
The thin line between the past and future


Amber’s mouth gaped open at the man in front of her. She slipped her hand away from the drunken teacher.

It wasn’t an affair.

But it sure as hell felt like it.

Henry leaned against the wall, waiting for Amber to speak, mumble or at least do something (other than have wide open, really). When she didn’t move, he repeated his question again. “What the hell is going on Amber?”

“Um, a teacher is drunk in my dorm?” Amber answered wearily, staring at her best friend innocently.

 “Henry, I know this, um, looks bad. Dude, it’s not what you’re thinking.”

Henry raised a brow, cocking his head to the side, “I don’t know Amber…You guys seemed pretty…” He paused, trying to think of a right way to phrase it, “…cozy.”

“Henry,” Amber said, her voice stern, “We’re…friendly, yes, that’s the word. Friendly.”

The brown haired boy leaning on her wall scoffed “Right.” He totally didn’t believe her. She cursed underneath her breathe, leave it to Henry to be an asscrack when the situation was bad enough. Can’t he be those understanding friends that wouldn’t be a judgemental and reassure her that everything’s alright or something. Maybe even, I don’t know, help her get the teacher that is technically him, out of her freaking DORM. Amber choose to stay silent. She didn’t want to blurt anything stupid (anything seemed possible at the moment).

Amber frowned, she stared at him, he looked like he was trying to imitate those model that leaned against the wall all seductively and lust like (not like Amber would comment on that right now, especially since her best friend seems sort of pissed off. Sort of pissed off might’ve been an understatement though.)

“Look Amber,” Henry broke the impending silence, snapping Amber back to reality, “I’m worried, a teacher-student relationship isn’t, um, what I expected but—”

“Henry, are you dumb?” Amber interrupted, “I said we’re friendly, meaning friends. I have a ton of male friends, I don’t know why you seemed so uptight about it now. We’re best friends, Henry, I thought you knew me better than that.” The last sentence came out a bit harsh, she didn’t intend to make it sound the way it did, but it was too late to take that back now.

“Mhm…” Amber really wanted to slit Henry’s throat. Here he is semi-interrogating, trying to act indifferent and the only thing he could manage was a mhm

Henry stared at his best friend with a blank expression, well, he tried to masked his emotion would be a more accurate representation. “Befriending a teacher doesn’t make it any less awkward that he’s in your dorm drunk.” He said as he pointed to the man lying down on the floor.

“Maybe he was wondering around here by accident?” Amber fibbed.

Henry laughed dryly, “Right. I should mention to you that I heard the conversation from the get go. He came here to see you.”

Crap. I’m screwed.” Amber thought. Henry was mad, that part was quite obvious. “Dude,” Amber spoke, awkwardly inserting the word dude to make it feel less…well, she couldn’t really explain the atmosphere. She just needed her ‘buddy’ to stop being pissed off, “I know you’re being an over protective big bro here, but I am fine.”  

“I know that.” His voice sounded bitter, it was hard to tell, really. He was good at trying to stay composed when he was mad. “I’m just wondering why he’s drunk on your bed.”

“Yeah, I’m still trying to decipher that one out,” Amber commented, “You don’t think, um our teacher and me, have a thing going on do you?”

Henry was about to reply before a drunk voice beat him to it.

“I should really go home!” Henry and Amber turned to the grown man lying on her bed, sniffing her bed sheets, and laughing hysterically (the wonders of alcohol shocked Amber sometimes). “It was nice seeing your face Amber!”

Mr. Lau tried to get up, but collapsed right after taking a few steps.

Henry and Amber traded looks, “I think we should carry him back to his home,” Amber suggested, “I mean, I don’t think I want a drunk guy sleeping here.”

Henry ran his hand through his hand and sighed.  

“Yeah. As much as I want answers to your suddenly bubbly friendship with our teacher, I won’t ask about it…” He paused, “…as much.”

Amber grinned, she was relieved. At least the interrogation was over now. She walked towards the drunk teacher, “Um, Mr. Lau, where do you live?”

