Let's Give This a Chance

Let's Give This a Chance


     Chanyeol doesn't remember when it all started. He had liked the older guy since they were trainees. They were best friends who did everything together. They would share everything, or most of it. He would never share his love for the other, in fear of being rejected. He knew more about Baekhyun than any other member knew. He knew he had only had a girlfriend when he was a kid, and that he wasn't really that happy to have a girlfriend. He knew he had liked a guy before, and they had cuddled to sleep the night Baekhyun told him he was gay. Words couldn't describe how happy the older guy must have felt when his best friend told him he respected his ual orientation. Still, he was never brave enough to tell him how he felt. Baekhyun thought he was straight, and he still couldn't tell out loud he wasn't. 

      Sometimes he just stared at his hyung, waiting for him to realize he was there. It usually didn't take long. Chanyeol was oblivious of Baekhyun's feelings towards him. It was hard to tell which loved the other the most. They were made for eachother. Just like Lu Han and Sehun. 


      That reminded Chanyeol of what he was about to do. He didn't like to know Sehun and Baekhyun showered together. He knocked on the M's door. Inhaling deep, he went in once Lay opened the door and started looking for Lu Han. Lay shrugged his shoulder and went back to the couch. Chanyeol ran to his hyung's room. He went in without knocking, and found Lu Han looking at something in his laptop that was making him smile and blush. He focused on it and heard a "Saranghaeyo Xiao Lu" from a voice that sounded a lot like Sehun's. Lu Han blushed at the screen, and Chanyeol realized it was just a video. He cleared his throat to make the older guy aware of his presence. "W-What a-are you d-doing here??" He closed his laptop and got up in a second. "I came to ask you why you never get mad at Sehun for showering with Baekhyun-Hyung" He finally said. The words had been hurting him and he was relieved he took them out. Lu Han was shocked from what he just asked and his heart was racing wild. He's he aware of my feelings? He thought. When he calmed down his heart, he asked "Why should I?". Chanyeol couldn't believe what his hyung just said. Did he trust Sehun that much as to let him shower with another guy? Even if he did, why in hell would he not be jealous? "Well, you like Sehun" "So? It's not like we're dating, Chanyeol" He sighed. It hurted Lu Han too, Chanyeol could tell. He was just putting an act because he thought he had no right to be jealous of his dongsaengs. "I'm sorry, Hyung." Lu Han knew he couldn't lie to his friend, so he decided to trust him "It hurts, Chanyeol. It freaking hurts! But I can't just go inside your dorm and tell them, can I? They're both single and good friends, and Sehun would think wrong of me" He tried hard not to cry, but a tear had already run down his face. He sniffed, "You deserve to be happy, Hyung. I admire you for being strong in this situation." Lu Han started to cry hard and Chanyeol tried to embrace him, but he got rejected "Just let me cry for now, I've been holding too much pain inside. You should go back now" He nodded to his Hyung and got out of the dorm. 


       He was back at the K's dorm and once he stepped in, he heard laughter coming from his room. Afraid of what he might found, he swallowed dry and tried to calm down his breathing. He opened the room's door in a swift and found Sehun and Baekhyun, on top of a bed, laughing madly, as Sehun topped their hyung, tickling him. Both looked towards Chanyeol and he could see Baekhyun blush. Sehun just stared at him blankly. That brat isn't even embarrassed, I shouldn't have seen this. "Channie, wait! I can explain!" It was useless, since Chanyeol had turned back and closed the door. Suho was passing by when he saw him expressionless and deep in thoughts. "Is there something wrong, Yeol?" he asked his dongsaeng, when the younger looked directly into his eyes and simply said "I wanna change rooms with Sehun-ssi" and with that he left the leader dumbfounded, and went outside. 

      At first, he couldn't believe his leader had actually taken him seriously. All of his stuff were in his now shared room with Suho. I guess he did this while I was out. He was happy for not having to deal with the new couple, but it hurted to give his beloved one to Sehun. Lu Han must be suffering too.


