So...please comeback to me.

I Always Be Here for You

“Your name?”

“Jung Daehyun.”

“Jung Daehyun?”



“You live alone?”


“Where is your family?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want to live in a place called ‘home’?”

Nodded faster.

“ can follow me but in one condition. You must follow my words because you’re mine. Understand?”

Nodded again.

“If you betray me.. I will make sure your life become worst than this.”

Nod.ded.. scared.

“Called me noona..”

“Thank you, noona..”


That’s how I met her. Ten years ago, when I was a kid. That’s time I was just seven but she look like older three years than me. She give me her own everything and I never left her behind as I promised. I’m happy. I’m so happy because get a chance to meet her. Yet, people said different but I know I’m not.

Her name is.. LadyD. That’s all people in this mansion called her. Young Mistress LadyD.  Until now, I never know her real name.

After ten years..

She changed a lot. I know she never smiled. Still she will look for me. Talked to me. Played with me.  Listen to me.

It’s maybe sound nonsense but I start to miss her.

I want to talk to her.

I want to hear her voice.

I want to touch her hands.

But she nowhere to reach.


“Young master, you are so early today. Want to eat dinner? I will ask the maid get ready. ” asked Head Maid, Mrs Kim. She smiled like always. All people in this mansion like to smile except her.

I shook my head and looked at upstairs, wondering if LadyD already going home.  Mrs. Kim looks together with my gaze.

“Young mistress not at home yet..” Mrs. Kim mumbled.

“Really?” I smiled, awkward. Am I too obvious? I’m rubbing my back neck because of shame. I leave the living room and go to my room. I stopped when I across in front of LadyD’s room.

It has been three days, I’m not seeing her.

I touch the door…


“Shut up!”

“You’re ! Do you think Daehyun will stay forever with you? In your dream! He’s human not your toy or slave. One day, he will fall in love, get married and left you behind. You have no right to keep him in your own!”

“I said shut up!”

“I will not! I’m so enough with your attitude. Don’t you think, you’re wealthy person, you can bully weak person like us. I love Daehyun. I know he love me too. We’re sharing same feeling. But because of you, he always ignore his own feeling..”

“What did you say? He love you?”

“Yes! Did you don’t know? So silly!”



She sat on the bench at the hillside. This is her own favorite place when she feels depressed. Like today..or yesterday..or like another last two days..

 Her cellphone suddenly vibrated. It’s Daehyun. She just looks in empty feeling. She touch Daehyun’s name on the screen.

“One day, he will fall in love, get married and left you behind. You have no right to keep him in your own!”

She heavily sighed. Drastically, she turned off the cellphone. Throw away the cellphone into her handbag. Drink the coffee again. If can see, many coffee can on the grass. Only for this night, she drank almost a carton of coffee can. Her old habit.


I looked up at my cellphone. I feel disappointed.  LadyD noona ignore my calls again, yet off her cellphone. My heart’s clenching hurt…frustrated. I know I’m wrong. But I miss her so much.


“Do you love someone?”

“What do you mean?” I stuttered. I never dream that she will ask me that question. Seriously, I can feel my own cheek was blushing.

“Did you have someone you like right now?”

My heart wants to burst out anytime. *Someone I love?*

I nodded.

“Whoever she is, you’re not allowed to fall in love without my permission.” She stated. Then, walked away.

I stunned without have a chance to talk. I blinked in my place. Confused.


I can’t hold my feeling anymore. I rather she hate me than she let me cliffhanger without tell me what’s happened. No, it’s not right. No matter what, I don’t want she hate me too. She can cold-hearted towards me but she can’t hate me. Because.. I can’t live if she hate me.

I grabbed my leather jacket and burst out from my room. It’s already midnight. It’s already late. But I don’t care. I must find her..

“Young master…where are you going? Young mistress will angry if she not found you in your room..” Mrs Kim shouted but I ignore her. Take my car key and drive away.


I know one place. Her place when she wants to be alone. That hillside.


She stood up and walk to her own Porsche. She drove away in a minute before Daehyun coming.

I run to the bench. I saw many coffees can o the trash. It’s still new. LadyD threw it before she goes. I screamed in frustrated over the hill. I was late.


Dear Daehyun,

Thanks for everything. You was complete my lonely life for these ten years. Maybe you don’t know but I was happy person because can met with you. I’m not going chessy but seriously, thank you so much. For these few days, I think a lot. Now, you’re man not kid anymore. You have your own life so am I. I’m being so greedy person before, so it’s not fair for you. You need to enjoy your own life too. I’m keep thinking so that, I did this decision. I released you from my life. You have your freedom. You can fall in love with someone you like. You can marry too if you want. Starting today, I will not disturb you again. Now, we are living in the different world. You and I… is nothing to remember.  Goodbye..


