Precious Memories

Call Me Tae

“Minho, let’s go on a double date this weekend,” Key suggested, wrapping his arms around Jonghyun’s waist and resting his chin on his boyfriend’s shoulder.

Minho immediately rejected the idea by rolling his eyes and stating a simple, “No.”

“Aww, but it’ll be fun!”


“Come on Minho,” Jonghyun contributed, “you know Key’s not gonna give up until you agree.  He’ll just get more annoyingly persistent.”  That earned him a whack on the head from Key.  “Ow!  I didn’t mean it yeobo!”

Key rolled his eyes.  “Yes you did.”

“…okay I did.”  Key whacked Jonghyun again.

Taemin giggled.  The JongKey couple could be so entertaining at times!  He turned to Minho and used his secret weapon.  He used aegyo.  “Aww, we should go, Minho…it’d be fun!”

Minho gave in right away when his ‘girlfriend’ suggested it.  He smiled.  “Where do you want to go then, Tae?”

Taemin grinned.  “Amusement park!”  Minho was so weak against his aegyo.  He had discovered that rather early on in their relationship.

“Amusement park it is!” Key exclaimed, letting go of Jonghyun and grinning at the other couple.  “It’s a double date!  Let’s all meet at noon on Saturday at Minho’s.”

“Yah!  Why is it my house?”

“Because you don’t want it to be.”  Key laughed and stuck his tongue out.  “Merong!”


Ah…It’s still early, Taemin thought as he glanced at the clock for the fifteenth time that morning.  He anxiously paced around his room, staring at his clock as he passed it, willing time to hurry up and move already.  Only 11:30…that was too early, right?  It would only take him a few minutes to get to Minho’s house.  He groaned in frustration and glared at his clock.  MOVE, you stupid thing!

“Hmm…Minho wouldn’t mind if I showed up early, right?”  He chewed on his lip.  “But maybe he would…aaaah I don’t know!”  He grabbed his bag and ran downstairs, pausing to check his appearance in the mirror as he passed it.  Then he pulled on his shoes and left the house.  I’m going now anyway, he thought.  Minho will just have to get over it.

When he arrived, Minho was still in his pajamas, and his hair was all messed up, like he’d just been sleeping.  Taemin chuckled to himself.  Lazy bum.  “Tae?  You’re early.”

Taemin nodded.  “Yeah, is that a problem?”

Minho shook his head quickly.  “No, not at all!”

“Did I wake you up?”

“No!   Well…”  Minho looked down at his pajamas.  “Eheheh…yeah, kinda.”  He brought his eyes back up to Taemin’s.  “But I needed to get up anyway, since it’s almost time.  I’m glad you woke me up actually.  If I’d been like this when JongKey got here, they’d tease me to no end.”  The look on his face when he said that gave Taemin the impression that he knew from experience, and the memory wasn’t pleasant.

Taemin laughed.  “You should go get changed before they get here then.”

Minho nodded.  “I’ll be right back.”  He ran upstairs to change.

Key and Jonghyun arrived precisely two minutes before noon, and fortunately for Minho, he was completely ready by then, no sign remaining of how late he had slept.  The two couples headed to the amusement park together, chattering the whole way about which rides they absolutely had to go on.

When they got there, Jonghyun dragged them all to a roller coaster.  “We have to start the day with a big one, get the adrenaline going!”  He grinned.  “No arguing.  We’re riding this first.”  He pulled them into the line and Minho glanced at Taemin, wondering how his ‘girlfriend’ felt about roller coasters.  When they rode it, however, Minho was surprised to discover that the youngest in their group was completely fine with it.  Minho was a bit tense, but Taemin seemed to be really enjoying himself.

Taemin whooped when they got off the ride.  “Let’s ride it again!”

Minho laughed nervously.  “Eheh…sure, but later.  Let’s do some other stuff first.”

“I agree with Tae,” Key stated.  Jonghyun nodded in agreement.

Minho groaned as the other three dragged him into three more rounds on that roller coaster, and then two rounds on another one.

Taemin felt like he was having the best day of his life.  The roller coasters were thrilling, and it was funny to watch Minho try to hide his nervousness about them.  Best of all, he was spending a whole day with the boy he loved and his best friends.  Could life get better?  Well, it could if he didn’t have to pretend to be a girl, but he knew that wasn’t possible.  This was as good as it was going to get.

He pulled out his camera and snapped a few shots of Minho, and of the JongKey couple.  He wanted to remember this day for the rest of his life.  He also wanted to get pictures of Minho while he still could.  He didn’t know how much longer their relationship would last.  Lately his boyfriend had been getting closer and closer to discovering his secret.

As they were eating cotton candy, Taemin stealthily took several close-up shots of Minho’s smiling face.  Then he took a few pictures of the three best friends together, before Key finally noticed his camera.

“Yah!”  Key glared at Taemin.  “If you’re taking pictures, you should be in some too.”  He yanked the camera away from the younger boy, then shoved him toward Minho.  “Go stand over by Minho.  Look like a couple!”

Minho put his arm around Taemin and the younger leaned his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.  Key took a bunch of pictures of the two together, directing their poses as if it were some sort of photoshoot.  They were getting a little annoyed.  Finally Key grabbed a stranger and asked for a group picture.  The girl agreed and Key joined Taemin and Minho, pulling Jonghyun into the picture as well.

