
The Five Rules Of Being Psychic


The Five Rules of Being Psychic

Part One: The Rules

Chapter Three: Crushed

Yuri woke with a jolt. Her alarm clock wasn't set to go off for another ten minutes but she knew she would never be able to fall asleep. Feeling groggy, Yuri went to get ready for the day. It was going to be a long day.

By the time Talents rolled around, Yuri was back to her usual self. She had been feeling out of sorts that day, but she felt just a bit better now.

"Okay," BoA held up her hands. The whole class shut up. Yuri wished she had BoA as her teacher for every class. School would be so much more fun, then. "Class, I'm going to put you into groups of two. You are going to compare Rules and then you are going to make a list of similarities and differences. You are going to read both your lists in front of the class tomorrow. Now, I want you two together, you two together, you two together." BoA  finally reached Yoona,Taeyeon,Yuri,and Jessica and paired them up with the boys behind them, She grouped Raven-haired boy and Yuri together, then Taeyeon and Sunggyu, then dark-haired boy and Yoona, and Jessica and Woohyun who seemed especially happy about that. Jessica had already told the girl about her date with him on Saturday. "You two together." BoA said simply, to each one of their groups. To this day, all the girls wonder if she knew what she was doing.

The Raven-haired boy scooted up to Yuri, while she listened to the other girl's conversations.

"Let's get this over with." Sunggyu scooted his chair up to Taeyeon, "I am so not looking forward to working with this airhead."

"Ya! Kim Sunggyu, you !" Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at him. Jessica rolled her eyes.

Sunggyu  just laughed.

"Can we just get to work?" The dark-haired boy asked Yoona, who was too busy chatting with Jessica to notice.

"I feel like I'm being ignored." Woohyun eyed Jessica and Yoona, who were both talking furiously about nothing important.

"You are." the mysterious boy  told Woohyun. Yuri giggled.

"Hi, I'm Jang Dongwoo." The Raven-haired boy said to Yuri. She flipped in her chair to face him.

"I'm Kwon Yuri." She replied.

"Oh!? Aren't your sisters in a famous girl group?" he  asked. Yuri turned beat red and sighed, she hated it when people mentioned her sisters. Whenever anyone said 'The Kwon Sisters', she was always reminded that it sounded like she was related to strippers. Which, considering the scanty clothing her sisters wore, she was.

"Yeah, I guess." she frowned.

"We should get started on our project!" Dongwoo changed the subject, oblivious to Yuri's horrors of her sisters.

"Yeah." she agreed. She focused all her energy on reading his mind.

And came up with nothing. And that aggravated her. She really wanted to know why she couldn't read his mind.

They dove into their project.



"Kim Myungsoo." Yoona looked over his sheet of rules. "The Five Rules of Business. You're just like Jessica! Only…" Yoona dropped her voice and leaned closer to Myungsoo, "Yours are better. Don't tell her, though!"

"Don't tell me what?" Jessica called.

"Nothing, princess!" she  called back. Jessica gave her the evil eye and went back to flirting with Woohyun.

Yoona looked back at Myungsoo, who was looking over her rules with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, it clicked where she had seen him before.

"You're that boy who tripped over me! And called me seong-gasin(Troublesome)!"

"Seong-gasin." He snorted, confirming her accusation, "I can't believe it took you that long to figure it out."

"Shut up, Myungsoo!" Yoona swatted at him, annoyed. She tilted her head to the side, and focused in on his thoughts.

She hated coming up with nothing. It just fueled her need to learn what was wrong with their powers.

L shot her Five Rules of Fashion back at her.

"You've got some stupid rules there, Troublesome."

Yoona  set her jaw so she wouldn't hit him, she wasn't called Him Yoona for nothing, and hoped her friends were having better luck with these boys than her.


Yuri  giggled as Dongwoo made another impression. This one of Myungsoo. He was really good that impressions. She was laughing so hard her sides hurt.

Myungsoo looked over at them laughing and hit Dongwoo over the head.

"Ow!" he turned to Myungsoo, "That hurt!"

"Make fun of me again, please." Myunsoo grunted. Yuri's giggles abruptly stopped.

"That's better." Myungsoo turned back to Yoona.

"You shouldn't be so mean!" Yoona  swatted at him again. Yuri shared a sly look with Dongwoo, and they both burst out laughing again.

