Chapter 9

I'm holding the key

Onew looked around him trying to see something in the agonizing darkness that was surrounding him. He could sense that something was getting closer and closer to him so he retreated back. He fliched slightly when he felt his back touch a cold wall behind him. Slowly his eyes started to get used to the dark and he could see something moving from side to side near him.

He took deep breaths and started inching slowly further away from it along the wall.  Suddenly the lights in the two torches that were in the left and right side of the place. Onew stared at the fire now burning in them then looked down, and for his horror he saw a huge black jaguar staring straight at him.

This can't be.. a black jaguar! no way... please.. no

Black jaguars were one of Onew's biggest fears. Long ago he had visited a zoo with his family, and they had been watching black jaguars. Onew had been eating ice cream happily by the cage when suddenly a jaguar had jumped against the glass right in front of the little Onew. Onew had really freaked out and after that day he had had countless nightmares about black jaguars, it had become a phobia for him.

And now Onew was there standing right in front of his biggest fear again. A black jaguar.

Omo, what am I going to do? Is it going to kill me?  Onew found it hard to breathe cause of the fear and was close to have a panic attack. His eyes were becoming wet as tears were about to fall from his eyes. I'm going to die here. Aren't I?

The jaguar and Onew both stood there staring at each other for a while. The jaguar was waiting for a good chance to attack Onew.

Wait. I can't just stand here like this. I must do something... Onew looked around, there was no way he could climb up, the walls were too high but he noticed a big rock in a corner and a long stick on the ground. I should at least get there and hide, if I can. But I should not run or it might kill me right away.

Slowly Onew started walking towards the rock but the jaguar was faster and like predicting what Onew was about to do. It ran to the rock and jumped on top of it. Onew froze and felt himself panic even more. Oh no, I should I should just try and climb up those walls then.   This time Onew ran to the wall and tried to climb up, he could get a few meters up but after that he just couldn't anymore.



Seungyeon and Hara were watching from the screen how Onew was trying to climb up desperately. Hara smirked. "Jaguars are his biggest fears huh?"

"Yeah....." Seungyeon said silently. She felt horrible seeing Onew there as she knew how bad he felt being there. She felt regret about putting Onew in such a situation.

"Hara, you know... maybe we shouldn't have gone this far. What if something really bad happens to him." Seungyeon said worried.

"What? This is exactly what we need to do to him. You aren't getting weak, are you Seungyeon?" Hara frowned.

Seungyeon stayed silent.

"I told you, there is no turning back once you start this. And let me tell  you, there were some girls in the past who became weak seeing their ex- lover like this.. but those girls, their fate wasn't that good after that. Even worse than all these guys had to face." Hara looked at Seungyeon firmly.

"But I....." Seungyeon bit her lip and just then on the screen saw how the jaguar jumped off the rock and started running to Onew. "NO! It can't kill him! It's too much!!" Seungyeon yelled and grabbed the keys from the table and ran out the door.

"Where are you going? Come back! Onew deserves all this! Seungyeon!!!!" Hara yelled but Seungyeon ignored her.



Onew was struggling to climb higher when he heard a slam somewhere behind him. "Onew!!" Try to come here, I will try to get you out of there!" Seungyeon yelled from the other side of the place near the rock.

Seungyeon.. she came for me.

"Bu--but the jaguar..." Onew stuttered.

"Don't worry, just come down and get to the rock!" Seungyeon yelled and climbed down the ladders that had been up the walls. "I will distract it."

Onew hesitated for a moment then carefully climbed back down. Seungyeon let out a loud scream so all the jaguars attention turned to her. The jaguar started running towards Seungyeon. Seungyeon's heart was beating fast from fear as it was runnning but she just couldn't let Onew get killed by it. She had thought she could be hard and cold as a stone but something inside her kept telling that she should not do this to Onew.

Onew landed on the ground when he heard a loud  deperate scream and a roar. He turned around and stared shocked how the jaguar was all over Seungyeon.

"SEUNGYEON!!!!!" Onew yelled. Without thinking about his fear at all he ran towards the jaguar and Seungyeon. He took the stick that was on the ground and hit the jaguar hard with it. It got off Seungyeon and jumped towards Onew, now really furious.

This stick is sharp enough to kill that animal right? It should be. Onew got away from it then ran towards it again and hit it hard on it's side making it roar even more. It tried to attack Onew again but Onew blocked it again with the stick hitting it hard. The fight continued for some more until finally the jaguar fell on the ground lifeless as Onew pierced it with the stick one last time.

Onew stared at the big jaguar on the ground, still panting hard. He couldn't believe he had been able to kill the thing he had feared the most in his life. But seeing Seungyeon in danger had wiped all that fear away. His arm was bleeding as the jaguar had managed to scratch him a few times. It's dead now right? 

He then remembered about Seungyeon again and ran to her quickly. "Seungyeon!!"

Seungyeon lied on the ground unconcious. Onew could see blood all over her, the jaguar had managed to bite and scratch her many times.

"Seungyeon, can you hear me!! Seungyeon, please!!! Open your eyes!!!! You... you can't die on me! Please, get up so we can get out of here. We must get you out of here. Seungyeon!!!" Onew cried out as he held Seungyeon. He glanced at the ladder that were near, he knew he could get up from there by climbing but there was no way he could get the unconcious Seungyeon up with him.

"I love you. Please. Get up." Onew whispered through his tears and held Seungyeon tighter. "I can't lose you. I can't."

"HELP US!!!!! SOMEONE!!!!" Onew yelled as loud as he possibly could.



sorry for a late update.... 

err... yeah, a jaguar's attack :D lololol I think my mind went kinda too random this time..... xD


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Please update as soon as you can!
jloved #2
Chapter 10: Cant wait for ur next update....
ooohhh i hope seungyeon would stop being so stubborn and get together with onew soon...hara should let them go :)
Can't wait for your next update....please update soon :)
OnKey_Melly #5
Kyaaa^^<br />
Finally u updated^^
Gawwwwhhh, I hope Hara isn't that evil and let's them go!!!<br />
And please let them be together <333
OnKey_Melly #7
can't wait for the next update^^
ricebunnii #8
THat was going too far lol..<br />
hope they are ok and stay together<br />
update soon
Ahhh~ can't wait till next update!
alyballeza #10
can't wait fro the next chapter =3 great fanfic