“In Canadaaaaaaaaa!” Mr. Lau slurred, Amber couldn’t help but wondered if he’ll remember this by the morning.

“I mean your current living area in the past.” Amber didn’t know why she added ‘in the past’, she earned a curious glanced from Henry though. That wasn’t good, but then again there wasn’t any law saying she couldn’t tell him everything. She just didn’t bother telling him the chaotic news. Nah that was a total half baked lie. She was dying to tell Henry, maybe it was her own gut feeling that told her not to mess with time travelling . Time traveller movies always emphasized that one move could screw someone’s life completely. Yeah, Amber was getting advice and help from time travelling movies. Don’t judge.  

“Sinsa-dong 561-1 Gangnam-gu,” Mr. Lau recited, He laid on the floor, almost ready to take a good night rest.

Amber nodded, “That’s close here. Maybe a twenty minute walk. Now the only problem is actually getting him there.”

Henry nodded, “I grab his head, you grab his feet and then we carry him from there?” 

“Not the most appealing way to carry someone but, hell why not?” Amber said.

That choice – they’d probably regret it.




 “We look like we’re trying to dispose a dead man’s body.” Amber commented, it’s not every day that Amber got to hold a sleeping drunk guy’s feet, while her best friend (not to mention he’s technically the older version of the drunk guy) was holding his head in a really awkward position.

Henry’s fuming anger was no longer there (much to Amber’s relief). “You want to dispose his body and take a run?” Henry spoke playful.

“Aha, you’d regret that, my friend.” Amber said.

 Henry only grinned, “How so?”

“Yes. Trust me on that. I bet our friendship on it.”

Henry clicked his tongue, “I don’t know about that one, you seem to be confident.”

Amber grinned, “I’m always confident.”

 “You didn’t seem so confident when I caught you having an affair with the teacher.”

“Henry, you won’t drop this will you?” Henry bit his lips, not answering Amber’s question. Truth be told, he didn’t know why he reacted the way he did. Okay, maybe he did know, but he was surprised he reacted that way. He wanted to be cool, calm, and collective when he faced her….Yeah that wasn’t going to happen. Now he’s here carrying his teacher’s head. Not his brightest moments in life.

“As long as you’re not going to do anything strange…”Henry emphasised the word strange, irritating Amber in the process.

“Hell man, I don’t have a thing going on!” Amber said indignantly (though she knew that he was her future husband and all, but she decided best to leave that out).

Henry grinned, “I know, I’m just playing with yah. Anyways, it’s been more than twenty minutes, are you sure we’re going the right way?”

Amber was silent, she knew that both their arms were aching; carrying a grown man is no joke. “Yeah and we’re almost there, the address seemed like it’s an apartment.”

“Good, because my arms are tired and carry someone’s head is not fun. “     

“Aw, is Henry this weak?” Amber teased, knowing she damage his man pride. It was easy to poke a nerve at Henry sometimes.

“Ha, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I feel better than ever.” His words failing him as he was struggling to hold Mr. Lau.

Amber nodded, totally unconvinced, “Whatever you say.”

“Hey, you’re not holding his head. One wrong move and I might leave him unconscious.” Henry retorted. He needed to at least restore some of his man pride.

Amber was about to reply when she looked at Henry’s mouth dropped, “Henry?”

“Amber…is his house that apartment behind you?”

Amber looked behind her and was wide opened. It confirmed one thing, Mr. Lau was rich. Very very rich.

 “Do you think we can enter the building? There’s a guard in front of the door and we kind of look suspicious, you know.” Henry pointed out.

“You don’t say,” Amber sardonically said, “well, I guess, we could do this…” Amber let go of her grip on Mr. Lau’s feet. She slid Mr. Lau’s arm around her neck, she motioned Henry to do the same, “With this, we’ll look less suspicious.”

“Why didn’t we do that beforehand?”Henry asked, feeling a bit dumb.

“Because I didn’t think of it until now,” Amber merely stated, they came closer to the guard in front of her.

“Ugh, the person we’re carrying is drunk and he said he lives here, so…” She waited for the guard to speak.