Lee Dani



My body shivered when I read the letter.  When I opened my eyes this morning, I was seeing a pink envelope on my table.  Letter. I smiled like a crazy person. Because I know, it’s her. She always dropped a letter at my room for apologize every time she fought with me. Never once, she will be apologizing face to face.

But the contents for this letter really make me in shocked. It’s not right. It can’t be right. It must be joking.  I run to her room. Knocked the door like insane person. I don’t care. I need a concrete explanation for this stupid apologize letter.

“Noona! Open the door. I know you’re inside. Noona!”

In the early morning, this mansion was full with my voice. The butlers and the maids suddenly run to me. Worried.

“Young master.. please calm down..”

I ignore everyone.

“Noona! the door. Please..don’t that to me. Please, noona. I’m begging to you..”

I never give up. I will not give up. I don’t want this freedom if I can’t see her again. I don’t want it.

“Young mistress was leaving!”

I stunned. Slowly, I looked at Mrs. Kim. Her face have sad and guilty expressions.. Maybe I heard wrong.

“What did you say?”

Mrs. Kim ducked her head down. Breathe long before face up with me. She found her confident to tell me the real story.

“I’m sorry. But Young Mistress want us to keep this secret from you. She was leaving before you woke up. Her flight to Japan was half hour ago. We’re sorry.”

“Are you kidding me, right?” I giggled in unbelief. It’s wrong. She will not leaving me.

“It’s true, Young Master.” said the butler, tries to support Mrs. Kim’s words.

“It’s not true…” I collapsed on the floor.


After three years,

I graduated from my collage and on my way to find new job. I’m not living at the mansion anymore. She’s not there, I also don’t want to live there. I feel lonely. I rent a small apartment using my part time salary. For these three years, my life busy with school and part time jobs. I have no time for love life. Eunji keep asked me to hang out with her. Yes, I had some feeling with her before but after I know that, she fought with LadyD noona because of me, my feeling suddenly changed.

Now, I knew the reason why LadyD noona act strange with me. I can’t blame Eunji on what’s happened but seriously, I still can’t accept her action that make LadyD noona left me behind.

Am I weird?

Someone fight for my life but then I hate her.

Yes, I’m weird.

Yet, I’m stupid.

But thanks to Eunji, she teach me what is love. Who was the correct person that I love.

Maybe I was late. But I still not give up.

Today, she will comeback. Lee Dani aka LadyD. She revealed her true name on her last letter to me. I dye my hair to blond color. I cut to be short but more stylists. I wore my new clothes that I bought a day before. I can’t help but I never stopped smile after I know her comeback. I want to be the first one that she’s seeing after boarding.

I see her. Lee Dani. I see her.. holding hands with a kid..

My face fell. *she’s married?*

Dani stopped walking because of shocked when saw me here. I can see she was..

I tries to smile while my heart broken into the pieces. For these three years, I put all my hope that I will available for her. I want to protect her. I want her be mine forever. I want to be love by her. Because the one and only one that I love is her. Lee Dani.

“Hello..noona..” I stuttered. My eyes never stop looked at the small kid. His ages maybe around two. He is a cute boy.  I was wondering who is the lucky person married with her and giving beautiful child like him.

“Daehyun…what are you doing here?” ask Dani.

I rubbed my hair. Honestly, I feel frustrated. If I’m not too strong, not surprise I will cried here.

“No.. I..I.. just.. They said you’re back.. so.. I.. I..” My mind was blank. I cannot think. What should I do right now?

Now, she was impossible to reach.

But.. I can see her smile. She never smiled but today she was smile. For first time. How lucky me.. but she not belong to me anymore.

“Doojoon.. go greet your appa” said Dani to the small kid. The kid blinked in confused before looked at me.

“Appa?” I shocked. Is it she refers to me?

“Me?” I put my finger to my face. Unbelief.

Dani chuckled. She changed a lot. She walked near me and pushed the kid named Doojoon to me. Awkward, Doojoon bowed respect.”Hello..appa. I’m Jung Doojoon”

 “Jung Doojoon?”

Doojoon nodded.

I looked at Dani, need explanation. Dumbfounded.

“His name is Jung Doojoon. That’s mean…”

“Your child. Jung Doojoon. Tomorrow, he will celebrate his two years old”

It’s not a joke right?


I knocked her door many times. I was hangover this night. So funny. I just drank two can beers but I can’t take it.

The opened and I can see her surprise expression when seeing me.

“Yah, Daehyun! Why are you drinking so much? You’re underage!”

I pushed her away and closed the door. I locked it.

