Exo Christmas

Exo Christmas Preperation



“Kris gege…”


“We don’t have a tree yet for our dorm.” Tao said and pouted. Chanyeol scoffed.

“We don’t need a tree. We could just leave Jongin dangling from the ceiling without his pants on. That would be better than a pine tree.”



“Anyways,” Tao continued his conversation with his gege. “We need to have a tree. I mean, we always celebrate like that at our homes, right?” Tao said.

“But trees nowadays are expensive.” Suho groaned.

“We could just get a fake one.”

“Yeah, real ones are flammable. Too dangerous.” Kyungsoo said and shook his head. Luhan raised an eyebrow.

“What is so dangerous? It’s not like we’re gonna put it on fire.”

“No, not you. But those freaks over there.” Baekhyun said and glanced at Chanyeol , Kai, Chen and Xiumin. “And including myself, but I’m more civilized than those three, so I am deemed safe to use.”

“ANYWAYS,” Tao said. “We need a Christmas tree! It would be more festive! And we could buy a fake one, I don’t care.”

“I don’t think it’s gonna be a good idea..” Lay said.


“Remember the turkey from thanksgiving?”

“We should have never bought a big turkey.” Kyungsoo said and shruddered.   

“Yeah. Those guys just found everything to mess up with.” Luhan said and rolled his eyes.

“I wonder how Kai could get his head in there. Isn’t it gross?” Sehun said.

“Very.” Kris said and sighed. “But there’s no harm done if we buy a tree, right?” He looked at Suho who was still thinking. “Joonmyun?”

“Well, I don’t think they could mess with a tree.” He said and shrugged. Tao clapped his hands.

“Yeay! Then it is official! We are buying a tree!” he cheered.  Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

“Oh, then we could go Christmas shopping! I need a new scarf anyways.”

“And presents! We still didn’t buy those.”

“And gege will buy me Gucci!”

“Say what now?”

“You would buy me Gucci!”

“I need a new unicorn shirt.” Lay said and frowned.

“Heck no I won’t buy you Gucci!”

“I still haven’t buy Jongin anything yet.”

“Just buy him a pair of clean underwear and he’s good.”



*Shopping Mall*

The boys went into the shopping mall, trying to avoid the horde of fangirls from tearing them to pieces and make into soup for Santa. Baekhyun quickly dragged Chanyeol off to pick clothes. Lay tagged along with Kyungsoo and Kai. Xiumin dragged Chen to the food court for another round of lunch and Tao and Kris with Suho searched for a tree while Sehun and Luhan joyfully skip hand in hand to the bubble tea shop.

Tree Team (Taoris, Suho)

“So, where do they sell trees anyway?” Suho wondered. Tao pointed to a line of trees in front of them.

“There. And I think it’s on sale.”

“Oh my gosh, $100 per tree?” Kris choked. Suho shook his head.

“Just buy a small one.”

“Small one costs $150.”

“How the heck does a small one is more expensive than a big one?!?”

“The more mini it is, the more expensive.” Tao said.  He scoffed. “And gege, my Gucci shirts are more expensive. Just buy it.”

“Hi, can I help you?” A nice saleswoman greeted them. Suho nodded.

“We’ll like this tree over here.”

“Oh, okay then.”

“WAIT!” Kris halted. The saleswoman looked at him.

“What is it, Kris hyung?”

“Is this thing flammable?” The saleswoman shook his head. “Does it have small parts that can be choked on?” The saleswoman shook her head. “Does it, in any chance, have wax?”

“No sir.” The saleswoman said. Kris breathed a sigh of relief.

“Okay. We’ll take it.” The saleswoman smiled.

“While we pack it up, why not look at the ornaments over there to decorate your tree.” She said and smiled as she called in two guys to lift the tall tree. Suho walked over to the lined baskets filled with decorations.

“Oh look, I see you, Kris.” Suho giggled as he held up a dragon ornament. Kris, annoyed, snatched it and placed it back.

“It’s not even handsome. Bleh,” Kris said.