“Name and house number.” The guard said shortly.

“Mr. Lau… room 561-1.” Amber nervously mentioned. The guard looked irritated and that didn’t seem like a good sign. “Full name.”

“Ugh…” Amber turned to Henry who was silent. She cursed in her head, great. Just freaking amazing. She motioned the guard to come closer. The guard raised a brow, but leaned closer to Amber. “Henry Lau.” Amber whispered in the guard’s ear.  The guard seemed alarmed the moment she finished speaking.

“Oh, that Mr. Lau, I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner. Please come this way.” Amber scrunched her eyebrows, why was the guard oh-so-suddenly polite and escorting them? Henry stared at her, but she just shrugged.   

They entered the building and wow. It was huge, big, enormous and any adjective in the dictionary that could explain how huge this building was. As if the glass windows and the fifty floor building wasn’t enough, the interior of this building apartment was a different story entirely.

Of course, Amber and Henry got a few strange look, this was a rich-people-only building for crying out loud. The guard smiled and motioned them to enter the elevator. Amber and Henry hesitantly dragged Mr. Lau (he was still sleeping peacefully). The guard entered the elevator and pressed a few buttons, “You’ll be at his room shortly.”

Henry and Amber exchanged looks, it was strange, really really strange. The guard turned to them, “So what happened here?”

“Ugh, well he got drunk and ended up at her house.” Henry glanced at Amber. It was noticeably that he was still annoyed about the earlier events. 

Amber gritted her teeth and managed to murmur a yeah.

“You guys seem really young to be here though.”

“Ugh yeah…” Amber stated. The elevator door opened and Henry and Amber walked out, the guard however stood still. “Well that’s as far as I can escorting you two, just go straight ahead and the last door to the right is his apartment.”

Amber and Henry nodded as they slowly walked towards the mentioned direction. “Oh, one more thing,” The guard came closer and whispered in her ear, “Amber, make sure your future husband doesn’t find out anything.”

Amber stared at the guard, her eyes widen. “Who the hell are you?”

“Call me Siwon.” The guard winked and walked away before Amber could bomb him with question.

What.the.hell. Amber was completely lost, confused, shocked. First, some teacher decides to state that her bestfriend is her husband. Now, some guard from who knows where has some sort of connection to Mr. Lau.  Her life has never been this dandy before.

“Amber? Earth to Amber?” Henry spoke, waving his free hand in front of Amber’s face. Amber shook her head relentless to snap herself out of  the internally conflict she was having.

“I’m fine, let’s just get to Mr. Lau’s apartment.”

After reaching to Mr. Lau’s door, they realized there was another problem, “Ugh, do you think you would know Mr. Lau’s pass code?” Henry asked.

Amber slammed her head against the door, “Great, we didn’t think that one out.”

Henry frowned, “Hey don’t injury yourself now and I guess we’re screwed now. Unless we could find that guard again that you seemed to know…”

“I don’t know him.” Amber coldly stated.

“Amber, are you hiding something from me? You’ve been acting strange this past week.”

“I’m fine, Henry. I’m not hiding anything.” Amber lied smoothly. She was getting better at lying these days, but of course, Henry could see right through it.

Henry scowled at Amber, unconvinced, “After that guard whispered something in your ear, you seem completely out of it.”

“Let’s not talk about it.” Amber smiled at Henry, her smile didn’t seem to reach her eyes and Henry could only frown.

“Alright, but I hope you’ll tell me soon. I wouldn’t be a best friend if I don’t know what’s wrong.” Henry scratched his head, “First off, let’s try to get this pass code open, four numbers, it shouldn’t be hard to guess. I hope.”

“Me too.”

“Man, wouldn’t it be awesome if someone that knew Mr. Lau really well would pop up and open this damn door.” Henry joked.

Amber turned to Henry, she stared for a long time, making Henry somehow nervous, “What?”

“I think I got an idea,” Amber grinned, “technically that some person is right in front of us.”  

“Who better than yourself to asked about the pass code.” Amber thought.  It was a risk, but definitely worth the try.