Dani looked horror.

“Yah Jung Daehyun! Stop it on what are you doing right now!”

I can hear she yelled to me. But I’m not care so much. I pushed my lips on her and hugged her waist. Dani struggled herself to release from me. I know I did wrong.

I heard she moaned when I her neck. I become soften from before but I never thought to let her go. I want her be mine. No matter what.


“You me, remember?” she said.

We’re both sat side by side together on the bench. At the hillside. Her favorite place. We’re enjoyed watching Doojoon played alone.

“Am I?” I asked her, while thinking something. My cheek was suddenly blushing when I remembered that night incident.

“Now you remember?” asked Dani back when saw I was blushing.

“I’m sorry.”

“B-But..why are you still leaving if you know that you’re pregnant? You not trust on me that I can protect you!”

“Stupid! How could I know I will pregnant after two days you me!” Dani poked my head. Show her anger.

“Then..why are you never told me after that. You make me feel like a bad guy..”

“You’re really bad guy!”

I pouted when heard she said that. I rolled my eyes on her. But when she smiled make me truly happy. I reach her hands and holding it tightly. Another hand cupped her face and rubbing her check with my thumb. I touch her lips. We’re meet eyes for a while before my gaze stopped at her lovely lips. I leaned my lips on her.


Like our first time.

I want to be gentle but I miss her so much. I become greedy again. I bit her bottom lip so she opened for my tongue slick in. I explored , it’s become more passionate and hot. When, she kissed me back, that time I know she have same feeling with me

I miss her.

I love her.

I let the kiss go gasp more air. I smiled. Same with her.

“Remember.. when you said I can’t fall in love without your permission, I thought will you hate me if I fallen for you.  Then, I thought as long as you are always in my side, it will be okay for me. But, you left me after my rudeness make me going insane. I’m the one who crossed the boundaries. I’m the one who betray you.”

“What? Since when do you love me?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Yah! Answer me!”

I blinked when Dani burst out her anger. Since when this young mistress full with anger? Maybe raised a kid alone so stressful.

“I don’t know..maybe since we’re grew up be teenager?”

Dani hit my chest make me groaned in pain.”Why you hit me?”

“Because you’re liar!”


“You said you have someone you loved when I asked you.. remember?”

I stayed silent. Think again.

“uh-uhh.. That time. Of course, I have. I thought you know that I love you. I want to make confession but you run.”


“Of course you’re! Stupid!”

“Yah! How dare you call me stupid?” She poked my head again.

“Yah! How come you poke your husband head like that?” I yelled in frustrated.

“What? My husband? Who?”

“Me. Why? You don’t want to marry me? But we’re already a kid. It’s not nice if our kid have no father. Yet, he will feel lonely without any dongsaeng. So, we should give him maybe two or three more..” I . Pecked her lips.

“Mwoah? You changed a lot Jung Daehyun!”  She pinched my cheek until red. I pouted when she do that.

“I love you too… Jung Daehyun.” Dani whispered after she kissed me. I smiled.

“I love you back. Don’t ever try to run away from me again. ..” I leaned another kiss on her. We’re stopped when suddenly Doojoon disturb us.

“I want to pee, mummy!” he almost cried.

I laughed with his expression face.

I’m so happy. Now, I’m not only have her. But I also have my own child with her. Jung Doojoon.

“Mummy. Faster!”

“I know… I know..”

“He’s cute like me!” I giggled.

Dani rolled her eyes on me, unsatisfied. “I hope he will not be a like you. the innocent girl” Dani buttered.

“Can you change the word ‘’ to ‘make love’?”


I hissed.

“You’re not the innocent girl too..” I sang before run. Save my life first.



“I will not marry you, okay!!!”

“You will.”


I burst out big laughed. I never see her being cute like this. She never acts like this before. I never know the girl that I fallen full with argument, anger, talkative and lovely.

But I will never regret to fall in love with her.

She’s my life saver before.

Time make me fallen into her.

But this time, let me become her guardian for whole life. Because we’re know, being alone is so painful.



Dear my lovely wifey,

I love you, Jung Dani. Thanks because comeback to me. Show me the love. Give me the beautiful love.

Your hubby,

Cutey Daehyun ^^

p/s: hurry up! I’m so hungry. Cook for us .kekeke.











=The End=


Thanks for reading! ^^


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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 1: Awwww, so sweet ^^ so romantic and the child is shoooooo cute ^^
bapdaehyunnie #2
Chapter 1: Awwww, so sweet ^^ so romantic and the child is shoooooo cute ^^
Chapter 1: thanks for the comments.
Chapter 1: such a sweet story~~ :D
Kellybby11 #5
Chapter 1: Nice story ;)