


Reena had her back  slammed hard against the grey metal locker, her hand tightly grasping the fabric of her plain grey Adidas backpack. A forefinger pointed right in front of her nose.

                        “I told you to leave him alone, you !” Krystal yelled in her face. Reena's face showed no reaction. She, instead, remained calm and poised. She stared up into her blazing eyes. A ghost of smirk appeared around her dry lips.

                        “You have no rights to say that miss. The moment you left him, he is no longer yours,” Reena replied with mere confidence as she was ready for another attack.  She had gotten used to this. Ever since her relationship with MinHo went public, she had been receiving all kinds of threats from fans (girls) and his ex’s clique. Death threats, assaults, blackmails, dead animals on her doorsteps—you name it, she got it. Although there is one thing in particular—her boyfriend knew nothing about those threats lashed to her. MinHo already has tons of things to worry about, and Reena did not want to add another into his endless lists.

                        Krystal clenched her teeth and threw her slender hand across Reena’s cheek. “He’s mine to begin with! Where the hell did you learn to speak like that?!” she growled. Reena bit back the wince that almost slipped out of . Her cheek stung badly from the hard slap. She scoffed and glared back at Krystal.

                        “I learnt them from you, ,” Reena spat back.  Krystal lifted her rolled her fists. She could not take her any longer. Reena who knew what was coming next quickly turned to the side and snapped her eyes shut. Seconds passed. She felt nothing.

                        “Oppa,” Krystal’s voice suddenly turned into a whimper. Reena opened her eyes. Standing between her was a man. A man that she had never thought would come to her rescue. No. Actually she did not expect anyone to rescue her at all. She would always escape from the situation all by herself. JongHyun was practically gripping Krystal’s feeble wrist, squeezing it hard, hoping to crush her bone. He clenched his teeth and threw her hand away.

                        “Don’t  you dare to touch a hair on her ever again, or I’ll rip you into pieces,” he warned. Krystal gasped as tears started to rolled down from her eyes. He could not care less. Not anymore. He knew her motives from the very beginning she approached him eight months ago—she wants MinHo back to her side, thinking that dating JongHyun would make him jealous. Instead of avoiding her, he pathetically let her use him and gave her all his love, thinking that Krystal might have a change of heart someday. That someday never come to him, sadly. He’s sick and tired of waiting.

                        “Let’s leave, Reena,” he clipped those words in a cold, flat voice and dragged Reena away by her elbow, leaving Krystal sobbing half-heartedly in the almost empty hallway.


                        JongHyun started the ignition and immediately drove away his Polo Sedan from the pavement in front of their school. Reena bit the insides of her cheek . She had never seen him—her bestfriend’s crush—this mad before. She carefully swallowed the clog in and turned to him. “Jong, weren’t you being too harsh on her?” she mumbled. She literally crossed her fingers on her lap, hoping that what she had asked would not increased his wrath.  He tightened his grasp onto the steering as he drove ahead, his eyes completely on the road.

                        “Of course I was. I’ve had enough of her,” he said evenly. He let out a breath and added, “You alright?” This time, his voice filled with concern. “Luna called me earlier to check you out. She had a feeling that something bad might happened to you when she claimed that she saw Krystal walking back into the school with a furious expression painted on her face in the car,”

                        Reena smiled at the thought of that. Luna can be such a mother at times. “I’m cool. Already used to it,” she nodded and looked ahead. She was thinking hard whether she should spill out Luna’s secret right now. She was about to open when JongHyun Interrupted. “What do you mean you are used to it?” he asked sternly.

                        Crap! Reena cursed in her head. She  could not believe that she had actually slipped out something very confidential earlier. She curled up her toes in her shoes and laughed out awkwardly. “Ah! Nothing man,” she hit his shoulder playfully with her fist and immediately peered out of the window and cringed. She was such a bad actor. Really bad. Both of them remained speechless, engaged to their own emotions and mind blahs.

                        JongHyun swerved to the curb by the time they arrived in front if Reena’s apartment. He locked all the doors and turned to face her. Reena glanced at him frustratedly. “What are you doing?”

                        “How long has it been going on? Those assaults. I’m sure Krystal isn’t the only one. Am I right?” he questioned. Reena shifted her body and looked ahead. She did not wish to answer his question. JongHyun tapped his fingers onto the dashboard and waited patiently for her answer. After the long silence, Reena finally gave in. “I don’t know. For as long as I could remember I think,” she shrugged.