      "Hyung, don't cry" Sehun told Baekhyun. "He was never like this towards me, Sehun" He cried even harder. The maknae couldn't do more than just comfort his hyung. He could imagine how badly it hurt. He would hate to be in the same situation with his deer-hyung. "He's never mad at me, and I don't even know what I did wrong!!". That ! Can't he see how much hyung loves him? "It'll be okay" he said, but either him or his hyung bought it.


      Days had passed. Chanyeol told Lu Han what happened, and Sehun started feeling his hyung distant. He eventually started getting depressed himself, and would not leave his bedroom, only to eat. Baekhyun did the same. Both Chanyeol and Lu Han thought they prefered to stay alone, just the two of them, but the rest of the band knew it wasn't that. Suho started questioning himself whether he should change his dongsaeng's rooms again or not.  

       One day, the whole EXO gathered in the K's dorm to have dinner. Some of them were enjoying the time together, but Lu Han wasn't that happy. He had insisted on staying in his own dorm, but Lay literally pushed him. Chanyeol also didn't want to be there. He was tired of seeing Baekhyun and Sehun together. But everyone could sense that the two weren't ok either. Baekhyun tried to talk to Chanyeol, but was ignored. Sehun excused himself and went to his shared room. Not even a minute had passed, and Baekhyun did the same. All of the gazes turned to Chanyeol. He had started it, so he must be the best choice of person to end it. He looked at his fellow bandmates, and back to his plate. Lu Han, on the other hand, couldn't handle it anymore. Once everyone finished, EXO-M  went back to their dorm, but Lu Han had told them he would go back later. He stared at the door infront of him. He wanted to open it, but his hand didn't seem to be able to. He breathed in deeply, and opened it with all his strength. Of course he surprised the two guys, but after a second of staring, Sehun turned his face away. Lu Han gulped and walked towards the hugging duo. He grabbed Baekhyun's arm and said "Get out". Even though it was also his room, he nodded and went to the living room. He knew how much his friend had been suffering, so he left them alone to talk. He could sleep in the couch, anyways. 

        There was only one problem. Chanyeol was the only one there. He was watching some sort of movie. Baekhyun wasn't sure if he should be next to his dongsaeng, but his feet led him to the couch, and he was standing there, waiting for Chanyeol to say something. He looked at his hyung and back to the tv, so Baekhyun sat down. "Are you sure you should leave them alone?" the youngest said. Baekhyun smiled, he knew Chanyeol couldn't be mad forever. "I'm sure Lu Han loves him, so it should be ok" With that Chanyeol turned his gaze to him. "How can you say that? Aren't you dating Sehun??" It took Baekhyun by surprise. Is that why he was ignoring me? "No, I'm not! I don't like him like that" Chanyeol became a little brighter because of these words "He likes Lu Han, anyways" He chuckled and the taller joined him in happiness. He missed being like this with Chanyeol. The two of them and the maknae were the mood makers of the dorm, and since they were all depressed, it had been like a graveyard recently. "I missed your smile" the older said. "I missed yours too". 

         They were watching the movie, and a scene came out with this guy confessing his undying love towards his girlfriend, and proposing her. They had been happy together for a while, and the guy did everything for her. Baekhyun let a single tear slide down his face. "I would love to have a boyfriend like that" he said. Chanyeol looked at him. "I am like that" Baekhyun looked at his best friend, surprised and  trying to understand if what he just said had any hidden message. "You can't know, you never dated" he chuckled. Chanyeol blushed "Well, I'm sure I would be like that!" The other continued laughing "I can prove, if you let me" He stopped laughing when he realized his dongsaeng's words. "H-How?" "Let me be your boyfriend for a while, and I'll show you" He looked at his laps, and told Chanyeol "I don't want to date a straight guy". The words cutted his throat while leaving it, but he couldn't get his hopes up like that. "I-I am not! I'm gay, for real" Baekhyun look into his eyes and saw he wasn't lying. A smile found its way to his lips and Chanyeol copied his action. He adverted his gaze back to the movie, feeling nervous. The other did the same and put his arm around his hyung's shoulders and pulled him a little bit closer. "What about a month?" Of course it wasn't exactly what Baekhyun had in mind, but he didn't care. He was selfish enough to save his feelings for himself and date his best friend without confessing. "It's ok with me" Chanyeol looked at him, and feeling ahppier than ever he kissed his cheek. "Is that how you kiss your boyfriend?" The other said, not thinking. He couldn't care less. If he was going to date Chanyeol, at least he should get the best of it. Chanyeol was taken by surprise but found enough courage to lift his head and kiss his lips softly. It was his first kiss, and he didn't mind giving it to Baekhyun, even if the other one didn't feel the same. They were dating, so he couldn't mind. They closed their eyes, and in a second it was over. Both were redder than ever, and avoided looking into the other's eyes. 