Clothes Shopping (Baekyeol, Kaisoo and Lay)

“Does this scarf looks good on me?” Baekhyun asked as he twirled around. Kai wrinkled his nose in disgust.

“Ew man. Don’t do that. You look like a freaking character from Walt Disney or something.” He said and turned to Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo hyungg!”


“Can you pick me a shirt?”

“Oh em Geeeeee! This unicorn shirt is awesome.” Lay said as he held out a plain white shirt that has a My Little Pony on it.

“Uh.. Lay?”

“Yeah?” he turned to Chanyeol.

“That is My Little Pony.”

“So? It’s pretty.”

“Its weird.”

“Like you’re that normal, Chanyeol.” Lay said and rolled his eyes. Chanyeol huffed as he turned his gaze back on Baekhyun. The guy has been torturing him with various amounts of multicolored scarves for the  past 5 minutes and his head is just dizzy from all the twirling.

“We should buy something red and green. You know, to match the season.” Kyungsoo mumbled as he was forced to pick a shirt for Kai.

“But Taemin hyung hates red and green together!” Kai whined.

“Oh, so you’re picking Taemin over me?”

“Aww no you know I like you the best!”

“Using B2ST songs isn’t going to get you anywhere, Kai.” Lay said casually after he tried on the pony shirt. Kai huffed.

“No one asked you, Lay.”

“Don’t need to. I’m off to pay for this shirt. TOODLESS~” Lay said as he sauntered off.

Eating Team (Xiuchen)

“Gosh, Xiumin hyung! Stop eating!” Chen groaned as Xiumin stuffed another baozi in his mouth. Xiumin smiled sheepishly.

“What? I’m hungry.”

“I swear, if you eat another one of that, the pants that Tao bought for you won’t fit. And the shirt that Lay bought for you isn’t going to look pretty.  Opss.” Chen said as he covered his mouth.

“Say what now?”

“Nothing! Just continue eating those steamed buns!” Chen said as he quickly stuffed another steamed bun inside Xiumin’s mouth.


Bubble Tea Couple (HunHan)


“Yes, Xiao Lu?” Sehun asked as he looked at his favourite hyung.

“We should get couple shirts. You know, for Christmas.” Luhan suggested while sipping on his bubble tea.

“Couple shirts? Like the ones that couples wear?” Luhan nodded. “But… we’re friends…”

“I know. Then let’s change it into friendship shirts. Sound less gay.”

“Okay.” Sehun nodded happily as he sipped his bubble tea. “Let’s go now.”

“Okay.” Luhan gave him an eye smile as they got up and skipped to the clothes department.


Tree Team (Taoris, Suho)        

“No Tao! I won’t buy you Gucci!” Kris groaned as Tao almost dragged him into a Gucci store. Suho sighed.

“Tao, Kris hyung’s wallet is already wiped out for the tree and ornaments we bought. Give him a rest.”

“No! He has a credit card!”



Clothes Shopping (Baekyeol, Kaisoo and Lay)

“God Baekhyun, that is the 20th scarf. Just pick one and we can goo!” Chanyeol groaned.

“No! The material is itchy but the color is nice! UGH!” Baekhyun said in frustration. “And hold your horses, okay Park Chanyeol?!”

“Na na na na na I am done. Hurry up slowpokes.” Lay sang happily.

“It’s not that easy, Lay. Jongin hates clashing with his Taeminnie hyung, so I have to pick caarreeefulllyyy…” Kyungsoo said as he glared at Kai.


Eating Team (Xiuchen)

“You won’t stop eating, would you?”

“Nu uh.”


Bubble Tea Couple (HunHan)

“What colour should we pick, Hunnie?”

“No, I don’t like stripes!”

After disagreement and disagreement, Sehun and Luhan can’t find anything to their liking. That is, until they passed a DIY T-shirt store.

“Waahhh.. So you could write whatever you want on the t-shirts, right?” Sehun asked. The storekeeper nodded as he handed both Sehun and Luhan the utensils and empty white t-shirts.

Sehun and Luhan grinned at what they wrote.

“We can’t show until Christmas morning, okay?” Luhan said as he held his pinky. Sehun intertwined them.