                        JongHyun nodded and folded his arms. “MinHo knows nothing about these doesn’t he?” he murmured. “Should I tell him?”

                        Reena shook her head vigorously and placed her hand onto his shoulder, “Don’t tell him, please,” she pleaded desperately.

                        “Why?” he asked, confused. “I don’t get you,”

                        “I just….i just don’t want to…you know….i don’t want to worry him, that’s all. I mean, you guys are all busy people and…he’s burdened with so many things and I don’t want to make things harder for him. I just…..i want to…..,” she trailed off miserably and sighed heavily. “It’s okay. You won’t get it. I love him alright,” She hoped that JongHyun would take it in. She had seen how stressful MinHo and the others was to live a life as a celebrity--student. She did not want their love life to be another hitch for MinHo. It was all because she loved him so much that she could not bear to see even a subtle disappointment on his face. She would do almost anything not to ruin his happiness.

                        “Please bring it to your grave, okay?” Reena added. JongHyun sighed and nodded, indicating that he surrendered to her. He knew that she would always win in the debate. It seemed pretty pointless for him to waste his saliva on her. “Alright,” he promised. “Now go get some rest,” he suggested and unlocked the doors. Reena smiled triumphantly and quickly got off his car. She thanked him and slammed the door shut and quickly paced towards the gate.

                        JongHyun  slumped onto the cushion and caressed his temples. He completely understands the fact that she loved him. The only thing that confused him was that she would risk anything for him. That situation reminded him of how he was towards Krystal. Love really blinds people. He thought to himself. I think you are crazy too, Reena. I’m sorry. He pulled out his smartphone and called MinHo

                        “Dude, there is something I think you should know,”

X                X               X


Reena zipped up her pencil pouch and stretch her body. Finally after a not-literally-long day, she completed her factual essay on the environment for the school’s yearly magazine. She stood up and shuffled lazily towards the washroom. She stopped her tracks when she heard her smartphone vibrated on her nightstand. She scowled indignantly and dragged her feet backwards until she felt her calves against the edge of her bed. She plopped herself onto the mattress and grabbed her phone. She felt her heart catch when MinHo’s name floated in the screen. She dragged her thumb across the screen and held it against her ear.

“Hello, oppa,” she greeted shyly.

“Hey there, love,” the latter replied with genuine warmth. “How’s school today?”

Reena flinched upon the question asked, but managed to blurt out a lie cheerily. “It’s was great as ever,”

“I knew you were going to say that,” MinHo chuckled. “You’re so adorable. I miss you so much,”

“It’s only been a few hours and you already miss me this much,” she laughed.

“I miss you every second. Even if you are in front of my eyes, I see you. Then I miss you again,” he added.

“Stop being so cheesy. I doubt that,” Reena joked.

He sighed. “Hey, I’m sorry I couldn’t stay back with you in school earlier. Have you found what you need for your essay?”

Reena could picture his concerned face on the other side of the line. She immediately shook her head. “It’s alright oppa. I’m all good. The essay was completed minutes ago. Oppa, you don’t have to apologize. You’re busy with work. I completely understands that.” She pursed her lips and played with the hem of her purple T-shirt with her free hand. Another sigh escaped from MinHo’s throat. All of a sudden, an uncomfortable silence engulfed them, but it only lasted for three seconds when Reena finally broke it with a question.

“So, how’s work?” she asked simply, hoping it would ease the sudden unknown tension between them.

“As per usual, hectic schedule and all,” he replied. Reena could sense a nuance of frustration on his voice.

“Don’t wear yourself out okay? You’re going to get sick. Try taking one step at a time,” she said and lifted her fist up, “Fighting!

MinHo laughed out loud at the image of Reena’s cuteness and indulgence that played in the back of his mind. His laughter was like a lovely melody to her ears. He finally felt a heavy weight being lifted from his shoulders. Reena never failed to cheer him up and filled him in with encouragements. Whenever MinHo’s felt like giving up, Reena would be the one that light up his dark world. Every single part of Reena belongs to him. She was much more precious to him than anything in the world, and he made certain that he would protect her from anything and nothing stands between them.

“What’s so funny?” she exclaimed.

“Nothing. You’re cute.,” he chuckled. “Wish you were here,”

“Yeah. Me too,” she smiled widely. “Now go get some rest. It’s time for you to sleep.”