“Say kimchi!”


They had fun doing just about everything the park had to offer, and the time flew by too quickly for Taemin’s liking.  He wanted this perfect day to last for his whole life.  Every now and then he snapped more pictures to preserve the precious memories.

About halfway through the afternoon, Taemin wanted to slow down and rest a bit.  “Let’s get ice cream!” he suggested, grinning excitedly.  They all agreed and a few minutes later the four friends sat on a bench enjoying ice cream cones.

“Tae, you have some on your face.”

“Hm?”  Taemin brought his hand up to his face to wipe it away, but before his fingers were anywhere near his face, Minho leaned toward him and off the ice cream.  Then he kissed Taemin deeply, the ice cream still on his tongue.  That caught Taemin by surprise, and he accidentally dropped his ice cream cone on the ground.  He looked down at it sadly.

“That’s okay,” Minho said with a chuckle.  “We can share.”    He held his cone in front of Taemin, who it happily.

Key giggled as he watched the couple.  “You two are so cute together.”

Taemin blushed deeply.  Minho grinned.

Jonghyun pretended to gag.  This lovey-dovey atmosphere was too much for him.


Key, Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin stayed at the amusement park, enjoying everything it had to offer, until closing time, which came sooner than any of them would have liked.  When they parted, Jonghyun and Key went home together, and Minho walked Taemin home.

When they reached Taemin’s house, Taemin grinned and said, “Today was fun!”

Minho smiled and nodded.  “We should go again sometime then.”

“Minho, are you scared of roller coasters?” Taemin teased.

The older boy’s eyes widened and he shook his head.  “Uh…no, of course not!”

“Then why did you seem so nervous when we rode them?”

“I wasn’t nervous,” Minho insisted.

“Oh really?”  Taemin crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.  “You were all tense.”

“No I wasn’t…  Oh by the way, don’t forget Key wanted some copies of those pictures.”

Taemin laughed.  “Don’t just change the subject!  That confirms that you’re lying!”  He rolled his eyes.  “Oh, Minho, you have a lot to learn about lying.”  His smile faded as he realized what he had just said.  Yeah, I would know, wouldn’t I?  I’m an expert at lying now.  His guilt chose that moment to surface and punched him in the gut.  Ouch.

As he and Minho looked into each other’s eyes, his lies were literally staring him right in the face.  How was he going to fix this?  It bothered him more and more each day.  I should just tell him…before it’s too late.

“Minho, I…” he began, but a lump in his throat cut him off.

“What is it?” Minho asked, noticing that he wasn’t grinning anymore.  “Is something wrong?”

Taemin shook his head and forced a smile.  “No, nevermind.”  I can’t do it.  Not yet.

Minho smiled and leaned in to kiss Taemin, who kissed him back lovingly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s neck.  This time Minho took the kiss a bit further.  Taemin was surprised to feel a tongue slide across his bottom lip, and soon after it entered his mouth.

The kiss felt amazing, but Taemin had a bad feeling about where it was going.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go further.  Oh, he wanted to go so much further; he was aching to.  But as much as his body urged him to go further, his head told him no.  If he let things go too far he would be discovered.  Of course he was going to tell Minho eventually, but he didn’t want him to find out that way.  He couldn’t imagine that would go well at all.

Taemin felt a hand on his thigh and his heart pounded in his chest.  Calm down, Taemin.  You can’t give in.  Willpower!

As Minho’s hand moved farther up his thigh, Taemin shivered.  Omo…  He started to panic.  If that hand moved any more he would be discovered!  The hand was dangerously close to Taemin’s crotch.  He grabbed Minho’s wrist, breaking the kiss at the same time.

Minho pulled his hand away.  Taemin turned bright red and avoided looking at his boyfriend.  He started mumbling.  “Um…sorry…I just…”  He bit his lip.  “See you Monday.”  Without letting Minho get as much as one word in, he spun around and went inside, closing the door quickly behind himself.

A/N - Okay I lied.  There's gonna be one more part, six instead of five.  I think it's also probably going to have a rated part, so...this is your official warning. ^^;

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Chapter 6: ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: Yay 2min happy ending.. but Key doesn't have any right to beat Minho if he rejected Taem for being a boy. If he wanted to be accepted by his friend for being a gay, shouldn't he too accept other people ualities? You can't force someone to change it.
Chapter 6: cute, fluff and adorable..
Siblings-Curse #4
Chapter 1: ...well, when it comes to needing an ally, there seems to be no fanfiction writer out there that can give Taemin a better ally other than his own umma.

Of course it means nagging...but still.
RedheadedVixen #5
Chapter 6: Awwww! So adorable!
Ommmmmmggggggggg noooo sequalllllllll??????!!!!!!!!!! U NEED TO HAVE ONE!!! Musssstttttt
SHINeeCHoiMinho12 #7
I love this fic, :D <3
The ending, <3 <3 <3
Just, everything<3 xD
i love it <3 <br />
I think Minho might already know... maybe >.>
again, go Minho XD<br />
I hope Taemin tells him and it's okay :D