Regained Memories: Seohyun

A Step Off Average

Taeyeon: I cannot believe what I just heard.

Yuri: M-me neither.

Hyoyeon: How can Yoong…..

Sooyoung: Shikshin #2….

Seohyun was pained seeing all her unnies in some sort of denying trance.

Seohyun: -tears dripping from her face- UNNIES Pull yourselves together! Yoona unnie would never want to see you this way. Right now she’s hanging onto her dear life just so she can be with us. Do you think she’ll want to see you crying? No so all we can do now is be strong and support her. Hopefully the surgery will be a success. If its not…we’ll think of something then. But right now we need to believe in our sister and hope for the best.

All the SNSD members looked at Seohyun wide-eyed. They knew she was right.

Taeyeon: Maknae….you really love Yoona huh?

Seohyun: N-neh. And I know she will turn out ok.

The other SNSD members nodded in agreement and decided to visit Yoona everyday with Taecyeon and the other 2Super members.

-2 weeks later-

It is the day of the surgery and Taecyeon and Taeyeon are standing in the hospital infront of Yoona’s room.

Taecyeon: You believe Yoona will turn out ok right?

Taeyeon: Yes. We’ve learned to believe in our Yoong and hope for the best.

Taecyeon: Are you and the girls ok?

Taeyeon: W-we’ve learned to deal with the pain and ignore the statistics. How are you feeling though? We know you’re deeply in love with her.

Taecyeon: Yah… I’m blushing. –laughs a little- Well the first week I’ve been so depressed I didn’t even leave my room. I would just lie in bed worrying about Yoong. My hyungs had to drag me outside to try to cheer me up. I feel better this week but I’m still hurting inside a bit. The whole fight with Donghae just ended and I thought that I could finally be with Yoona….but now this happened. –sighs- Fate is really painful and confusing.

Taeyeon pats Taecyeon’s shoulder trying to make him feel better since she knows that Taecyeon sincerely loves Yoona. Suddenly, a familiar looking guy with flowers in hand approaches them.

Taeyeon: Hi…Seunggi right?

Seunggi: Right. I heard Yoona’s operation is today. Did they start yet?

Taeyeon: Yeah she’s been in the operating room for an hour now. Are those flowers for her?

Seunggi: Neh. I’ll just put them in her room.

Taecyeon: Wait Seunggi-sshi, thanks again for taking care of Yoona that day.

Seunggi: -smiles a bit- Yeah no problem. It’s what friends are for right? Let’s hope for the best.

Suddenly, the operation light turned off and the doctors brought out a bed with a white cloth covering the body. They brought the bed into Yoona’s room and closed the door.

Taeyeon, Taecyeon, and Seunggi were very shocked and ran after the doctors. They ran into the doctors when they all exited Yoona’s room.

Taeyeon: Doctors doctors! Is my friend ok?

Taecyeon: Is she ok?

Seunggi: Was the surgery a success?

Doctor: Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. I believe the surgery went quite well since your friend is so very strong-willed. But we’re not positive if it is a complete success yet. In order to find that out you must wait one more week and wait for her to wake up. When she wakes up, you’ll know the surgery was a success.

Taeyeon, Taecyeon, Seunggi: Ok thank you so much doctor.

After the report, the three were a little relieved but still very worried. For the next week they all have been visiting Yoona everyday. On the seventh day, Yoona finally awoke.

-Yoona’s POV-

Ugh my head really hurts and I can’t  move my right side….Wait where the heck am I? ….Who am I? Huh? What? What happened?

I tried sitting up but my ribs were killing me so I lay back down. I turned my head and saw an innocent-looking girl sitting in a chair next to my bed. I laughed since she was mumbling funny things and started poking her with my undamaged arm and fingers.

I kept laughing and poking until the girl woke up. She looked at me surprised and rubbed her eyes to see if she was dreaming. I poked her again and laughed. But then she looked at me and started crying with the smile still on her face. Still crying, she hugged me tightly. I admit it felt good but the pain was excruciating. I was also wondering why this stranger was hugging me.

Me: Uhh miss? Why are you hugging me? …..And who exactly am I?

The girl widened her eyes and yelled,”UNNIES! DOCTOR!!!”

Suddenly seven girls and a man in a white coat ran into the room.

I blinked my eyes twice and all the girls started crying. Out of happiness maybe? But why? Did they know me? Am I supposed to know them? *GASP* Did I forget everything?

I stared blankly at all of them trying to remember them but I was just hurting my head. The doctor saw me wince in pain and sat next to me.

Doctor: How are you feeling?

Me: Uhh my head, right ribs, right arm, and right leg hurt. My head hurts the most though.

Doctor: I see. Do you remember anything that has happened to you?

Me: …No. I’m sorry. Actually I don’t even remember who I am or what my purpose in this world is.

Doctor: Oof this is serious. But You’re a very lucky girl. You’re 21 years old and were hit by a huge truck. Any girl your size and weight would have been crushed and killed immediately. But you’re a strong girl who hung onto her life and survived the impact. Don’t worry I’d say you’ll be discharged in about another week after a few check-ups. You don’t know this but you’ve been in this hosptial for about a month now. And every single day, those girls and a buch of guys would visit you, talk to you and care for you. They must mean a lot to you. Don’t lose sight of those friends; they care for you a lot.

With that, the doctor left the room leaving me with the other eight girls who were still crying and looking at me in disbelief. I yelled “But wait! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME WHAT MY NAME WAS!”

The doctor didn’t come back and I slumped in my bed. Until the girl I kept poking poked me.

I laughed “Hey!”


“Hmm? Yoona? What does that mean?”

“Yoona.” She hugged me again and tears dropped from her face. “Your name is Yoona.”

I looked back at the girl and then at the other seven. “Yoona? I’m Yoona?”

I looked closer at the girl talking to me. She was wearing a t-shirt with a sergant-like frog on it.

“Is that Keroro?” All of a sudden, my head was in so much pain as I remembered the innocent-like girl.


She looked at me with wide-eyes and practically pounced on me giving me another bear hug.

“Welcome back unnie.” 


LOL you guys thought i let Yoongie die since i haven been updating huh?



Sorry for not updating in awhile my loyal readers, subscribers, commentors, and supporters!

Also sorry for the short chapter but i will be posting a few more mini chaps before a longer one. This is because the mini chaps are focused on Yoona regaining her memories. [-reminded of kingdom hearts- LOL]

Don't worry Taecyoon is coming kekeke.

Thank you all for supporting me! SARANGHAEYO!!!!!!!!

p.s. to all yoonhyun shippers out there read my friend's fic: 

RF yo, RF! <3333

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Warsonic9620 #1
Chapter 27: Update soon please
Update soon ^^
I already in love with ur story!! <33

Update soon^_^
taecyoon_shipper_123 #4
Update Soon Plz!~ ^.^
Aaahhh!!!! This story is so so so cute!!! Yoongie is so innocent!!! Update soon!!!!
awww~~ yoong~~ taec~~
*can't stop smiling*
YeonTastic #7
Taecyoon ~~ ♥
.taecyoon so sweet...and the unnies they are all funny and also the maknae.:)
Aw.. my.. <br />
Taecyeon and Yoona.. They're soo cute :3<br />
Yoona.. Haha She's so cute. she tries to speak to herself but always ends up being heard by others XD<br />
I like it how she praised Taecyeon, I like it How Taecyeon gently loves her, how he kisses her on the forehead not on her lips. She deserves him. he deserves Yoona!<br />
Don't dare you change the TAECYEON couple!!! *kidding*<br />
<br />
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Ps. please check my story Unspoken Feelings<br />
Thanks ;)