Chapter 4

You're My Toy

Eunhyuk woke up. He saw his uniform hanging on the closet door.

“Oh yeah, today I start school,” Eunhyuk said to himself.

He got up groggily and changed his clothes. He looked in the mirror and saw that his hair was a mess. He looked around the dresser and found a comb. He started fixing his hair. When he finished he walked down to see that Donghae was already eating breakfast.

Wow he eats cereal. Regular cereal.

“Eunhyuk are you hungry?” Leeteuk asked. Eunhyuk shook his head back and forth.

“You should eat something. What if you get hungry during school,” Leeteuk said.

“I’ll be fine,” Eunhyuk said.

“Then let’s go,” Donghae said, “Carry my backpack.” Eunhyuk did as he was told. He was still mad at Donghae for breaking his mom’s necklace, but he knew he had to obey him. He silently followed Donghae out the door.


(At School)


“Okay Eunhyuk, you should have the same classes as me, but go to the office and ask for your schedule,” Donghae told him.


Eunhyuk went to the office and an office lady was there to greet him.

“Hi are you Eunhyuk, Donghae’s friend,” the lady asked.

“Um, yes,” he answered hesitantly.

“Well then here’s your schedule. Leeteuk had recommended that you have the same homeroom and schedule as Donghae so he should be able to show you around,” she told him, “He should be waiting right outside the office.”

“Okay, thank you,” Eunhyuk said. When he walked out, Donghae was talking to some of his friends.

Oh great, now he’s with friends. How awkward will I look if I walked up to him while he’s talking to them? I bet their all snotty rich kids.

“Eunhyuk come here,” Donghae called. Eunhyuk snapped out of his thoughts and walked towards him. He felt kind of scared. It was his first time ever at a school and he had never had any friends, unless you count the other workers at Leeteuk’s business. He had never socialized with people his own age.

“Okay guys this is Eunhyuk,” Donghae said, “and Eunhyuk this is Siwon, Zhoumi, and Sungmin.”

“Um, hi” Eunhyuk said in a small voice.

“Aww he’s shy,” Sungmin said.

“It’s your first day, right?” Zhoumi asked. Eunhyuk nodded.

“Don’t look so scared, we don’t bite,” Siwon said.

“He’s going to be in all our classes,” Donghae told them.

“Oh, he has the same classes as us, that’s so cool,” Sungmin exclaimed. Then the bell rang.

“Well come on Eunhyuk, let’s go to our homeroom,” Siwon said as he wrapped his arm around Eunhyuk’s shoulder. Eunhyuk didn’t say anything. He just walked with them. When they got to homeroom, the teacher introduced Eunhyuk to the class and told him where to sit. He had to sit next to Siwon, not that he minded. He walked to his seat and sat down. He couldn’t focus. He was still thinking about how his necklace was broken.

“You look mad,” Siwon said.

“Hmm, it’s nothing,” Eunhyuk said. Siwon shrugged and left Eunhyuk alone. When class was over Donghae called him to his desk.

“Yes?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Carry my books,” Donghae said as he put them on top of Eunhyuk’s. The weight of the books was hurting Eunhyuk’s arms. He was struggling to keep them up. Donghae noticed but instead of helping, he just laughed. Siwon, who also noticed, got Donghae’s books and carried them for him.

“Um you don’t have to help. I can do it,” Eunhyuk said.

“It alright. Also your arms were about to fall off,” Siwon said. Eunhyuk laughed awkwardly because it was true.

The rest of the day, Donghae was trying to get Eunhyuk to carry his stuff and do everything for him, but Siwon would always help.

“You don’t have to keep helping,” Eunhyuk said.

“I don’t mind,” Siwon said.

Donghae noticed that Siwon was kept helping him. He also noticed Siwon was flirting with Eunhyuk throughout the day.

Siwon had all girls wanting him and all guys wanting to be him. He was popular, rich and handsome.  

Is he flirting with my toy? He can’t have him, he’s mine.

Donghae wouldn’t admit it to himself but he was getting jealous.

“Donghae, what’s wrong?” Sungmin asked.

“Siwon is flirting with Eunhyuk.”

“Yeah, and?” Zhoumi said, “We already learned that Siwon is bi.”

“But, it’s with Eunhyuk. They barely know each other. Plus, in the bible, isn’t two guys dating wrong?” Donghae said.

“Siwon doesn’t believe that. And why do you care?” Zhoumi said

“Ooooh is Hae jealous?” Sungmin teased.

Donghae blushed, “What?! No! Psh, why would I be jealous? Eunhyuk is stupid and he doesn’t know how to do anything right.”

“Well you know how fast Siwon works. He probably already invited Eunhyuk over to his house,” Zhoumi said. Donghae’s heart sank.

Why am I upset about this? I don’t care if he dates Siwon.

“Well if Eunhyuk falls for him, won’t he get his heart broken? Siwon is a real player. He has almost everyone wanting him, why would he choose Eunhyuk?”

“Donghae… you’re jealous,” Zhoumi said.

Sungmin was laughing because Donghae was turning red.

“Ahh shut up! I’m not jealous. I could care less about Eunhyuk. If he were to get kidnapped, and the guy that stole wanted three thousand dollars I wouldn’t pay to get him back.” Donghae exclaimed.

“That’s mean. Also you spend three thousand dollars on clothes almost once a week,” Sungmin said.

After school Donghae and Eunhyuk said goodbye to their friends and went home. When they went in to Donghae’s room Donghae asked, “So, do you like Siwon?”

“Hmm why do you need to know?” Eunhyuk said.

“Tell me,” Donghae commanded.

“Well kind of. He invited me to dinner Saturday,” Eunhyuk said.

“I forbid you to go,” Donghae said.

“What? Why?!” Eunhyuk said.

“You’re my toy, not his. Only I own you,” Donghae said. Eunhyuk could tell he was angry by his tone.

“Or do you want to live on the streets?” Donghae asked. Eunhyuk liked having a bed and food. He didn’t want to give that up.

Eunhyuk gritted his teeth, “Fine.”

Donghae smirked, “Good.”

Eunhyuk will stay mine, and only mine.



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Chapter 18: they will be good to each other right?
Camomile15 #2
Chapter 18: Yesss...finally confessing..but it too short...hehe sorry coz i like this fic n been waiting ur updates ^^ anyway thnks
Chapter 18: Ohhhh, finally!!!!
Chapter 18: I m so happy that their relationship got better!! :-D
Chapter 18: Finally they confessed :)
Chapter 17: Finally they kissed
I'm glad Siwon saw that^^
Update soon please
gummysmilelover #7
Chapter 17: uh oh,,,,,,
Sasheen #8
Chapter 17: dun dun dun wow drama please update s00n long live eunhae
Chapter 17: Oh yeah....they kissed!!!!!!
Camomile15 #10
Chapter 17: Sjxiejbdjxjsj they kissed.....hae u shld run wid hyuk...haha poor siwon but eunhae r bias.....go go