“Oh what is Ms. Liu's bright idea?”

“Henry, pretend this is your house, what would you chose as your pass code?” Henry scrunched his eyebrows and titled his head.

“Amber, are you basically telling to guess it?”

“No, I’m telling you to pick numbers you would choose as your pass code.”

Henry gave Amber a weird glanced, “Well, if you insisted…”

Henry pressed the four numbers on the pass code, to his surprised the door opened, “What the hell?”

Amber mouth curved into a smile, “Ahaha, I’m a genius when it counts.”

“Amber how the hell did you figured that one out?”

Amber and Henry opened the door wide open and slowly went in. They dragged Mr. Lau onto his expensive couch (everything basically looked expensive to Amber). “That’s a secret.”

“You’re a girl with too many secrets.” Henry pouted, he stretched his arms from the aching pain from carrying a man for at least forty minutes.   

“So, do we just leave him like this?” Amber asked.

“Maybe we should make him soup or something, he’s probably going to have one hell of a hangover.”

Henry scurried to Mr. Lau’s kitchen, he opened the covers, “He has some can soups, and maybe we can boil it for him.” Henry suggested.  

“I’ll boil it,” Amber said, “You go to his room and get him a blanket; he looks like he’s freezing.”

Henry nodded, he walked towards a random room (there were three rooms, it was pretty damn big for an apartment).

Henry entered the room. There were boxes everywhere, obviously Mr. Lau hadn’t bother unpacking all these boxes in his room. Henry spotted the big master bed and quickly took the blanket from there.

He was about to walk out of  the room, but stopped as he stared at the box that was opened, in small print, it wrote ‘Memories’. Henry peered inside the box curiously, he took one picture out of the box and his face froze. “What the…”

He took a bunch of pictures and scanned all of them, “What the hell is going on here…”

“Henry!” Amber yelled, “Did you find the blankets?”

“Yeah,” Henry yelled back, “I’m coming out. Hold on.” He stuffed a few photos inside his pocket. He then turned to stare at the desk that had a small circle machinery? Henry walked towards the chip and picked it up, “A chip?”


“What’s talking this guy so long?” Amber murmured, she walked towards the door Henry was in, “Henry, what’s taking—”

Amber temporary halted her sentence and looked at Henry suspiciously. Henry had buried his face in the blanket.

“Nothing, these blankets, smell really really nice, Amber.”

Amber raised a brow, “Okay then…”

“Anyways, Henry I’m still boiling the soup. I feel bad for intruding, but he’s the one who was drunk on my door steps.”

Henry nodded nervously, “Yeah, let’s stay for a bit longer, it’s only 6:30.” He covered the blanket on Mr. Lau and sat on a couch beside him.

Amber sat next to Henry, “So…” Amber started, waiting for Henry to say something.

“Shouldn’t you be worried about the soup?” He asked.

“Henry, I’m only boiling the can soup. All I have to do is wait until it gets hot.”  Amber eyed Henry suspiciously, something wasn’t right.

“Aha, whoops my bad. So how long should we plan to stay?” Henry questioned, avoiding Amber’s gaze.

“I was thinking we could stay until 7:30, if he doesn’t wake up by then we should leave.”

Henry nodded, “Seems reasonable and I am dying to use this t.v. it is huge.” Henry pointed to the television in front of them.

“Yeah, it is. Let’s watch something!” Amber said excitingly. Although it was pretty rude to intrude and make electricity bill higher without permission, but it was also rude to come to a person’s house drunk.

Henry the T.V. with the remote that was convenient located next to him. Henry and Amber watched a comedy gig on a channel they weren’t familiar with.

A few minutes in and they were laughing hysterically. They were two people who could laugh easily.

Henry chuckled when the two comedians on the show were doing something stupid yet hilarious things. “Henry, I think the soups done boiling, wanna pour it into a bowl?”

“Why can’t you do it Amber?”

“I’m too comfortable to leave this couch, expensive couches are amazing.”

