Silver City College


Weekend was finally here after all those exhausting five-day orientations. Due to orientations programs, most students lacked of sleep and rest because the programs started at 8 in the morning and ended at 12 at midnight every day. It was a lovely Saturday morning and most students were asleep and only a few were going outing out of town.

      The room number 11 was in complete messed with all the clothes and flyers from the programs were all over the floor. It wasn’t only the clothes and papers that were on the floor, but there were also four boys lying on the floor of the room sleeping instead of lying on their bed. It was 8 in the morning and usually at a time like this they are all already in the hall, going through some programs. But this time, all of them were in a deep and peaceful sleep. Hyukjae was sleeping on the floor besides his bed, Sungmin was sleeping on the floor closes to the wardrobe closet, Kyuhyun was sleeping besides his bed with surprisingly his laptop was off, and Donghae was sleeping next to Hyukjae. It wasn’t a very pleasant week for Donghae with him always causing troubles to Hyukjae that makes Hyukjae loathed him so much, but he tried his best to be a good roommate to Hyukjae. He even shut off his alarm and postponed it to 5:30 am. And for today, he wasn’t even setting any alarms because he knew this weekend was the only chance for them to relax before the semester began. Oh, and did I mention their laundries? At the part besides their desk closest to the windows were four big baskets that were filled with unwashed clothes from a week-orientation. All of them belong to the members of room number 11.

      Because of a super exhausted body, suddenly a loud snore was heard. It began with a slow tempo then it became louder. Sungmin was the first to wake up because of the loud snore and saw Kyuhyun snored while sleeping. He yawned a little and rubbed his eyes. He looked around the room and saw their room was in a total mess. The boys were all over the floor and so did their stuff. Then he turned to look at the baskets of laundries and was surprised. “Damn! The laundries!” He moved close to Kyuhyun first and woke him up. “Kyuhyun. Wake up! We’ve got to clean this room. Cho Kyuhyun!” But Kyuhyun looked like he just passed out.

      Sungmin then gave up on Kyuhyun and went to Donghae’s sleeping port. Donghae was sleeping with his mouth wide open and Sungmin woke him up. “Donghae. Wake up! It’s morning already, we’ve got to clean this room!” Donghae rolled from his side to Hyukjae’s side and hugged Hyukjae. “Hmm…” that was all the replied Sungmin got from Donghae. Hyukjae was also in a deep sleep when he felt something was covering his body. Is that ghost? Donghae hugged Hyukjae even tightly that Hyukjae felt suffocated. He woke up all of a sudden and saw Donghae hugging him. “Hey, go away!” He pushed Donghae’s hands and body and stood up. He didn’t notice Sungmin at first who was staring at him. “Oh. You’re awake. Good. I don’t need to work my off alone.” Hyukjae frowned because he couldn’t understand what Sungmin was talking about but later he figured it out by himself when he scanned through the room. “What the hell is this mess??!” Hyukjae who was known to be the tidy person was so surprised.

      “I know right. Since both of them are asleep, maybe we should just clean up this mess first. What do you think?” asked Sungmin. Hyukjae looked below to where Donghae sleep and then looked at Sungmin. “As much as I hate waking up this early in the weekend, I really hate this mess more. So, call.” Hyukjae kicked Donghae’s and said, “Move! You’re covering my handphone!” Donghae hummed and moved a little before he went back to sleep.

      Sungmin and Hyukjae started their room cleaning mission by picking up all the dirty clothes on the floor and put it in the already full basket. Then, they sorted all the flyers and papers and put it on their respective desks. Sungmin swept the floor with a broom and Hyukjae opened each of the windows so that there is air inside and opened the room door. After Sungmin was finished sweeping the floor, Hyukjae took turns to mop the room. But the problem was there were two boys on the floor, still not moving an inch. Hyukjae was getting pissed off. He turned to Sungmin and said, “Do you have a bottle of water?” Sungmin nodded. “Yes, I have. You’re thirsty?” Sungmin handed a water bottle to Hyukjae. Hyukjae wasn’t even hesitated and put a mouthful of water in his mouth and kept in inside without gulping. Then, he spurred all those amount of water to Donghae, and yes, Donghae alone. Donghae was surprised when suddenly all his face was wet without any specific reason, and he woke up. “What’s going on?!!” He looked up and saw Hyukjae was looking at him. “Move. I need to clean this room.” Donghae woke up and slapped Hyukjae’s shoulder. “That was a rude way to wake up a roommate.” Hyukjae snorted. “So, the alarm thingy wasn’t rude enough?” Donghae was astounded. “Why did you keep mentioning that alarm thing? Sigh. Get over it please!”