“Promise.” After  another 5 minutes for the ink to dry and the shirt washed and dried, the shirts were packed into paper bags.

“Thank you!” They both said in unison before leaving, hands intertwined together.


*After Shopping*

“Okay so, are we done ‘Christmas Shopping’ or whatever you guys call it?” Suho asked. All 11 heads nodded. “Okay. Let’s go back to the van.”

“Um.. Kris hyung..”

“Yes Chanyeol?”

“How is that tree going to fit in the van?” Chanyeol asked as Tao pushed a trolley that consists of three items: A tree, ornaments for it and a new Gucci sneakers that he finally persuaded Kris to buy even though Suho did all his might to shield the M leader from the aegyo Tao threw him.

“Easy. We strap it on the roof.” Kris said.

“ookaayy.” Chanyeol didn’t say more. After they loaded the tree at the van’s roof, Kris started to drive, trying to ignore all the noises from the back.

“hey guys! What if we sing a Christmas song?”

“Chanyeol, no.” Kris said as he glared at him using the mirror. Chanyeol, as usual, ignored him.






“Guys.. I think we put on too much decorations for this tree…” Chen said.

“What makes you say that?”

“The tree is filled with decorations and lights that I can’t even see the green pine leaves.”

“You don’t have too. Its not even real leaves.”

“You get my point, Sehun!”

“I do not, for your information.”

“Why you little..”

“Don’t hurt my Hunnie!”

“How should I put the stars on top?” Tao said as he thought hard.  “Gege, can you lift me up?”

“Hell no.”


“Ask Chanyeol.”

“Kyungsoo! I said I’m sooorrryy!” Kai begged as Kyungsoo walked away from him.

“Why apologize to me? Go and hang out with Taemin sunbaenim!”

“Whoah. Couple fight?” Suho asked as Kai was making puppy eyes at the angry Kyungsoo.

“Suhooo! I bought a new shirt!” Lay said.


“Nothing! Just felt like you should know.” Lay said cheekily as he disappeared into the kitchen. “YOU FATTY! GET AWAY FROM THAT CAKE!”

“My cake!” Kyungsoo gasped as he ran towards the kitchen, totally ignoring Kai. Everyone saw Xiumin got kicked out by Lay and Kyungsoo.


“I was hungry!” Xiumin yelled back.



Christmas Morning.


Everyone woke up at the sound of Tao squealing. Kris woke up and growled. He doesn’t like to woken up early.



After 30 minutes of groaning, bathroom doors banging, yawning and run after waking up the scary dhuizhang-ing, the boys were ready. They gathered at the living room.

“Waa! You wrote that?”

“Kyaa! You wrote that?”

Both Sehun and Luhan were surprised at seeing their shirts. Sehun wrote ‘Luhan I love you <3’ and Luhan wrote ‘Sehunnie, I love you <3’. Xiumin looked at them .

“So.. you guys are gay?”


“Then what up with the couple shirts and loves?”

“It’s a friendship shirt, !” Luhan said.

“The tree looks amazing.” Tao cooed.

“Amazing? The tree is freaking suffering.”

“Yeah, because someone placed too many decorations on it.”

“Hey! Not my fault! The angels and unicorns are a must on Christmas trees!” Lay argued.

“At least it is sparkly and light.”

“Idiot. You shouldn’t have sprinkled glitter all over the tree. Now there’s glitter on the floor!” Chanyeol wailed at Baekhyun.

“Not my fault. Tao put all those lights on.”

“Yeah, and that costs me like, 50 dollars.” Kris said as he rubbed his temples.




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MrsStyles #1
Chapter 1: Pshhh Friendship shirt my !!! XD HAHAHAHA EXO IS JUST TOO CUTE!!!
Chapter 1: LOL!!!!!!!! what Sehun and Luhan wrote on the shirts! XD!
Chapter 1: Oh my...
I just cant stop laughing...
This is so funny..
I wonder if it really happens with Exo..
Its gonna be epic...LOL
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahah.....I can't stop laughing...!!! XD EXO are so funny!!!