Chapter 7

I'm holding the key

Seungyeon glanced behind her at Onew who was following her. She felt a sting in her heart when she saw him and thought about what she was about to do to him.

Don't soften Seungyeon, don't soften, Onew deserves all of this, so don't let your heart become soft.. Seungyeon told herself as they walked.

"Seungyeon, what is this place?" Onew ran beside her but right away  Seungyeon pushed him away from her. "Stay back." Seungyeon snapped at him.
"Where are we going? There is a way out from here right?" Onew kept questioning her.

Seungyeon didn't answer just opened a door to the place where Junhyung, Eli and the other men who were captivated were at. She locked the door after Onew had came in too.
"You seem to know this place well, did you move here or something?" Onew asked.
"I didn't, but you will." Seungyeon said walked close to where Junhyung was still walking on a circle holding the photo in his hands.

Onew stared at Junhyung and the chains over his feet.. "You-- you-- don't mean that-- I will--"Onew stuttered but before he could say anything more he got pushed to the wall by Junhyung. Onew tried to struggle to get away but couldn't do it, Junhyung was holding him too strongly against the wall. While Junhyung was holding Onew, Seungyeon put the chains on Onew's legs.

"You can let him go now." Seungyeon said to Junhyung after she was done tying Onew up. "Here, your picture." Seungyeon gave the photo of Junhyung's girlfriend back to him and he continued walking in his usual circle.
Onew stared at Seungyeon and the chains shocked.
"What? Seungyeon... why?" Onew asked and stared into Seungyeon's eyes with pleading eyes. "Your not even telling me where this is, or why you are here or why you are doing this to me, why.. Seungyeon why??"
"I will come back do deal with you later.." Seungyeon said staring at Onew coldly. "You really still don't have a clue why you are here huh?"

Seungyeon then turned around and started walking away from him. She couldn't take the look in Onew's eyes right now.
"SEUNGYEON!! PLEASE DON'T GO!!" Onew yelled after her and tried to get the chains off him.

"Your too loud." Hara suddenly walked to Onew again.
Onew went silent for a moment and stared at Hara.
"I alredy told you why you are here. You broke Seungyeon's heart, you made her suffer so badly... you threw her away so easily when Seungyeon still loved you so much. She had planned all her future to be together with you, but you threw all that away to be with another girl. Don't you have any idea how much that hurt her?"

"But it's not like that, I didn't do that on purpose.... I still love Seungyeon." Onew said to Hara and tried to see a glimpse of Seungyeon, but she had already walked far away.
"Lies." Hara shook her head.
"It's not a lie, I still love Seungyeon.." Onew repeated.
"Desperate lies..." Hara said and walked away from him too.

"Wait, please, don't go.. don't leave me here like this!" Onew yelled.
"Don't worry, we will come back soon enough... we need to think what to do with you. After that we will come to you... oh yeah, while you wait here, you could try to become friends with Junhyung. Don't worry, he is not that violent, he only did that to you just now because Seungyeon took his precious picture away from him. See you... make yourself at home." Hara smirked walking away.
"Wait, I...!!" Onew yelled but Hara was already nowhere to be seen.

Onew glanced at Junhyung.
"Umm... have you been here a long time? You have any idea how to get out of here?" Onew asked Junhyung but got no reply.
Onew bit his lip and stared at one torch on the wall.

Seungyeon I really still love you.  

Onew had really left Seungyeon only because his father had forced him to do so. Onew's father had told Onew that Seungyeon was ruining his future and that he should end the relationship with her. He had threatened to ruin Seungyeon's future and make sure that Seungyeon would be kicked out of the art school if Onew didn't leave her. And because Onew didn't want Seungyeon to get hurt so he broke up with her and to make sure that Seungyeon wouldn't come back to Onew, Onew had had to bring another girl and pretend that she was his new girlfriend.

But as Onew had broke up with her, he had never imagined things would turn into something like this. He had thought Seungyeon would be able to live well without him, forgetting him slowly. But that didn't happen.

I didn't mean to hurt you Seungyeon, I swear. Will she believe me if I tell her what really happened, or just think i'm a liar? She has to believe me, she has to! When will she come back here?!



teeheee... update ^^

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Please update as soon as you can!
jloved #2
Chapter 10: Cant wait for ur next update....
ooohhh i hope seungyeon would stop being so stubborn and get together with onew soon...hara should let them go :)
Can't wait for your next update....please update soon :)
OnKey_Melly #5
Kyaaa^^<br />
Finally u updated^^
Gawwwwhhh, I hope Hara isn't that evil and let's them go!!!<br />
And please let them be together <333
OnKey_Melly #7
can't wait for the next update^^
ricebunnii #8
THat was going too far lol..<br />
hope they are ok and stay together<br />
update soon
Ahhh~ can't wait till next update!
alyballeza #10
can't wait fro the next chapter =3 great fanfic