      The sound of quarreling from Donghae and Hyukjae woke Kyuhyun up and he was startled to see the room was already been cleaned except for the mopping part. Sungmin noticed Kyuhyun was awake and tried to stop the row from continuing to another level. “Okay, people, everyone’s up, let’s all clean this room and stop the , will we??” Kyuhyun stood up and took his towel. “Okay then. Let me shower first.” He pulled Donghae’s hand and said, “Stop fighting and let’s go to shower.” Donghae looked at Hyukjae with an intense stare and said, “I’ve had enough!” and he followed Kyuhyun to the bathroom after taking his towel.

      “What’s with Donghae, he barely gets mad. Hyukjae, don’t be too harsh on him.” Hyukjae snorted and said, “Whatever. I’m not going to care over some immature boy’s feelings.”

      While Sungmin and Hyukjae cleaned the room, meanwhile Kyuhyun and Donghae were taking a shower. Donghae stood up on running warm water. He had a lot of thoughts on why Hyukjae loathes him so much. He took a deep breath and reminisced what he had done to Hyukjae. He knew he was quite a nuisance to him but he was trying to be friendly. But still Hyukjae wasn’t going on nice to him ever since the first day. He was still lost in his own thoughts with the running water when he heard somebody calling his name.

      “Donghae! Are you done yet? What took you so long?” it was Kyuhyun. Donghae was snapped back to reality and turned off the water. “Ah… ah… wait! I’ll finish showering soon! You go first!” Kyuhyun shrugged off any thoughts and went to their room where Hyukjae and Sungmin had finished cleaning the room. It’s as clean as brand new.

      As soon as Donghae finished his shower, he wasn’t in a good mood any better and just went into his room and sat on his bed. He wasn’t in a mood to talk to anyone. Hyukjae was also not talking to anyone and just observing a sheet of paper. Sungmin and Kyuhyun were trying to bring the mood up again. Sungmin whispered something to Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun nodded in agreement.

      “Well, well, I think all of us had got our own schedules for the semester right? Who’s taking Biology this semester? Sungmin and I took Biology, what about you Donghae?” Donghae pouted and answered in an unwilling way. “I’m taking Biology too.” Suddenly Hyukjae spoke. “Thank God! I’m taking Physics!” Donghae turned to Hyukjae and gave him an anger stare. “Thank God twice!!!” replied Donghae. Hyukjae just gave him an evil smirked. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin and Sungmin looked back at Kyuhyun. This wasn’t on their plans. Kyuhyun sighed. “Okay, I’m hungry. Who’s up for breakfast?” asked Kyuhyun to the rest of the room. Sungmin put his hand up and answered with a dramatic voice. “ME!!! ME!!!” Kyuhyun nodded. “Okay, who else?” suddenly the room was all quiet before Donghae answered. “I’m following you guys. Don’t want to stay in this room with that blondie any longer.” Donghae stood up, took his wallet, and looked at Kyuhyun and Sungmin. “Let’s go guys.” He walked through the room and when he arrived at the door, he looked at Hyukjae and suddenly he felt guilt. Why did he always feel guilty all the time? Hyukjae wasn’t looking at him at all but instead continued reading his manga.

      Donghae held his urge to ask Hyukjae what he wants for the breakfast and instead he opened the door and walked away from there.

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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 15: w..what?? the freaking hell..pabo hae!! scared the out of me!! thank god~!!
@ lilypower33 I still don't have any plans on writing the sequal ;)
lilypower33 #3
Chapter 15: Will there be a sequel?
Chiavarone89 #4
Chapter 15: Gahhhhh... For a moment there, I thought you killed Hyukkie off... So dramatic! X3
Chapter 15: OMG I thought that Hyukkie was dead :/ Hae is sensitive kekekekeke please make more HyukHae FF ^_~ love you <3
ThanKYU so much for reading, commenting and subscribing my story! n______n well there's a little twist at the end hihihi
Thanks /bows/
Chapter 15: >.< you are such a tease I really thought hyukiie is dead !!!
how can you do this to meeeeee T.T
puhhhh I'm so relieved !
thank you for this awesome story!
I enjoyed it :)
Chapter 15: great story ^^ keep writing!!!
Sammiwammi65 #9
Chapter 15: Awesome story!! SEQUEL!!!