Silver City College


Hyukjae was starting to open up his heart to his roommates but he still didn’t talk much. Donghae was the one who took the initiative to start the conversation with him, asking him about his lectures and tutorials and also accompanied him to the library to borrow some books. Kyuhyun now has a new hobby and he founded it totally amusing because he shouldn’t really have that hobby because he’d already owned a laptop. There was a corner in a library that is called ‘Cyber Ring’ or most students just called it as CR. The Cyber Ring was a room full of computers and students were allowed to use the internet in that corner for at most one hour per visit using their own identification card. Kyuhyun used all his free time nowadays to visit CR and played his favorite computer games with his classmates from his Biology tutorial there. Even so, he still never had been apart from his roommates when it comes to breakfast and dinner.

      On the other hand, Sungmin found himself taking a nap more than he should have. Due to exhausted week of full lectures and tutorials, he ended up sleeping after classes and had to finish his work late at night. He always slept during lectures but surprisingly, every time Donghae asked Sungmin questions regarding Biology (Donghae was still cannot accept the fact that his Biology lecturer is an insane freak), Sungmin can easily explained the process to Donghae. Donghae wondered if Sungmin was listening to his lecturer all the time he was sleeping. That was truly amazing, Donghae thought that sometimes.

      Hyukjae was a super hardworking and he always became the last member of the room to switch off the lamp and sleep. Sometimes, they stayed up until 3 in the morning due to excessive works. Kyuhyun always became the first member to sleep even though most of the time he spent his night playing games. Nowadays Hyukjae didn’t dare to skip any meals because he was afraid he might fall sick again.

      It was a windy Sunday morning in August and the members of room number 11 decided to play some soccer on the college’s field. They treated that as a morning exercise after a quick breakfast. All of them were very excited to play soccer but Kyuhyun grunted under his breath because he had to sacrifice his sleep and also he had to abandon his games for the whole morning.

      “Cho Kyuhyun, relax. Soccer is fun okay!” convinced Sungmin. They were all ready with their soccer jersey and a soccer ball. Donghae and Hyukjae were the most excited members of all because they love soccer. Donghae jumped a few times before he jogged through the way to the field. There aren’t many people outside the hostel at the moment, obviously still lost in their own dreams.

      They arrived at the field downhill from their hostel. Silver City College was a big and beautiful college. To go to the field, they must walk down the hill and passed the girl’s hostel before they could arrive at the field. “Ah, the weather is so refreshing today! Isn’t it, Hyukkie?” asked Donghae as he inhaled the fresh air from the August morning. He opened his arms and closed his eyes as he walked to the field. “Why do you keep calling me Hyukkie? Should I call you Dongie instead?”

      Kyuhyun and Sungmin burst into laughter upon hearing Hyukjae saying ‘Dongie’. Donghae pouted and shook his head in disagreement. “No! That doesn’t sound cute at all!” All of them started their warm up session. “So, two against two guys?” asked Sungmin as they stretch their muscles before the game. “Ah, I’m so bad at this. Please don’t put me with Sungmin.” Complained Kyuhyun as he drank the water. The game hasn’t even started yet but Kyuhyun already gulped down half bottle of water. “What do you mean dont put me with Sungmin?? I’m not as bad in soccer as you!” Donghae laughed loudly at both Kyuhyun and Sungmin. “Haha!!! Okay then, let Kyuhyun be in one team with me. And you Hyukkie, go to Sungmin’s team.”

      The game started and they were all playing happily and cheerfully with each other. After the exhausted week of studying and revising, today they decided to release the stress and tension by chilling outside and playing games. Donghae-Kyuhyun team versus Sungmin-Hyukjae team looked quite balance and they forgot for a while all the worries about lectures, tutorials, labs, and tests that has been with them all these time.

      Donghae who was once feeling very awkward whenever he went to his lectures and tutorials because he knew nobody hadn’t got that problem anymore. Donghae blended well with his classmates and even ate together with them during lunch hour or asked them to stay in his room during the gaps. Because of their low understanding level in Biology, Donghae decided to do a study group between some of his classmates with Sungmin in their room. Due to this reason, Donghae had spent most of the time at night revising the Biology subject with his friends and Sungmin and for an obvious reason Hyukjae couldn’t join it because he took Physics instead.

