel laughs.
'You haven't change a bit.' Peniel chuckles under his breath. Sungyeol closed his eyes, hoping for a miracle to happen.
Eventually, they sometimes do.
'HYUNGGGGG!' Sungjong barged into the sick bay and went to the other side of Sungyeol's bed.
'Are you okay? Woohyun hyung said you collasped in class at recess.' Sungyeol nodded, as a matter of factly.
'Shouldn't you be giving me credit, Lee Sungyeol?' Peniel asked, getting attention from Sungjong. Sungyeol gave out an audible groan to himself. Why is life so hard?
Sungjong was pretty shocked. 'Oh, Peniel hyung? What-what are you doing here?' His eyes all big. Sungyeol just hopes Sungyeol would pounce on the boy and rips his head off. That he would prefer. But then, he didn't.
Sungjong just smiled at Peniel. Unable to say anything. Peniel used to be his favourite hyung, once, after Sungyeol. When he knew what Peniel did to Sungyeol, he couldn't believe it.
'What are you doing here?' Sungjong asked. Peniel smiled and ruffled the latter's hair, which he  didn't appreciate. At all.
'You, my dear hyung, will die if that happens one more time.' Peniel took lightly of the threat. He ruffled the boy's hair once more. Sungyeol smirks. he will die. Mwahahahahaha.
Sungjong's eyes got really big. 'Underestimate me, would you?' He scowled, when Peniel just grinned. But that changed into an 'O' shape when Sungjong literally snatches his phone and dropped it on the floor. literally.
'Died inside, didn't you?' Sungjong says as he fixed his bangs and walked to Sungyeol.
'But I... Just... Well... I.... Eipp... Urghh... I... ' He ends it with a grunt. Sungjong glared at him. Sungyeol laughed his off.
'Peniel D.Shin, you've been away too long.' Peniel grunted and took his phone on the floor. Not damaged, thankfully.
'Hyung, I'll be going, arasso? Goodluck living with this guy until school's over.' Sungjong walked out of the sick bay. Scoffing.
'Tell me about it.' Sungyeol rolled his eyes.
'Hey. how is he?' Myungsoo asked as soon as he saw Sungjong.
'He's okay. he's with Peniel hyung in there. Why don't you go and see him yourself?' Sungjong asked.
'I can't... We had problems and I don't really think he wants to see me. Plus, I don't want him to end him in a hospital when he sees me.' Myungsoo sighed.
'Oh. That. What is the problem? He acted weird yesterday and he said it was your fault. But he won't tell me why.'
And so, Myungsoo told the latter about what really happened. Sungjong smiled bitterly hearing this.
'I didn't mean to hurt him. I swear!' Myungsoo bit his lip. 'I was wrong and i know it.'
'You and peniel hyung are nevertheless the same.' Sungjong sighed.
'What? How am I and that guy the same? And I need answers. Why does Sungyeol acts like he knows that guy well? How did that guy make him curse? Why did Sungyeol become that mad with him? Do they know each other? Is he a wizard or something because something tells me that Sungyeol fainted because of him.' Myungsoo took a deep breath.
'Sungyeol hyung knew him two years ago. And they somehow ended up a couple.' Something floated its way up from Myungsoo's chest, not a sound but a terrible choking ache that made him think his heart might explode. ' I was happy seing Sungyeol hyung happy like so. He would come to school with a huge smile on his face. He will do his homework like studying was his happiness. peniel hyung made his life complete. Almost as complete as the first guy he loved. Until one day he comes into my house, crying his dear heart out.' Sungjong paused for a while and continued. He realized he had said something he didn't mean to.
 'Peniel hyung said that Sungyeol hyung was actually a bet. He knew Sungyeol hyung loved him and he himself knew he love him. But he didn't want to look weak in frtont of his friends. So he said he fell in love with some other guy. he said he was moving on. Sungyeol hyung was broken hearted terribly and nearly killed himself. He said he couldn't move on. When he knew, he threw everything in sight, trashing his room, breaking every frame there was until he found himself in a hospital. The doctor says too much stress would somehow cause him to blackout. Peniel hyung meant too much for him to just let go. He searched for Peniel hyung for weeks, but it turned out he had  moved to study abroad. Sungyeol hyung was devastated, but he never showed anyone.'
'At class, at home, he would keep his lovely smile and cheerful attitude. But he would cry alone, every single day. You could see his eyes red and swollen. He doesn't get enough sleep, crying all day long. Even the maids said that they rarely see him out of his room. Sungyyu hyung and I became really worried. He would fall sick often, all because of one guy's love. From what I know, hyung will always show his most love to that one person. I would curse at Peniel hyung every time I saw the state of Sungyeol hyung. he was too miserable. It lasted too long until I can't bear to watch him like that. But one day, I saw him change. He would smile a lot. He would smile a lot alone. He became his normal self. That was when he met you, again. I was never happier seing him fall in love again.
After you guys became a couple a few months ago, he would often go to the balcony and stare at the stars. He would talk. He would say,i'm happy I moved on. I won't long for you anymore Peniel. You lit up his world. He would always smile around you. When I asked him, he would say he's totally over Peniel hyung. I was grateful. Really.' Sungjong smiled at Myungsoo, who was feeling very guilty. he had saved Sungyeol from a depp depression and had helped him move on, but he had wasted him. he had once became Sungyeol's everything.
'You know, Sungyeol hyung really loves you. I can' tell you why but I know he really does. You mean very much to him.' 
'So, I hope you could make things right, because I don't want to see him going through the tough times again. It hurts. it awfully hurts. be his everything again and stop him from crying anymore. He had shed too many tears and I assumed he had cried too much yesterday. His eyes were swollen today.
And I don't think he was mad at Peniel hyung this morning that made him too stressed. He was sad of losing you, and he lost it. And hyung doesn't curse at all. or maybe when he was little and I wasn't born yet, he did because I had never hear him curse all my ife. Hyung is changing. he's going to be deppressed again and I'm afraid his mom would end him up on some psychiatrists' couch. True, he was the one who broke up with you, because he didn't want oyu to suffer. He knew you've never liked him. he knows you hated him since he met you. But he tried to make you like him, and I presumed it worked. He had a crush on you wayy before Peniel hyung came into his life. Peniel hyung wasn't his first love. It was you. It was always you. He's scared Myungsoo. He's scared he can't get over you . He's scared that he would see someone else in your arms. He's scared he would die loving you, but knowing you're not his.' Sungjong pitied Sungyeol. the boy is supposed to be happy, a side of the happy virus he spreads.
'Get back with him, and make him happy again. He deserves to be happy. But all he gets is crap. he wants to be happy. but he couldn't. He loves you too much he can't even lay a finger on you.'
' I have to go. You think of some way to make things right, arasso?' And Sungjong left Myungsoo alone in the hallway.
'Make things right?'
Okayyy. That was another update for you guys. How is it so far? I hope it doesn't , cuz I think it does. * goes in the corner and cries* 
Do leave your comments and subscribe dear lovely readers ^_^

