Learned It, Just So I Could Talk To You

The Language Of Love
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I groaned at the sight of the new house I’ll be living in as I looked out the window from inside the car.

“There it is. Our new home” dad exclaimed proudly, & all I could do was sulk in the back seat.

Why dad? Why did you have to get that job transfer??

“Honey” my mom called. “Take this key & open the door for us, would ya? So that the movers can bring our furniture in”

I nodded & went ahead to open the door. With the key in my hand, I slid it into the keyhole & opened it with a clack!

When I first stepped in, all I could feel was cold & darkness surrounding me. It felt as if it wasn’t home. I miss the old house. I miss my old home. But what can I do? I couldn’t ask dad to turn down an offer as great as this. It’s just that… Leaving home was one of the most painful things I had to do.

I went back out to help my parents with the unloading, when suddenly, I felt as if I was being watched. & when I turned my head to my right… There was a guy standing there. Just right behind the short stone wall across.

He must our new neighbor… I thought.

I stood there for a moment & watched him. He had soft, milky skin, dark, messy styled hair to his shoulders, & deep, dark brown eyes that I just couldn’t help but stare into.

Suddenly he walked back to his house & didn’t look back.

I guess he realized that I noticed him.

“Sweetie come on. Help us unpack” mom said as she brought all the boxes in.


After hours of moving, we’re finally done. I lay on my bed that was already put in my new room. Although the walls were practically blank since I didn’t even bother to put up my posters. The new walls of my bedroom were painted sky blue, while my old room was purple candy.

Gosh I miss my old room. Everything here is gonna be so complicated now. & why? Because of the language barrier! I’m from New York, & how does my parents expect me to speak Korean??

Why did my dad have to transfer to Korea??? Why not Australia? Sure they talk with an accent, but at least it’s English!

I sighed while hugging my knees. Besides that. Other things that was in mind was that guy I saw earlier. He didn’t smile, nor did he give me a wave.

Gee.. What a friendly neighbor I have I thought sarcastically while sitting up on my bed.

I checked my watch & it was only 1:00pm. So instead of being cooped up in my room, I decided to go out for a walk; check out the town & stuff.

When I got out of the house, I saw a cute boy with chubby cheeks coming towards my way. His hair was really standing out with that brown & hint of orange going on there. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was a celebrity!

“Hi there” he waved with a cheeky smile.

I stood there in shock after being nervous of wondering how to communicate with him. But dang! He speaks FLUENT English!

“Y-You speak English?” I stuttered there like an idiot.

“Err yea…” he exclaimed; looking at me a bit weirdly. Well I was acting weird.

I quickly shook my head & went back to reality. “I-I’m sorry, I-I… I thought you speak Korean” I said.

“Well I do. But I’m more fluent in English” he said.


“Well yea. I’m Chinese, but I grew up in Canada” he explained.

“Omg that’s awesome!” I exclaimed like an idiot. I could see him staring at me weirdly again as I started to act more like an idiot.

“S-Sorry” I apologized again while rubbing my neck in embarrassment. “I-It’s just that… I just moved here from New York because my dad got job transfer. & boy was I panicking over the language barrier” I let out a relieved sigh & I could hear him let out a small chuckle.

“Don’t worry” he said to me. “Nice to meet you, neighbor. I’m Henry Lau. 22” he extended a hand.

“I’m Michie. Gonna be 22 this year” I shook his hand with a smile.

“Cool! So you’re new here, huh? Need a tour guide?” he offered.

“Sure!” I immediately accepted.

“Ok, one second” he said as he went to his house for a while. Which was just across the street from mine.

This is awesome! I have a friend now! & he’s my neighbor, & he even speaks English! Maybe this won’t be so bad after all!


Minutes later, a red motorbike appeared & stopped right in front of me. To my surprise it was Henry.

“Hop on” he said while handing me a blue helmet. I put it on & sat behind him as he carefully balanced the bike.


He brought me all over town & showed me all the places. Then he stopped at one local café & parked the motorbike there right in front of it.

“Here’s where most of the kids in town hang out” he explained. “Come on, I’ll buy you a drink” he said while switching off the engine & hopping off the bike.


Henry’s POV

When we went into the café, I immediately saw my friends sitting at one of the tables.

“Guys!” I smiled & waved at them. I thought I’d introduce the new girl in town to them. “Come on, Michie” I said while gesturing her to follow me. She shyly nodded & followed.

“Sup guys? I’d like you to meet Michie” I said to them in Korean.

I saw Michie standing being me with her head down, looking at her feet. “Don’t be shy~” I said while putting her in front of me.

One of the guys walked up to her first. “Anyeong haseyo~ Sungmin imnida!” he extended a hand for a shake.

Michie just stood there with a blank look as she became silent & didn’t say a word.

“Hey, you ok?” I asked her.

“I think I’m dumbfounded” she replied. I let out a chuckle.

“He said ‘Hi’, & that his name’s Sungmin” I translated for her.

“Oooh~” she exclaimed & turned to smile at Sungmin. “H-Hi…” she said with her head down.

“Anyeong~! Donghae imnida!” Donghae introduced himself next. All Michie could do was just smile & nod.

Then Eunhyuk stepped forward. “Anyeong~ Eunhyuk imnida”

Again. She just nodded & smiled.

We all sat down at one table & I started chatting with the guys. When they asked me why’s Michie being so quiet, that was when I explained that Michie just moved from New York.

They nodded & understood, & tried their best to communicate with her. But like Michie said. It’s gonna be hard with the language barrier.


Michie’s POV

I got thirsty, so I got up from my seat & began walking to the counter.

“Where’re you going?” Henry asked me.

“Gonna order some coffee” I said.

“Err.. Do you know how?” he asked me.

I paused & blinked for a moment. & after that, I could hear him let out one of his small, soft chuckles. “Don’t worry~ I’ll order it for you. I did promise you a drink, didn’t I?” he smiled.

I followed him to the counter & watched as he ordered. He asked the waiter in such perfect Korean. How am I gonna learn that? I need to learn that if I’m ever gonna live in this town. Which, I already am.

“Henry. If you have time… C-Could you… M-Maybe…” I struggled between my words as I was too shy to ask him.

“Teach you Korean?” he finished my sentence for me.

I nodded.

“Of course!” he said.

“Really??” I grinned. “Thanks Henry!”

“No problem~”

Then suddenly we were disturbed by one of his friends. Sungmin was calling over to him.

“Just wait here until your drinks done” he said & left for the table.

I stood there at the counter & waited. All of a sudden, there was a burst of girly swoons & giggles, followed by little shrieks in the café.

I turned around & wondered. What’s g

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Chapter 1: so many feels since he's returned. :D
Chapter 1: Gahhh :3 right in the feels bro, right in the feels ~ I loved that gahh :DD
MinhoFan #3
you should make a sequel author - nim! this is so good!
turn this to a fanfic unnie! a longer one. XDD
I read this over and over and each time I couldn't help but grin like an idiot xD
Well... I'm off to read it again ^~^
Quackerz #7
:D Can't stop reading it!!
i hope it has a sequel
Quackerz #9
i love the story! Amazing! ^^