Lonely Butterfly


In which Kris looks for a way to escape from the harsh reality...

And in which Lay looks for a way to escape from the cruel dream...

Who will be able to get out first?

The Persistent Kris? or The Locked Away Lay?



Where are you going?

Stay put and let's play...


Come with me and let's meet the reality...


Come with me and let's meet the dream...



Escape before it's too late...

Escape before the reality devours you...

Escape before the dream chokes you to death...



Where are you?

Come out and play with me and death


Gosh...I'm not even done with my four fics yet and the other fic in LJ....T^T

Just decided to put this up!

Hope I'll recieve your love <3

Thank you very much!!



UPDATE 4/3/12: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry to EternallyLove whom I requested for a poster and background. I honestly forgot about it. I'm so sorry for taking it such a long time to post it up. I'm so sorry and thank you! Thank you for the wonderful poster and background. Beautifully created in Everlasting---Poster Request Shop!


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