“Mmm,” he mumbled childishly.

“Sweet dreams, oppa,” she said softly.

“Reena,” he quickly called out.


“I love you,”

Reena felt her heart accelerated. Her eyes stung from the tears that was threatening to form in her eyes. She swallowed a small lump in . “I love you more,” she breathed. More than I can express.

Without waiting for his reply, she hung up and slumped her back onto the soft mattress. She held her phone tight to her chest. She did not know why her chest felt so tight. Maybe she was just too touched by what MinHo said. She was a very emotional type, you see. She exhaled and closed her eyes as she listened to her heart that was still beating like crazy, all because of him.


X                              X                              X


“I had warned you before that if you were to publicize your relationship with her, both of you will have to handle the risk on your own. The company won’t help you deal with anything that involves in your love life,”

“But this isn’t about just sheer love. It’s concerning her safety!” MinHo bellowed. His head was pounding from all the accumulated anger.

“I’m sorry. I can’t do anything. I’m just a manager of yours. I did try to convince the president once but his decision is final,” he said sympathetically.

MinHo in air and brushed his dark hair. What should I do? What should I do? He exhaled and glanced up at his manager. “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. It’s alright. I understand,” he bowed. He felt so silly and useless for a while, when he realized that there was no reason for him to publicized their relationship. He had caused this chaos. He had caused her to be in physical and emotional pain.

“It’s alright, boy,” the latter nodded and placed his hands on his shoulder. “Just stay strong. I believe that you guys can handle it well,” he encouraged.


X                               X                                X


Hours. Days. Then weeks passed by. Reena felt that the gap between her and MinHo had widened. It started last three weeks ago, when she approached MinHo in school who was busy packing at his locker.

“Oppa. Are you alright? You don’t seemed to interact much today,”

He nodded without looking at Reena, “I’m fine. Don’t bother me,” he replied flatly.

Worry started to fill Reena up. “Are you sure?” she adjusted her backpack and lifted her palm to touch his forehead. MinHo stopped packing and quickly slapped her hand away. “I said I’m fine,” he raised his voice.  All heads in the half-emptied hallway turned to their direction. Reena looked around nervously, and then glanced back to MinHo. “I’m sorry,” she half-stammered. MinHo shook his head and slammed his locker shut. He faced his back to her and ambled away from the scene, leaving Reena dumbfounded and afraid.

She hugged her legs to her chest and bawled up in tears. Ever since then, they just went cold. MinHo stopped calling her every night like how he used to and did not even once picked up her phone call, nor did he reply her text. She had no idea what big a mistake she had done until MinHo avoided her like that. She left probably hundreds of voice mail for him, all with the same repeated questions; “What have I done wrong?”

Two knocks on her door crash her back into reality. “Reena. It’s me.”

She quickly wiped away the tears that stained her face with her sleeve and took a deep breath before speaking. “Come on in.”

The door squeaked open, revealing Luna by the door. She was in her favorite pink PJs and her hair tied in a messy bun. Reena straightened her legs and sat up straight. “What’s up?” she faked a smile.

Luna stepped in and closed the door gently. She then approached her and sat on her bed. “Why did you stopped crying when I stepped in?” she asked with her arms folded.

Reena gave her a confused look. “Since when did I cry?” She then pushed herself to the edge of her bed to sit beside Luna. “Why should I cry?”

Luna glared at her. “I’m not blind and deaf okay. I could hear you sobbing from outside. Look at your face. All red like a tomato,” she pointed.

Reena sniffled and brushed her sleeve across her nose. “I’m a really bad actor, aren’t I?”

Luna sighed and placed her hand on top of Reena’s. “What happened? I’m sure this is about him isn’t it? It has been weeks and you guys haven’t even talk. Spill the beans, oh?” she pleaded.

Reena shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t know what happened. He just went cold. He didn’t pick up his phone and he won’t talk to me. He..he….” she trailed off, stifling the whimper that threatened to escape from . Luna patted Reena’s eyes with her sleeves. Only then she realized that the tears had already escaped.

Luna closed their distance and hugged her best friend. It hurts her to see Reena in pain like this. “Just cry. You can borrow my shoulder for the mean time,” she patted her back. The room once again gave way to her sobbing. Luna began to tear up as she patted Reena’s back continuously. “It’s alright. Everything is going to be okay. Just stay strong,” she encouraged. Reena nodded in her friend’s embrace. Seconds later, she pulled herself away and wiped her tears with the back of the sleeve.

