
Between friendship and love


A\N first I am sorry it took me a while to update, and that the story so dramatic and sad. about the the SJ dorm arrangement, I know Hee and Yesung aren't living together but I took the librety to change it ^^ I'll edit it later, right now I am depressed by my own fic






Junsu pulled away the phone from his ear, damn what happened this time? probably this Yunho did something lift Jae to the tones that can break glasses and deafen him.

"no Jae" he said with his normal soft voice "what the jerk has done this time?" he asked empathically




"but you know, they always do this kind of skinship, who is it this time? Again one of this Exo guys?"


"no" Jae was sobbing, loudly, by now "it's this sorry excuse for a singer Jongwoon, damn him, what we had was perfect, and the ruined it! I wish his stupid turtles die and his stupid tiny creepy fingers fall off too"


"wait you mean Jongwoona? Damnit Jae" Junsu sighed "we've known each other since we were SM trainee , they are barely friends and you know it"




"Jae" Junsu face palmed and stuttered "Just, just talk to them and clear all the misunderstanding will ya? I have to go... I need to do this- "




"fine" Junsu quickly gave up.


 and so, Jae went on and on and onnnnnnnnnnn, venting his anger on his treacherous boyfriend


"well when you'll finish your schedule today?: Jae finally calmed down a little "yo Kim Junsu? do you hear me??"


"ahhh…" a female hesitated voice answered

 "Mr. Kim went some time ago, he kinda... left his phone here…he told me to tell you, you should stop be being a jerk and-d-d talk to them, he won't come back until next Monday"  the girl hung up immidietly after she was done reading Junsu's script.


"aish, this lousy friend, him I'm gonna talk to him later"


His phone rang again




"hey baby" Yunho said casually "how was your weekend?"


"baby? You already forgot my name you male ? You're so so so lucky we're breaking up through the phone, I probably would've stabbed you"


"Jae baby what's wrong?"


"don't ing Jae me, you and that bleached useless thing"

"what?" dumbfounded Yunho asked but Jae went on with his rant "how he seduced you? Did you do it on the plane ah I don't wanna know I HATE YOU! you know I-"




"shut up jerk I'm not done yet, you'll have a piece of me before you'll run to the sunset with the world's greatest ert. You know-"




SHUT UP where was I? yes I'm actually offended have you seen the pathetic excuse for café he opened recently? Everything there looks like it was garbage-pulled and the plates what kind of place that respects his self uses paper plates huh?!


"Jae baby relax I "


"don't relax me!!"


"fine fine just don't-

\smashing noises\


"-break anything until I come" Yunho pinched his bridge nose and groaned, frustrated


"we'll have a talk when you calm down I love you" Yunho sighed and hung up


"Arghh he actually hung up on me! THE AUDACITY! But he is right!-" Jae rose from the sofa allowing the cleaning ajuma to clean the shattered vasa and crystal glasses off the floor


"I should pay the a visit! Maybe trash her place a little bit so she'll know what she gets for ing with me, ing with my boyfriend!!"

And so Jae carefully masked himself with a black baseball cap, black facial mask and a pair of black shades, now that all of his face was covered he was good to go…

(A\N yeah…Jae dear, you don't look suspicious…at all ._.")


Screaming fangirls and an endless line was what Jae faces as soon as he arrived the café, not good, to say the least.

 Luckily, a tiny dude with a ducky face stopped beside him and pulled him from the line "hey man how you are doing? Haven't seen you in ages, did you come to check competition?" he winked playfully. The pudgy guy pulled him out of the line and took Jae around the shop to a secret entrance "sorry, gotta hurry before they'll recognize you, you know how fangirls get crazy sometimes"


Then it hit Jae where met the guy, it was Jongwoon's little brother! dear lord he knew him since he was a little high school squirt and now, now he was…well he didn't change much as a matter of fact, he was still a baby faced shorty just as he (failed) to remember him.


"Jae-joong-ah!" a loud voice said and he felt he's pulled into a bone crashing hug by a tiny loud, impolite\very direct, motherly old lady. Yep that's bu kyung alright, you can't forget a character like her.


"How're you doing? Come to the porch you'll have privacy there until Jongwoonie comes, he'll be sooo happy to see you" she squeaked happily "now what do you want to drink? I'm getting you my famous rice cake too"


Jaejoong tried to politely refuse but as expected, to no use "I'm not asking you, no need to be shy with us! we're family" she smiled at him.

Jaejoong felt a little bit guilty by now, after all he came there with ill intentions however, Jongwoon's family was nothing but nice to him

 "now what you drink?"

"espresso please" Jaejoong answered quietly

"will be right up, I'm sorry I can't keep you company but kkoming is here, you can play with her"



Couple of minutes after bu kyung left a cute waitress went upstairs and served him the espresso and cake, by then Jae got rid of disguise. Kkoming went to him, like the spoiled princess she is, and demanded attention.

Jae looked at her and whispered to her "go away! you'll get nothing out of me you may be cute BUT, first you're an ugly dog! And worst, you are his dog! so you'll get nothing out of me!"

Kkoming still looked at him and didn't budge an inch.


"not the smartest, are we" he sighed and patted her furry head.


Honestly… he was tired of playing primadona all day long, it wasn't really his style at all to make such a scene just because couple of pictures, he didn't know how Heechul hyung managed to live his all life like this. At the quite balcony feelings of guilt and embracement began to nibble his insides, he knew that Yunho and Jongwoon entered to SM ent. together, he knew they've been good friends since then, he knew he supported him when Jae couldn't.

Jae was always confident; he was taller, much more handsome he wasn't less of a singer yet, somehow, Jongwoon threatened him like nobody else.

 Yunho and he survived through much worst times, he saw Yunho doing much closer skinship with other singers but it never bothered him, not like today morning when he saw the picture of them hugging and playing around.


