
Ghost Love


"Hey,you crazy ghost.Wake up!" Shin Hye shouted at him.
Yong Hwa bolted up straight. "What's wrong with you? Its so early in the morning."
"Early in the morning your face.Its already 11 a.m!" 
"What do you mean 11 a.m? Its only--" Yong Hwa stopped when he saw the clock.
"Oh.I thought you're just bluffing."
"Haha,very funny.You coming or what?"
"To my brother's house."
"Oh,so you have a brother,huh?"
"Half-brother actually."
"What's his name?"
"You'll know later.Let's go."
They arrived at her brother's house after 15 minutes.As they entered the house,they saw a man,about 50 years old.
"So that's your brother?" Yong Hwa said sarcastically. "Wow,you got a long way to go."
"He's not my brother,stupid.He's the mailman in this neighborhood."
The man looked at her,confused. "Who are you talking to?"
"Ah.It-it was just a movie line."
"Oh.I thought you're talking alone to yourself.I'll leave now,I just delivered mail to the owner." the man told her and left.
"Told 'ya.Don't talk too loud.They might send you to mental hospital."
"Just shut up,will 'ya?"
"Whatever you say,sunshine." Yong Hwa said while shooking his head.
A boy suddenly ran towards them to get the mail.He was running so fast and bumped Shin Hye.
"Hey,crazy.What's the rush?" Shin Hye told the boy as she helped him get up.
"Sorry,sis.I thought the mailman already left with the mail."
When Yong Hwa saw his face,he was surprised. "Hong Ki!?" Yong Hwa exclaimed. "So,he's your brother?"
"How'd you know him?" Shin Hye whispered to him.
"He's my bestfriend for 2 years! He didn't tell me he had a sister."
Shin Hye just stared at him.
"Hey,I'm serious!" Yong Hwa defended.
"Hey,Hong Ki.Do you have a friend named Yong Hwa?"
"Oh,him? Yeah.He's actually my bestfriend.He's in the coma by now after getting into an accident.You remembered the boy I was telling you? The one I like to meet up with you? Well,its him." Hong Ki said.
"So he was the one you were talking about?"
"Uh-huh.Hey,what's the big deal?"
"So he was telling you about me?" Yong Hwa asked.
"I guess so.But I can;t believe its you." Shin Hye replied.
"Well,me too.I can't believe you're his sister.He didn't mention to me."
Hong Ki got the mail and turned to Shin Hye. "Hey! Who are you talking to?"
"Nothing,I just remembered something."
"Well then,come in now.You might think that I'm not kind to guests." 
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Wendy-1977 #1
So sweet yongshin 😍
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 15: ♥♥♥♥so sweet...thank you author...
shiniee #3
Chapter 15: I LOVE this story authornim, complete package, romance, sad and comedy are roll into one (^_^) have a blessed day authornim ! Thanks ! ! !
Sheimen23 #4
Chapter 15: Such a nice story.... Love it.. More yongshin fanfic pls...
oziiji #5
Chapter 15: Such a cute story...^^
Wish you will write more of yongshin couple~
Chapter 15: Awwww, I'm not a YongShin shipper... but this is just too cute to not love! Hahahaha, well I do ike the couple, it's just not at the top of my list XD

Hey, it was very original ^^
Chapter 15: Thank you for happy ending..YongShin xD <3
Emotional_Angel #8
Chapter 15: great job... thank you for this looking forward for another ff of yours... :D
deserves an upvote, upvoted :)
Chapter 15: Thanks for happy yongshin ^_^