became a memories


people said, when you had something to say, just says it out...because we never know when we ever get the chance

or that moment may never come again...never afraid to speak up..

but sometimes the moment don't always agree with us..right?


so here are my thought...

just one of the remorse in my life that I'll always carried throughout my life...


can you hear my heart?

it longing for you..

it keeps screaming to the world 

so that you'll would know how much

i miss you

i need you...

it pains me to bear this.......


hey, life still the same..I'd just realize it now...

nothing change..the world still keep spinning just like usual

but why this heart still didn't move on?

it's been a routine to me...

seeing the same pathway..the same spot..

it's your tracts, ours...

now, it becomes every ones...

the winds also had change their course..

follows your absence.....


I'm sorry for being such a coward

if i had a bit of confident,

but, would it be the same?

would you accept me?

would you ignore me then?

i guess that's the problem...

I' am too afraid to know the answer..







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LovingKitty #1
That was good >.< liked it