A Beautiful surprise & the flashback.

Love is over the Rainbow

Background Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tDiqcMmrKA 

Your POV~

I woke up in the morning & when I was about to open my eyes, I saw a figure sitting in front of my bed at the small sofa.

"Rise & shine~" said the voice

I rubbed my eyes & look at the figure. It was Ni.....el?!

"Yaa! what are you doing my room, my house?!" you shouted

"That's not the right way to treat a guest.. right?"

"W-WHAT?! GUEST?! TCH! Guest my foot! You're not even invited here!" I screamed

"oh yes, Im invited. guess who invited me?"

"My parents??"

He nodded. "So I AM a guest" he said again.

"what do you want?"

"Arent we suppose to catch a movie tonight?"

"Yeahh.. its TONIGHT . Are you blind or something? you cant even differentiate between morning & night?!" I said emphasizing on the word ' Tonight'.

"haha, aigoooo~, you're funny" he came towards me & pinch my cheeks.

"what wrong with you?!" you pushed him away.

"Are you having a disease called ' short-term memory'?  I am your fiance, remember?" he tilted his head.

"You're crazy!"

"YAH! How dare you call your fiance crazy?"


Then somebody knocked the door, "Hara-ah what are you doing inside?"

"Nothing omma, I am chatting with Niel."

She went into the room & said, "Hara. arent you supposed to get ready for your date with your fiance? See, he's waiting for you since just now. He wanted to bring you out earlier so that he can spend more time with you. How sweet of him."

"ewww~ yeaaayeaaaa~" I quickly went off my bed & head towards the bathroom for a bath.

I wore a black long shirt with long sleeve. Then I wore a grey tights. (picture below)


"Let's go" you said.

"Honey , why so simple?" asked my mum

"Omma, what do you expect?  I want to look simple can I?"

"okayy then"

"Let's go" Niel said gestured his hands.

You rolled your eyes and hold his hand.

He bring me out & we went towards his car. He opened the door & I went in. He went in the car & pulled my seatbelt & tighten it. He does the same thing to his seatbelt. Then he drove somewhere.

"Yah, where are we going?" I asked.



"Can you please not shout?"


"To the park."

I made a 'What the hell' expression

"WHY ARE YOU SO NICE?! IT DOESNT SUIT YOU.." I said but he ignored & kept quiet.

"We're here" he said.We're at a road with forest by the left & right.I was about to open the door when he say, "Wait".

I just sat there & he opened the door for me. He blindfold me.


He ignored & lead me to somewhere. Then he untie the blindfold  & I saw a very beautiful garden with flowers.

My heart skipped a beat & I just froze. My jaw just dropped without me noticing.

At the corner of my eyes, I can see Niel smiling.

"Let's go in..! :) " He smiled & pulled me into the garden.

"Uwaaa~ How did you find this kind of place?? It so beautiful" that was the only thing I can say..

"hmm, somehow.. " he smiled.

I was happily looking at the flowers when I saw a bee flying.


"What's wrong??" he ask panickly

"THAT-THAT BEE!!!" I screamed & hugged Niel. I close my eyes tightly coz Im scared.

"Its okay. Its gone" he said patting my head.

I opened my eyes slowly & I realised that I hugged him ! ><

I quickly push him away & cleared my throat, "okay. good."

He patted my head again.

"can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"you still havent answer my question, why you are acting so good to me today.."

"I just remembered something."


"Do you remember the guy who pushed you into the swimming pool during a visit to your house back in Singapore?"


Venue: Swimming Pool.

"Yah, this toy is mine" you said pulling a toy away from a boy.

"Give this to me! I can give you a better toy than this" said the boy

"NOO- This is mine!" you argued.

Both of you are pulling the same toy when the boy pushes you to the swimming pool (deep).


Then one of  your maid saved you from the pool.

You just fainted & the maid did some CPR & finally water came out from your mouth .

You are concious. That boy looked at you and ran away.

He was crying on the staircase. You walked up to him, "Are you okay?"

"GO AWAY!" the boy shouted. He pushed you away & you dropped down from the staircase.

You cried,"Ommaaa~ appa~~' there was a cut at your leg. The boy ran away & came back with a first aid kit.

"dont cry" he wiped the tears away from your cheeks & paste a plaster on your leg. you are still crying.

He kissed your forehead & said,"everything is going to be fine.Im here.Im going to protect you." . Those words keep on repeating on your head.

You nodded & hugged him. Both of you fell asleep at the living room together. When both of your parents came back from work.They saw Niel hugging you.(well, the both of you were sleeping)

"we're back" said you mother. But when they were looking at the both of you.They smiled & thought that the both of you match each other well. So they decided to match you up with Niel once both of you grow up.

-End of Flashback-


I sighed," That was the most scariest memory that I had in the childhood days.When I was still 5 years old."

"Im sorry" said Niel

"What?? so you're that boy who pushed me???!"

"I said Im sorry. And For your own information, It's the first time I apologise to someone." he said.

"Because of you, Im afraid of the deep sea & even those deep pool in the swimming pool. By the way, that's nothing to be proud of. It should be embarrassing that you never apologise to someone before You did this because you feel guilty right? I almost died that time."

"So, do you accept my apology or not? embarrassing? hah. Yes, I feel guilty but the objective of me bringing you here is to pay off my debt to you."

"whattt? pay off your debt by acting nice to me?  that's fake alright. I'll see tomorrow if you'll still act like this towards me  or you'll go back being cold towards me" I rolled my eyes.

"I dont act. I dont like acting & I cant act." he said.

"prove it to me then"

"Okay, Let's make a promise instead." you said.

"okayy, sure."

"Promise me that you will admit that Im your fiance all the time to everyone. Dont worry, I wont ask you to tell everyone that Im your fiance, I only want you to admit when I say so. " I dared him.

He kept quiet but he managed to answer me, " okay, sure. I promise"

Okay, It's a pinky promise.

"Let's go to somewhere else." Niel said & pulled me to the car & he drove fast.






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Chapter 45: Nice~~

Hehe, I love the pairings ^^
OMG! Nice ending ^^ Happy ending FTW! *O*
MiZzPuN - Omo! ^^ Thanks for reading! ^^ You're one of my faithful readers :DD haha, thanks a lot for subscribing! :)
i love the ending <br />
everyone have someone to be with ^.^
MiZzPuN - Nyahahaa~ some desperate girl will do that for a guy.. hehss :))<br />
Tiyahkpop - Ayee, only in this fic ^^ Awww, thanks! :D Hahaha! ^^<br />
KpopLuver4ever - YES~~ SHE'S CRAZYY~~~ IKR~~ Haha, i will! ^^ <br />
<br />
________________________<br />
Again, thanks for the comments! <3 I loveeeee it~ nyahahaha~ ^^
HOLY CRAP! THAT IS CRAZY!!!! Hit her with a car?! Murderer much?! Update soon *O*
Tiyahkpop #7
Sheeshhh...gahee soo bad...anyway...nooo....im nt tired reading ur fanfic..i told u alr:))
OMG a car !!!<br />
man i think Gahee is the craziest o.o killing a girl with a car seriously for a guy that doesn't even like you.Jesus :/
MiZzPuN - Hehee ^^ Okayy ^^<br />
KpopLuver4ever - Okayy :DD You should update too y'knw..~ ^^
More update please ^^