Can't You See I Love You?

Everyone Loves Jello

Daehyun was fuming. To be honest he wasn't completely sure who he was more angry at; Himchan or himself. After the two had come back from getting the food and drinks, Zelo and Himchan had seemed a little too close.

            It was frustrating not knowing what had gone on between the two. IT was even worse knowing that it could have been him bonding more with Zelo instead of Himchan if he hadn't been so focused on that stupid videogame.

            In the end Dae had decided he was simply frustrated with the whole situation and all parties involved. Why hadn't Zelo given an answer yet? The boy had had plenty of time to think things over and come to a decision hadn't he?

            Growling in frustration the man rubbed at his face and looked up at the stars. After dealing with several hours of the two roommates acting too chummy for his liking, Daehyun had gone out to lay on the deck and cool off.

            "Hyung? Genchana?"

            Dae tilted his head back, a look of surprise on his face. "Ah Zelo...I didn't hear you come out." he muttered, sitting up.

            Zelo almost hesitantly stepped out onto the deck a little further, sitting within a hands reach of Daehyun. "What are you doing out here?"

            "Ah...just thinking. It's a pretty night." Dae murmured, looking up at the stars.

            Zelo looked up as well, a small smile on his lips.

            The two sat in the first comfortable silence they'd had together in a long time.

            "Why do you like me" Zelo asked softly, eyes trained on the night sky.

            Daehyun blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Why?"

            Zelo nodded and gave Daehyun a leveled look. "Yeah. Why?"

            Dae blinked again as he mulled over that question why did he like the maknae so much? "Well isn't it obvious? You're adorable and a great dancer and rapper. You're friendly and fun to be around. Why wouldn't I like you?"

            Zelo listened carefully but gave a soft, almost sad smile. "I see..." standing up he looked at Daehyun. "Thanks." he murmured.

            Daehyun blinked, a bit confused by Zelo's reaction. "Wait. What does that mean?" he demanded, standing up to stop Zelo from leaving by grabbing hold of his arm.

            "Exactly what it sounds like hyung. I was just thanking you for being truthful." Zelo replied, trying to pull his arm out of the others grasp/

            Daehyun's face darkened a little. "It sounded like a whole hell of a lot more." he said softly, his grip tightening a little as he slowly began to back the younger boy up against the wall.

            Zelo's expression melded into one of confusion as he found himself being cornered by the more muscled older boy. "Hyung I swear. I only meant what I said." He insisted, trying to press past Dae.

            Daehyun's intense gaze stayed locked on the younger as he finally had the others' back pressed against the wall. "Junhong-ah...stop running away from me. You can call it whatever you want but you always find an excuse to get out of any situation with me. I can't take it anymore. It's like you're teasing me." he choked out passionately.

            Zelo swallowed hard, his heart pounding as he was forced to stare at Dae. Uncomfortably he squirmed a little. "Hyung stop...please." he murmured quietly.

            "No dammit! Why do you act so cold towards me?" Dae bit out, his grip tightening on the rappers arm.

            Zelo's face twisted with pain slightly. "You're hurting me."

            "Can you not see my feelings?! Do I have to show you for you to understand?" By now Daehyun was practically yelling, his eyes sharp and intense.

            "Hyung st-why are you doing-" Zelo's eyes opened wide as Daehyun closed his lips over Zelo's fiercely.

            For a moment all the younger could do was stand stock-still as Daehyun's lips bruised his with the force of the kiss...Zelo's first kiss.

            Everything seemed to stand still for ages before all hell broke loose. With the aid of the adrenaline pumping through his veins, Zelo shoved Daehyun back with an almost horrified expression.

            Daehyun's expression was shocked as he absent-mindedly touched his lips. "Zelo...I-"

            Biting back tears, Zelo took off into the dorm, white as a sheet.


Ah a pretty surprise chapter neh? :3 hee hee hee~! Hope you all enjoyed it. Please look forward to the final chapters and don't forget to comment and subscribe~! ~Jello



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Chapter 28: Damn that was so so so so so amazing I loved it so much
Blinger_kim #2
Chapter 27: Awhh my ship is Daelo and I've a feeling Himlo is winning :(
Chapter 2: This is really good so far :3 Never thought of HimLo, but I like it.
Chapter 28: Oh this was beautiful! But did they just do that in front of everyone at the awards show? If so then oh my gosh thats epic!!
Bibieonni #5
Chapter 28: This was so lovely T.T
I didnt think i would see Dae so mature, happy i was wrong :P
And finaly they are together, after so much hurt! :D
(maybe YG can have some peace now)
Thanks for sharing!!
YumeTenshi #6
Chapter 27: *gasp* YAH! Daehyun what the...aish...please Jello, update *-* I will die if you don't! See ya~
gellibean95 #7
Please.....please finish. This is so Oooooolllldddd good. Bad, bad Daehyun! Poor Zelo....
katlie #8
upload soon!! <3 I love this story!!
Chapter 27: Omg! Dae u are a very bad boy!I can't wait for the update!
Chapter 27: I know you, so i kind of expected this scene at some point lol xD but it still caught me off guard~ aigoo. Poor everyone lol.i like the way this is going xD