HEYYYYYY. MAMA last night was soooooooo freaking awesome. I literally freaked the life out of my brother with my fangirling when SHINee won the Best Dance Performance - Male Group. I screamed so loud, I couldn't stop jumping up and down. yep. i transformed into a monkey. MAMA made my day :)
B.A.P won PD's choice. I was so freaking happy. Though it was the worst plot twist ever. But look at the bright side. B.A.P won an award and so did EXO. Busker Busker deserved it. Both EXO and B.A.P got another special award, so theres no need of fanwars. i'm literally sick of it because I am really one hardcore BABY and I hate it when people say bad things about them. BUT that doesn't mean I like it when people say bad things about EXO. I like both groups and I KNOW they are equally good. Let's not start fanwars, and give each other a group hug. with both B.A.P and EXO in it. Wow, won't that be a dream come true. *keeps on dreaming* HAHA LOL
ANDDDDD, well, GD won. and Big Bang totally nailed it. Like seriously, how many did they win? I'm just so proud of them. Plus Amber in her Female Tux (?) LOL
It was like a YG concert. BB's was so freaking awesome. TOP became the pink Power Rangers :3 And my SeungRi looks so damn y. Oh God, I can't breath again. With the almost shirtless GD and everything. Ugh. the feelssssss XD
And Hyunseung. oh god, he was soooooooo . . . I don't know. Speechless.
I'm just so proud at every single one of them, SHINee especially T^T And B.A.P. And Big Bang. And EXO. And SuJu. Heck. I love evry single one of them >< 
Oh yeah, do follow me, okay? I really need more friends to fangirl with and my real friends aren't that much of a help.