Jae heard the door open…


"hey" he said with a shy smile "sorry it took me so long"


He sat in front of Jae, trying to maintain his smile the best he can against Jae's freezing cold attitude


"I hope the coffee was to your liking…"


 Jae simply nodded


"Are you going to eat the cake?"


Jae shook his head and mouthed 'no' as he examined the man in front of him. He noted to himself he was way more beautiful than what he remembered, 'apparently ugly creepy ducky developed into a handsome swan' somehow that thought made Jae bite his bottom lip unconsciously.


"I'll help myself then" Jongwoon declared and began to carefully remove the whipped cream from the cake "mom would be disappointed if she saw you didn't touch the cake" he explained "rice cake? Aish all the glutton, I'll be stuck in the gym for a week. I wanna cry" still Jongwoon ate the cake reluctantly; it was only after he finished it that he began to talk again.


"look…you may think it's unconvincing coming from me but we didn’t do anything wrong, Yunho loves you, you've been in love for so long…" he paused "Yunho is my friend but you've been together for so long, I can't be a reason for you to breakup, so… I'll…I won't stay in touch with Yunho"


Jae was still silent. Finally when he was able to speak he thanked Jongwoon silently, he wore his mask and shades again and sneaked to the kitchen to thank bu kyung and  Jong jin while Jongwoon entertained the fans so they won't notice him and left through the service exit.






"so have you told him?" Yunho asked calmly


"about what?" Jongwoon answered with a question


"about that time, at the after party when we were dead drunk and we f-"


"no!! idiot obviously I didn't"


"And about the time in the beathroom during the rehersels that we-"




"And the one time you came to my room in the hotel in the middle of the night and though Min was sleeping next to us you-"




"it felt so good…oh, I see…" Yunho mumbled pensivly


Disturbing silence went on for couple of seconds before Jongwoon asked nervously "so…are you back together now?"


"what have you told him?" Yunho ignored his question


Jongwoon answed slowly barely audiable "I- I promised him that if it bothered him I'll stop being your friend, have you talked since then?"


"no, not really. He just packed his things and said we're on a break for now and that he needs time to to think about our relationship"


Yesung gasped as panic rushed in his veins, this was bad, the worst outcome, they are parting and it was  h i s  fault. 

"But why?!?!?! I told him specifically I won't be in your way! That I don't want you to breakup" "why don't you run after him? Tell him you love him before he misunderstands and everything will be ruined-"


"And what if everything is not ruined?" Yunho cut him "what if instead of thinking how to apologize and stop Jae from leaving, I thought about you?!"

Jongwoon made no sound but Yunho continued "what if instead…a part in my brain thought…instead of begging Jae not to leave me, I thought about the times I spent with you. Thinking that maybe-" Yunho swallowed "I can think about you, lying preciously in my arms without feeling guilty about it. I was thinking how I could've make love to you, I could freely feel your slender body cling to me, and you, you squeeze around me, fill my ears with pantings and your maddening raspy low, divine voice chanting my name again and again ecstatically while I-"


"STOP IT!!" Jongwoon hung the phone in Yunho's face, he couldn't listen to him any longer. Digging deeper inside his bed, as if he wanted to disappear, as a matter of fact he did want. He felt guilty, guilt that he lied to Jae, guilt that he had done all this things with a man in relationship and guilt that maybe, just maybe he developed feelings for Yunho, and deep inside his heart he was  a little bit relieved and happy Yunjae broke up. Jongwoon never felt more rotted, disgusted with himself in his entire life.




"Yesung you have a guest!!" one of his flat mates called




Before Jongwoon could lock the door Yunho already barged in, locking the door behind him. Jongwoon stared him confused by his sudden appearance, his eyes were bloodshot. However, Jongwoon began to talk first "All our…they were mistakes! Meaningless! YOU LOVE JAE NOT ME! you've loved him for years" his voice cracked "We were just drunk and , just seeking a warm body and pleasure, but there were never feelings right?"


Yunho didn't let Jongwoon see how much the things he just said to him hurt, though they were true, or at least they should've been true. He appoched Jongwoon and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a sudden tight hug.


Slightly shaking Jongwoon leaned his head on Yunho's broad shoulders and whispered "how he could've known?"


Yunho sighed and explained "he said you completely sold yourself when you ate that damn rice cake just so your mom won't be offended, he knew you would sacrifice everything you thought is needed for the ones you cherish"


That night Jongwoon didn't stop apologizing, Yunho didn't stop hugging him until he cried himself to sleep.


When Heechul woke up in the middle of the night to drink water, he saw Yunho, sitting motionless sitting next to their dinner table.

"you know" he began to speak with the glass of water in his hand "unlike what romance crap tells us, it is not impossible to be in love with two men the same time-"
Yunho looked at him and Heechul continued with a bitter tone "But one thing is certain. It's you that is going to get hurt the most, no matter what the oucome shell be"



Yunho never felt so torn and helpless









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300 views almost no comments a little bit sad, was it that bad? yunjae fans hate me? -.- I should never write ffics again;;


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Chapter 1: But lol Jae your ability to disguise yourself is.. Something XD
{I can actually see this happening god my bias is such a lovely idiot XD}
Chapter 1: *reading this again*
*reading this again*
I do not approve!
*runs to bed and covers myself with million blankets* WAE NONNA ;A;
Eggums #3
Chapter 1: ah- i'm so late... there should be a sequel........ lol
Chapter 1: Ahhh yunsung~ ♥♥♥ make a sequel pleaaaase :')
Chapter 1: what the hell did just happen? :OOOO
kyuuuuuuuuuu #6
Chapter 1: You have to continue!!!!
pleaseman #7
that is so awesome