“I’m older than you Amber, you should listen to me.” This was true, although Henry and Amber had the same classes, he was older than her. The education system in Korea was really different and vast from Canada, Henry felt staying a few years back would help him, since he couldn’t understand most of the lessons in the grade he was actually in.

“Hey, don’t use the older card on me.” Amber said.

Henry rolled his eyes, “Alright.” Henry stood up from the couch and turned the heat off. He poured some soup in the bowl with a big spoon he found lying on the counter. After that, he shoved the remaining soup in the fridge. Henry took some plastic wrapper and covered the bowl. “Okay, I’m done. Amber, I’m going to the washroom. We should probably leave; it’s almost 7:30 anyways.”

Amber nodded, “Go and take a piss.”

Henry laughed and walked inside the washroom. He quickly did his business and washed his face. As he walked out, he realized Amber was already getting ready to leave.

The two walked out of the apartment, ready to go home and have a nice sleep.




Mr. Lau opened his eyes, “I thought they’d never leave.”




It was 8:00 and Henry was in front of his dorm, he opened the door with his keys.  He walked inside and saw no one, “Luhan’s not home…? That’s strange.”

Henry decided to make some coffee; he put a lot of sugar in it (he wasn’t a fan of bitter taste). He walked to his desk and stared at the wall.

“Something’s not right.” He whispered to himself, he took the photo from his pocket. It was slightly bent and ripped. He didn’t know why he took the photos. He was confused, shock and utterly speechless. Henry also didn’t know why, he didn’t discuss it with Amber. She hasn’t been acting herself and he had a gut feeling she knew something he didn’t.

He stared long and hard at the photo of him and Amber smiling. They looked older, but nevertheless, they still had the same old grin he was fond of.

They never took this photo before. Henry furrowed his eyebrows, could he have a double ganger? Mr. Lau definitely had some resemblance to him. Maybe it was just pure coincidence that Mr. Lau looked like him when he was younger, but that still didn’t explain how the girl next to him looked so much like Amber. He bit his lips.


He couldn’t even think of a theory with this weird coincidence.

Not a single damn thing.

He scratched his head.

Why does everything have to be damn confusing?

Henry rummaged through his pockets and looked at the chip he accidently stole. He didn’t mean to take it, but Amber surprised him when she barged in the room, so he instinctively took it.

He stared at the small red button located in the centre, “What would happen if I clicked it?” Henry asked himself curiously.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

 Henry turned around to the voice from behind. “Who the hell are you?”  


A/N : sorry no hunhan this chapter ^^! they'll be in the next one for sure. 

Sorry for being inactive too, been busy with school, I didn`t have time to update ^^;;

And I was having a writers block as my henber ship disappeared on us.

Henry's solo! Eeeeeek! 

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restlessly #1
Chapter 9: This is an amazing story! I hope you will update it soon!
Chapter 9: Oh man this story is perfect! Still waiting for an update <3
minia143 #3
Chapter 9: Author-nim please update keke
Chapter 9: Yeah... this is awesome chapter you make^^
And you are right.. i have to rereading the previous chapter to get the feelings for this story kekekeke

But, still curious about all the complication thing that happen in this story from the beginning... what is really happen beetwen HenBer in the future so they have to be back in the past?????
Update soon n moreeee linger pleaseeeee <3 thabks for this updated XD
Loly21 #5
Chapter 9: Wow.. This story is so cool& fun!! But I still don't get it why Henry come from the future only to let Amber know he will be her future husband?? And what event Siwon& Henry talked about.. I didn't expect future Amber will appearance!! I can't wait for the next chapter:) Fighting!!
ShidaM #6
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! And the super awesome plot twist o:
wow... this story is really unpredictable :O
Thanks for (finally) updating it (lol, jk, I know writer block is never authors' friend)

wait for the next chapter :3
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 9: Omg you HAVE TO update this story. Too much mysteries and plot twists and i just love it too much
I did think maybe the future Amber died and mr.Lau went back to change it. Fortunately, it didnt happen that way.
Authornim fighting!
Chapter 9: That was intense hahhahaah
Chapter 9: /calming down/


I didn't expect Amber (the future one) to make her appearance.