Roasted Chestnuts Review Shop || Open ||


 -Roasted Chestnuts Review Shop-


Hello ^^

If you're looking for a place that reviews fanfics, it would be here~

Comment in for a request and I'll review ^^



-Shop Status-

Open || Busy || Under Construction || Closed || Hiatus

Highlighted means =


Open - We will accept reviews requests

Busy - We have pending requests that we need to finish

Under Construction -

Closed - The review shop shall be closed

Hiatus - We'll take a break and not accept any requests for a while


-The Rules-

1) Subscribe. Do not unsubscribe once you get your reviews or else we'll delete your reviews ^^ So stay subscribed. Simple as that~

2) When you request please comment and when you pick up your reviews, please comment again ^^

3) Do not bash. I'm trying to help you. Im serious .____.

4) If you do not want your review, please cancel in 24 hours

5) Please be patient. I have a life outside of AFF.

6) Please credit me in your foreword ^^. It doesn't need to be big.

7) If you do not follow the rules I shall add you in the black list ^^


Title: /5 (Does the title fit your story?)

Description+Foreword : /10 (Does the description describe the story well?)

Plot+Characters /15

Flow of the story: /20 (Does your story go too slow or does it seems too rushed?)

Grammar: /20 (Spelling mistakes)

My enjoyment: /15

Score: /85




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