
Onew and the Winner



SHINee members were sitting on the floor in the rehearsal room, their manager walks in holding piece of paper and says “Yah, remember that competition we put up? Well, we have a winner now, one of you has to call the winner and tell them.” The competition the manager was referring to was the VIP competition, the person who won was able to choose their favourite member and have a one to one session with them, talking of course.

“Hyung, do we have to do this competition thing? Wouldn’t it be a bit dangerous? A one to one with a fan with no protection?” said Minho.

 “Minho hyung is right, why can’t we do something else?” said Taemin.

“There’s no excuses, you’re doing this. Call the winner, the number is on this sheet.” The manager said.

The Manager gave Jonghyun the piece of paper and left. Jonghyun sighed, he looked at the piece of paper.

“From the looks of it, this person is a noona. Who’s going to call? I’m not doing it, I have Sekyung.”

Jonghyun gives the piece of paper to Key.

 “I’m not doing it! You guys know I’m…” Onew then snatches the paper from Key,

 “Aish, give it to me, I’ll do it.”

“Ooh, our leader indeed.”  Taemin said clapping.

Onew looked at the piece of paper,  took out his phone and dialled the number and put it on loudspeaker.  Beep beep, beep beep,

 “Hello?” said the phone.

 The members got excited, they giggled.

“Hello, is this miss Hello Kitty?” said Onew. 

“Yes, I am. Who is this?”

 “This is Onew, I’m calling to tell you that you’ve won the VIP competition.”

“Is this a joke?” she said shakily.

The five members shouted out “Congratulations!”


“Crap, it’s a loud fan!” Taemin mouthed. Minho smirked.

“So miss Hello Kitty, who do you choose as your favourite member?” asked Minho.

“Uhh, Ichooseonew.” She said quickly, too quickly.

“I’m sorry, will you repeat that, you said it too fast.” Said Key.

“I choose Onew. He will like me.” She said happily.

“!” Onew mouthed. The other members laughed, they were happy they weren’t chosen.

“Thank you for choosing me miss Hello Kitty. I can’t wait to meet you.” Onew said politely, trying to show the bitterness in his voice.

“Yes! I can’t wait to meet you too Onew!” she said.

“Well okay, bye!” Onew said.

“Bye!” the other members said happily.

“See you soon Onew.”

Onew shut the phone.

“Why me?”  Onew thought.


The phone shut.

“Oh no! I won! I’m happy but crap! I can’t let SHINee see me!” Kitty thought.


 “Okay Onew, wait in this room, the winner on the competition will arrive soon.” Said the manager.

Onew sat down at the sofa and waited. Then there was a knock on the door. Onew stood up  and said “Come in.” The door opened, a  woman wearing a mask and a hood came inside and shut the door. Onew bowed as did she.

“Hello, are you miss Hello Kitty?” he said while trying to see her face more clearly.

“Yes I am. I’m happy to meet you Onew.” She said.

“Will you please remove the mask and put down the hood miss Hello Kitty.” Onew asked politely.

“No, I can’t! I mustn’t!” she said

“Why not?” Onew said suspiciously.

Onew walked over to her. She backed to the door.

“I can’t, I don’t want you to see my face! I’m ugly.” She said sadly.

“I won’t think you are ugly miss Hello Kitty. No one in this world is ugly.”

Onew lifted his hand to her face, he her jawline. Behind the mask she was blushing, she liked the idol and couldn’t help it.

“Don’t worry.” Onew said.

Onew put both his hands on her face, then used one hand to put down her hood revealing her red mohawk. Then he slowly removed her mask. He was shocked at what he saw, his jaw fell to the ground.  “What the hell?” he thought. She was special. She had a small beak for a nose and mouth. And under her beak was hanging flaps on red skin. She looked like a chicken. Onew looked closely at her eyes, they looked really beady.

“You’re scared aren’t you? I told you I’m ugly!” she said, grabbing the mask out of his hand.

She tried to put the mask back on, but Onew stopped her.

“Don’t cover your beautiful face.”

“Wha-what? Beautiful? I’m not beautiful. I’m a freak!” she cried.

Onew pulled her to him and tried to kiss her but failed miserably. Her beak was as sharp as ever as she just sharpened it that morning to look sharp and y.  Her beak went inside his mouth instead. Onew pulled away.

“Sorry, I can’t control myself. You truly are beautiful.” He said.

She looked at him with her beady eyes. They grew watery. She put her head on his chest and hugged him.

“Oh Onew! This is the first time someone has been nice to me!”

Onew hugged her back.

“Don’t worry, from now on I’ll take care of you. I’ll take you to my dorm now, so we can talk more comfortably. How about it?” he said.

“Okay, that will be good, but I need to put my mask back on.”



No one was there when they entered the dorm. “Great!” Onew thought.  He sat her down on a chair in the kitchen.

“Sit here, I’ll get you some water.”


She sat there looking around the kitchen while he was opening some draws behind her. Onew took a knife from the draw and smiled to himself. “This will make a good meal.” He thought.  He walked behind her and stabbed her in the head. She gasped before her final moments, and fell onto the table, blood gushing out of her head. Blood was everywhere, even on Onew.

“, look at what a mess this made. I better clean everything up.” Onew said.


“Hyung, we’re back!” shouted Minho.

“Hyung, where are you?” shouted Taemin.

Onew came out with a plate of fried chicken in his hand.

“Hey guys, sit down. I thought you guys would be hungry after your schedule, so I cooked some chicken for you all.”

“Hyung, you’re so thoughtful.” Key said, while Onew’s leg.

They all took a piece of chicken and ate it.

“Hyung, this tastes really good! Did you really make it?” Jonghyun said.

“I did make it! I used a special ingredient.” Onew said smiling.

“Oh yeah, how did that VIP thing go?” asked Minho.

“Let’s just say it went well.”  Onew said.

“Hyung, why is there only what looks to be thighs and s? Where are the wings and drumsticks? You know those are my favourite bits.” Taemin asked.

“I’m sorry Taemin, let’s just say the chicken was really big and it had no wings or legs.” Onew said.

Onew left the room and went to the bathroom. He looked at Kitty in the tub. She was cut up for her meat. Blood was all over the tub.

“I’m sorry. You were really beautiful.” Onew whispered.

He opened the window and lifted the body, then threw it out of the window. He turned the taps on and used the shower head to wash the blood off. He stared at the drain where it was up the blood.

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QueenOfRoses #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god. I did not expect that
sweetie-choco #2
absolutely speechless
APRIL FOOLS! haha! is it for april fools? you posted it on april 1 LOL
IHeartSHINee0525 #4
GOSH!!! *gasp*
oh my..!!!<br />