P/S:Sorry I made you read this extremely long fangirling text LOL 
Comment and subscribe, please. Thanks :) I'll update really soon. Tonight if I could :)
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khasabat #1
Chapter 15: I confused, how the end of their story?!?
baekhyunblah #2
Chapter 14: I still kinda confused about some things, but then again, it's a fanfic, and it's your fanfic, so you can write it the way you want it. Apart from that, this really is a great story. I really like it. The voice recording Yeol left for Myung in the beginning of the story is really, really, sad. Believe it or not, it somehow makes my chest felt so heavy that I'm on the verge of crying. And the sketchbook event leading to confession moment at the end is simplu cute. I love the way you write it. ^^

Thank you, for such a great story. ^^
Chapter 14: Thank you so much for the closure of this story. I truly enjoyed it. That date some time during their past was every person's dream. To be invested with such preparation to create a special moment, is priceless.

Though I wish you could have ended it with a scene more special than them cuddling in a bed, but I guess that sketchbook-saving scene and that fireworks confession would suffice for a memorable .

Thanks. ^^
Yema_kim #5
Chapter 14: This was so great story i loved it so so so much i couldnt stop myself from reading so i read it all at once wooah i feel my head full with myung yeol now lol , once again i love it!!
ritsuke05 #6
Chapter 14: myungyeol is real!~ <3~ love it!~
strafield #7
Chapter 14: Finally~~~
Thank you for updating~~~ !! :D
I love each moments of this chapter~~~
Thank you for not giving up on this story thank you for keep updating it~
Thank you for making them together by such a wonderful plot <333
Thank you veryyy much thank you veryy much :'))
Chapter 13: uhm... am actually a new subscriber here.

I found this fic months ago but failed to give it a shot. It's a loss for me 'cause this turned out to be really good it made me read all of your chapters in one go.
You have me captivated and engrossed with your story. And this heavy feeling that lingers in your fic, is strangely addictive. I'm talking about the constant heavy emotional scenes that is asive chapter per chapter all through out.

But what I like about this fic is the comfortable romance it offered to the readers. Myungyeol here was so OMFG sweet, and schmaltzy sappy with all those emotional dialogues. And don't let me get started with how sweet and caring Myungsoo here towards Sungyeol, the moment he realized his mistakes and his feelings. He's such a romantic fuctard and it makes me giggle and squirm all the time. The moment where he saved Yeol, the one where waits for everyone to leave just so he can carry Sungyeol without the latter being embarrassed, and the moment where he suddenly popped out of the blue so he could comfort and soothe's Yeol rain and thunder associated traumas--- all of it stood out the most for me.

I really enjoyed reading this fic it made me disregard all the possible plot-holes my mind is pinpointing on.

Anyways, I'm really interested with how this story unfolds and everything about the accident and their past. So please, update soon. ^^
strafield #9
Chapter 13: Awhh..don't cry ,
I'm on your side :)
Will wait for the next , ;)
Don't force your self , writer have life too ^.~ ♡♡