Yuri hadn't laughed this much since…she couldn't remember when, but it felt good to laugh with this cheerful, dense boy.

They hadn't even begun on their project.

"Are we okay over here?" BoA rounded on Yuri and Dongwoo. Yuri tried to hold in her giggles, but couldn't.

"Mind telling me what so funny?"

 She couldn't stop laughing to tell her.

"I guess you'll be going first, tomorrow, then."

That shut the two up.

"Sorry, Ma'am." Dongwoo begged, "Please don't make us go first! Please, oh please, oh please!, Jebal!"

Even BoA had to crack a smile at that one. She quickly composed her serious demeanor and said, "Just get to work."

For fear of going first, buckled the two  down.

"The Five Rules of a Swimmer." Dongwoo  titled his head as he read it, "That's pretty easy. I've already got rule number one!"

"Oh, this should be good." Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and Woohyun all leaned over to hear what Dongwoo had to say.

"Don't ever try to breath underwater! Unless you are Aquaman!" He cried, looking like someone who had accomplished something great.

Everyone sweat dropped. Myungsoo shook his head.

"Did he seriously just say that?" Sunggyu asked, looking around for someone else who had heard it too.

"I think he did." Woohyun stared, awestruck, at Dongwoo, "I didn't think he was that stupid."

"Neither did I." Yuri agreed, gaping at Dongwoo, who was unaware that he had done anything wrong.

"Rule two could be…uhm…I don't know."Dongwoo scratched his head, stumped.

"We could just go with my rules." Yuri pulled the piece of paper out of Dongwoo's hands. Frightened, she looked at Dongwoo's paper on Rap Battling. She was pleasantly surprised to see the rules were not as dumb as she expected. She tried to find some similarities. But couldn't. Knowing better than to ask Dongwoo(who would have said something dumb like, 'Well there are five of them') she tried to make them up.

The bell rang when Yuri had two totally stupid similarities between their two sets of rules.

Dongwoo hugged Yuri, much to her surprise, and then quickly let go. He gave her his gummy smile.  Yuri smiled shyly back. Myungsoo grabbed Dongwoo by the ear. "We've got to get to football practice." He grumbled

Dongwoo whined.

"Let's go." Sunggyu smirked. "Bye Airhead."

"You , Kim Sunggyu! Go to hell!"  Taeyeon cried back. Yoona  grinned. Same old Taeyeon.

"Bye Yuri !" Dongwoo called. Yuri waved back. Woohyun and  Jessica were still not done flirting with each other.Annoyed Myungsoo reached over and grabbed Woohyun's ear as well.

"Ow, Ow, OW!" he yelled, as Myungsoo pulled both him and Dongwoo out the door. "Bye Jessica! See you on our date, tomorrow!"  Sunggyushook his head, following them out the door.

Taeyeon turned to Jessica, "He realizes it's Thursday, right?"

Yuri was quite happy with herself. She was kind of sure she liked Dongwoo. He was so sweet and cute and funny. But so dense.

She also wondered why she couldn't read his mind. She was able to read all her past boyfriends' minds, which saved her from much heartache. There was something about him, though. Something that drew her too him. Maybe it was the fact that she couldn't read his mind, which intrigued her more than she could imagine. She would always be guessing what he was thinking, never really knowing.

Whatever it was, she was happy it was there. It was time for her to get a boyfriend.


Chapter Four: First Step
Yoona hates Myungsoo. Myungsoo hates Yoona . Yoona likes Donghae. All in all, Gym class .

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ForeverSoshiKezh #1
Chapter 4: Omo omo omo..tae is the next..^^ update soon!..
Update plz~ I'm waiting to see MyungYoon moments
Nice story..Update soon
Chapter 3: Oh why the girls can't read the boys mind ?? is they all also have something special ??
woohoo yuri and dongwoo can be funny couple kekekeke
I like all pairing :D
Looking forward fo the next author-nim~
Snowyhappy #6
Chapter 3: Update soon
Snowyhappy #7
Update soon
Chapter 1: Oh taeyeon can read other people mind ?? waaaa cool...
that taeyeon and sunggyu bickering make me laugh...
waiting for the next~ :D
Four girls with different problem... hmm I wonder is their will met and be friend ??
ugh~ please update soon XD