“You should just confront him tomorrow. This can’t go on any longer,” Luna finally said.

“I’ll try,” Reena promised.

“Good night, dear,” Luna patted her friend’s shoulder and head towards the door.

“Night, mom,” Reena joked. When the door finally shuts, she threw herself onto the bed and nuzzled her pillow. After nights of crying and cramping all the utter sadness inside her, she finally felt relieved, although not fully. The tightness in her chest started to wane bit by bit, until she felt drowsy and slowly drowned into her sleep.




Reena stared out of the window into the blue sky. She sighed and bit her lips. She could not take the noisy chatters that filled her classroom. She was about to stand up when the chair beside her squeaked. She turned to look and Luna greeted her sight. She was smiling so widely that it revealed all her straight white teeth. Reena slumped back onto her chair.

“What’s with the face, girl?” she asked.

Luna clutched on Reena’s arm. “You are not going to believe this. JongHyun asked me out on a date. And it’s tonight!” she squealed. Luckily her voice was not loud enough that only Reena could hear.

Reena raised a brow and started to smile widely like Luna did. She hugged her and pinched her cheek. “Finally!” she exclaimed. “Want me to shop with you later?”

Luna’s eyes twinkled and she nodded delightfully. “Yes yes!”

“Hey I wanna get some fresh air on the rooftop. So I guess I’ll see you at the gate later after your last period okay?” Reena suggested.

“Okay. See you,” They bid farewell and Reena quickly escaped the class. She dashed up the two levels of stairs and quickly headed through the doorway that reveals the open space of the rooftop. She stopped her tracks when the afternoon sun shone brightly on her. She threw her bag to the side and open her arms widely, feeling the hot breeze and the heat penetrating through her skin.  She watched as the birds flew freely on top of the world. How I wish I could fly.

Just then, she noticed a figure, a familiar silhouette from the corner of her eye. She turned to the left and dropped her hands to the side. There he was. MinHo. He was gazing at her from the corner. He had his hands in his pockets. His face was expressionless.

“Oppa,” she gasped as her eyes bulged.

MinHo looked away and ambled past her nonchalantly, as if she was invisible and he was just staring afar. Reena felt so hurt; she felt as if she was stabbed right in her heart. With tears already welled up in her eyes, she whirled around and grabbed the edge of his dark blue blazer. “I-I’m here. Don’t go.” she choked out those words. MinHo showed no response. “I don’t know why  you are being so cold towards me. I-what have I done? Have I done something really bad? Can you tell me my mistake? I-I can’t think of it. I’m really sorry. Talk to me, oppa,” she begged as she swallowed back her whimpering sound. Her face was already wet with tears. She felt really pathetic.

MinHo stared down and pushed her hand away from him. He clenched his teeth and started walking again until a pair of arms was wrapped around his waist. He froze on the spot.

“Please don’t do this to me,” she sobbed and buried her face in the fabric of his uniform behind. “I’m sorry, oppa. I really am. Just don’t go. Don’t leave me,”

MinHo looked over his shoulder  and clenched his teeth. He slowly grabbed her feeble wrists and pulled them away. He turned around and pulled the sobbing girl into his embrace. He carefully her hair and kissed the top of her head. The scent of her lavender shampoo entered his nostrils. “I never wanted to do this, Reena. But I had to. I had to in order to keep you away from the dangers that you had faced all these while for me. It kills me to do this. I’m dying without you by my side. I’m sorry for being so selfish all these while. I didn’t realize that you were hurting all because of my stupid decisions. I’m really sorry, Reena,”

Reena gaze up at him.  Must be JongHyun. I guess I’m going to have to ruin his date with Luna tonight. “Don’t do this anymore. I’m dying without you too. Never leave my side.”

MinHo brushed her tears away with his thumb and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I won’t. I promise.”

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ZeRynna #1
Chapter 1: Ahhhh!!! Kamsahamnida dear! :) This OS of Minho is really lovely...
Gah! And Luna as my best friend..cool man!
Hahahaha..i sound so emotional and sensitive..i suppose i am in real life XD
This is a lovely bday fic...
And i want to know how I ruin Jonghyun's date so please write a sequel?
I mean..revenge is sweet ya know ;)
Chapter 1: Omo! What happened with Jonghyun Oppa and Luna? Am I really want to ruin their date?

I think sequel will be good author-nim :3