      Whenever Donghae was doing a study group with his friends and Sungmin in their room, Kyuhyun would always joined together to help them understand the topics better. Because of this, Hyukjae suddenly felt left alone because he couldn’t really interrupted even if he knew something about it, could he? The room was filled with discussions and laughter as they explained to each other the process of any topics in Biology. These activities had become more frequently as the time for their first midterm went closer. Donghae’s friends had become closer to his roommates and Donghae kept hanging out with his classmates and rarely came to dinner with his roommates.

      Time for the midterm was slowly approaching and so did Donghae’s birthday. Hyukjae had planned something for Donghae’s birthday and he discussed it with Kyuhyun and Sungmin but apparently on Donghae’s birthday, he wasn’t able to be in college because he was chosen to join the Chemistry Camp for three days. Thus, Donghae’ birthday surprise will be postpone the day that Donghae will be back to the college.

      As Donghae prepared to go to the Chemistry Camp with his friends, he hugged all his roommates and tended to hug Hyukjae too but apparently, Hyukjae wasn’t in any mood to be happy with Donghae. Donghae frowned at Hyukjae’s act. “Are you mad at me or something?” asked Donghae to his roommate, Hyukjae. “No, I am not.” Said Hyukjae but his tone was not congruent as his answer. “You’re lying. I know you’re mad at me. Tell me, Hyukkie!” Hyukjae hesitated for a while before he gave a very unconfident answer. “I’m just not happy I wasn’t the chosen one to be in the Chemistry Camp.” Donghae patted Hyukjae’s shoulder. “You’re not happy because you’ll miss me in these 3 days right?”  

      “No, am not!!!” argued Hyukjae. “Yes, you are!” Donghae argued back. He stuck his tongue out and Hyukjae intended to reply him with more arguments but stopped at that time because suddenly Donghae was hugging Hyukjae so tightly that he felt never wanted to let go of Hyukjae. “I’m going to miss you Hyukkie.” For that one precious moment, Hyukjae cherished it so much that he felt really happy because Donghae was actually never forgotten about him no matter how many times he went missing for hanging out with his classmates. There was a huge difference of bonding relationship between roommates and classmates who only those who had experience it would know.

      “We’re going to miss you dorky Donghae.” Said Kyuhyun as he touched Donghae’s head. Donghae still hasn’t let go of the embrace and slowly Hyukjae was hugging Donghae back and this made Donghae smiled. “I’m so proud of you, Donghae for being the only member of room number 11 to be chosen to go to the Chemistry Camp.” Sungmin gave his compliment to Donghae. After what seems like forever being in their own world, Donghae and Hyukjae finally broke apart from their embraces.

      “Well, I better get going now. The bus won’t wait for me if I’m late, will it?” smiled Donghae as he took his bag and put it on his back. He looked at each of his roommates with smiles. Kyuhyun; who was once stole his queue line, Sungmin; who was never tired of explaining Biology to him, and Hyukjae; who was once he saved. All three of them were very special in Donghae’s heart and incomparable to his classmates but sometimes Donghae just wanted some free time from them and hung out with his classmates instead. He needed to sort of his feelings. He waved back to his roommates before went out. “I’ll miss you Hae,” said Hyukjae.

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saphirebluefish #1
Chapter 15: w..what?? the freaking hell..pabo hae!! scared the out of me!! thank god~!!
@ lilypower33 I still don't have any plans on writing the sequal ;)
lilypower33 #3
Chapter 15: Will there be a sequel?
Chiavarone89 #4
Chapter 15: Gahhhhh... For a moment there, I thought you killed Hyukkie off... So dramatic! X3
Chapter 15: OMG I thought that Hyukkie was dead :/ Hae is sensitive kekekekeke please make more HyukHae FF ^_~ love you <3
ThanKYU so much for reading, commenting and subscribing my story! n______n well there's a little twist at the end hihihi
Thanks /bows/
Chapter 15: >.< you are such a tease I really thought hyukiie is dead !!!
how can you do this to meeeeee T.T
puhhhh I'm so relieved !
thank you for this awesome story!
I enjoyed it :)
Chapter 15: great story ^^ keep writing!!!
Sammiwammi65 #9
Chapter 15: Awesome story!! SEQUEL!!!