          The HunHan couple had finally confessed, and Chanyeol had changed rooms with Sehun again. Everyone was happier than ever, and BaekYeol seemed to be a real couple. It wasn't until the four of them went on a double date, that they admitted they were just dating for a month to let Chanyeol prove how good of a boyfriend he was. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!" Sehun yelled, "CAN'T YOU SEE YOU LOVE EACHOTHER???" Lu Han patted his shoulder to calm him down. "I agree, Baby, but let them do as they want. One day they'll inderstand." The couple in question was becoming even more nervous than they already were. Though they had dated for two weeks and a half, they still thought the other didn't feel the same. 


           "We'll have to resume work within a week" The taller guy said. He was changing into his pajama. Baekhyun laid in his own bed. Today is the last day... He sighed. A whole month had passed, but it felt to Baekhyun as if it were only one day. They would go everywhere together. At night they would always cuddle in the older's bed. Kisses were still not very common, since they were scared that the other would suspect of their feelings. But whenever they kissed, there was just a slight brush of lips, no tongue, no pressure. Chanyeol saw his hyung was thinking hard, and sat down next to him. The latter looked at him, and said "Tomorrow we won't be a couple anymore". Chanyeol knew it already. He was hoping his friend wouldn't realize it so they could continue dating. "I know..." Then silence fell right on them. It took the youngest 10 minutes to break the silence. "Was I good enough?". Baekhyun wanted to lie. He wanted to tell him he had to work a lot more to become a perfect boyfriend, maybe that way they would last longer as a couple. "You were the best boyfriend anyone could ask for".  His eyes tried to tell Chanyeol he wanted him a while longer. Chanyeol showed the exact same desire, and leaned closer to his face. I wanna try this, even if only once... He kissed his hyung's lips once again. Both let tears leave their eyes, but didn't mind. It was perfect. They didn't break the kiss like always, instead, they continued it, moving a little bit. Baekhyun's arms slid around Chanyeol's neck, while the other circled his own in his hyung's waist. They pulled closer while they opened their mouthes. Their tongues played, and it couldn't feel better. They kissed for 5 minutes or so, and when they pulled away, they saw both were crying. They hugged eachother like there was no tomorrow. "Please, be mine forever, Hyunnie" Chanyeol finally said those magical words, but still wasn't satisfied, and before the other could answer, he added "I love you, I always did, so please, let me be your boyfriend for longer". Baekhyun felt his heart full for once in his life. He couldn't describe the moment in any other word than 'perfect'. He kissed his boyfriend again, and only when he saw the other's eyes still confused, he remembered he never answered "I love you too, Channie. More than you'll ever know" They both smiled and kissed once again, and probably did other things before sleeping, but I'll leave that assumption to your wild imaginations. 


             The End




My first completed fanfic and the shortest i ever wrote (well, it's a one shot, what was i expecting? XD)

anyways, hope you liked it :)


~~  <3

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good job author-nim! xD
Sweet! Love it!
Chapter 1: nice!!! but i hope you'll elaborate on what happen to HUNHAn cp though~~ its still naice anyway!! <3
Chapter 1: Sugary, sweet and sappy. Just like I like it ♥