Empty (Mana P.O.V)

Missing (Gackt x Mana)

He’s gone….My dark prince…gone…Why? First the words you told me….Then you leave….This isnt like you….Is it because we fought yesterday…? Is it because of the words you told me? I forgive you….those were just words so please….please come back… You gave a new life to Malice Mizer…It was our dream, our ambition…So don’t throw this away…Please, malice mizer wont be the same without you…Please come back…You were my reason of living…So now that you’re gone I don’t know what to do…My life seem unexciting now…I miss you…

We stayed in the studio silent for some minutes, minutes that felt like hours. No one dared to talk; I felt their eyes on me. I knew that they wanted to see how I would react now that my world had fell apart, wondering if I would cry. I stood up, trying to keep my calm…I don’t want them to see me cry…You’re the only one who saw me weak…The only one who saw me so weak. I couldn’t talk because if I would spoke they would notice that your departure had affected me. I crossed my arms and looked at them; Kozi was the first to talk.

- ‘’Mana…Are you alright?’’ Of course not you fool! Why would I be!?…But I couldn’t help but be a little bit happy to see that he care about me…He is probably the only one…

I nod as I decided to spoke, trying to keep my normal voice; hoping that I wouldn’t start crying.

- ‘’Yes of course’’ I was now facing the wall, I wasn’t strong enough to look at them…to see how they were looking at me…Well not now…I suddenly felt a tear rolling down my cheek. Why? Why….Why is it happening? Why now…? All I knew is that I needed to leave….needed to be alone. I then pushed the door open and walked out, ignoring Kami calling out for me. They wanted to know, I could have felt it in their eyes, they were wondering how close I was to you…How I would feel after your departure…If I loved you enough to cry….Yes, because of you I became weak, because of you my mask had fell; the protection that I had putted on myself for so many years…Broken…Broken after not even a day…All my efforts were in vain….Why?…Why are humans so weak creatures? Why…Why can’t I be like you? You seemed so strong…You seemed perfect to me…Maybe you arent human…I envy you…You probably don’t feel anything about leaving malice mizer…You seem like you didn’t care about leaving…your voice when you had said those five words…Five words who made my world fell apart…who broke my life….You probably don’t even know…You probably don’t even care….I cant even think of the future….the future without you…I don’t see my future life….my life had ended right after you pushed that door…Maybe its okay if my life had ended, maybe its okay for me to die…Maybe my time had come. Probably…I wonder if I will see you on the other side….Will we go to the same place? I will be waiting….My dark prince.

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kivitih #1
Chapter 3: That was such a beautifull story !!!! ♡
Chapter 3: So sweet!!