60 Seconds

60 Seconds (One Shot)


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay! School kicked me in the and writing this was delayed. I tried my best to make it a good one shot. I hope you all enjoy :) ♥♥♥


60 Seconds

Myungsoo thought it would be like any other day. The day begins, he gets up and goes to work, work ends, and the day ends. He thought it would be another boring day; a certain person changes that.

I sometimes walk and stop
I look around and our eyes meet
I quickly turn my head away
I look at my toes and then slowly look up

My eyes that get larger
My lips that open up slightly
My heart rings in my ears

As Myungsoo walked down the street, the rain began to stop and he lowered his umbrella. A familiar face suddenly came into view and everything stopped around him. Myungsoo takes in Sungyeol’s familiar face and hair and lips that he missed oh-so much. He reached his hand out to touch him but everything began moving again and he was brought back to Earth. Sungyeol turned around and went back inside a café; not even acknowledging Myungsoo’s presence.

Myungsoo walks into the café and sees Sungyeol cooking behind the counter with a man next to him. They look happy together and he notices how Sungyeol stole a glance every now and then. The man obviously knew but didn’t want to say anything.

Myungsoo was so distracted that he didn’t see the waitress in front of him asking if he was ready for his seat. He was led to a table and ordered what he used to order with Sungyeol…Americano. The waitress told him it would be awhile and he smiled and began to wait patiently. As he waited, he glanced back to see Sungyeol playfully cooking with the man. Their laughter could be heard and everyone couldn’t help but giggle at the cute couple. As he watched the two, old memories began to haunt Myungsoo and he knew they wouldn’t stop.

60 seconds is all I need for this story
You came into my heart
I don’t doubt it
That you took me away
The time that wasn’t short
You’re that kind of person
A story that’s enough for me
I don’t need any reasons
You made my heart flutter and look for you
That first time

“I want to be a cook.”

Myungsoo looked up from his book and saw Sungyeol cooking at the counter. He smiled and walked over to his boyfriend. His arms wrapped around Sungyeol’s waist and he rested his chin on Sungyeol’s shoulder. “We should make our own restaurant. You’ll be the cook; I’ll be the server and cash register.” Sungyeol laughed at Myungsoo’s crazy idea and said, “Yeah right; us having our own restaurant? Sounds impossible…and we both know you’re too clumsy to do both jobs.” Myungsoo bit Sungyeol’s neck at the mean comment and laughed at Sungyeol’s gasp. “That hurt! You pabo!” Myungsoo laughed even louder at his boyfriend’s reaction.

Soon Myungsoo was kicked out of the kitchen and Sungyeol began to make his favorite meal in the whole world…spaghetti. The smell of the boiled noodles and seasoned sauce filled the room. Myungsoo’s nose led him back to the kitchen and he watched as Sungyeol began to put mysterious ingredients into the sauce. Myungsoo tried to learn how to cook but was a total failure now he isn’t allowed to touch any cooking tools. Mostly for his safety and he’s just that bad.

A fork soon met Myungsoo’s lips and Myungsoo opened them to taste the delicious spaghetti. He smiled at how tasty it was and gave Sungyeol two thumbs up. Sungyeol smiled brightly and proudly at some of his own spaghetti. That’s what Myungsoo loved most about him. Sungyeol could make the same thing but make it taste infinitely different from before.

The two ate the rest at the table but they stayed silent. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was a comforting silence. Myungsoo thought it would be a great time to propose so he swiftly put on his own ring and nonchalantly placed his hand on the table. Sungyeol (who notices everything) saw the ring instantly and he asked, “Is that new? Where did you get it? I’ve never seen it before.” Myungsoo smiled and didn’t say anything. He was never good with words so he just pulled out Sungyeol’s ring and put it on Sungyeol’s ring finger.

Sungyeol gasped instantly and his face began to pale. “No way… you’re not…-“ Myungsoo nodded and said, “Yes I am. Remember that restaurant I was talking about? I wasn’t joking. I already bought a restaurant and it’s ours. You are going to be the cook; I am going to be the server, and…if we adopt a kid…that can be our little cash register when they get older. So will you marry me and make a restaurant with me?” Tears began to fill Sungyeol’s eyes and his hands covered his face. “Yes I will marry you and make a restaurant with you.”

That day…Myungsoo will never forget.

“Here’s your Americano.”

Myungsoo blinks out of his daydream and didn’t realize Sungyeol was right in front of him. His head was still low so Sungyeol couldn’t recognize Myungsoo. “Enjoy your coffee and let us know if you want anything else.” Sungyeol walks away and Myungsoo sighs in relief. If Sungyeol were to see him again, it would be nice if Myungsoo wasn’t crying like a baby.

As he drank his coffee, another memory flooded his mind. This was a memory he wishes he could forget.

Your voice breaks off
Your tears that slowly build up and fall over
I hold you with my chest
and stay there for a long time
then slowly push you away

Myungsoo sat on his couch; waiting for Sungyeol to return. He started to become impatient and stared at the clock that seemed to get slower each glance. Soon the door opened and Sungyeol walked inside and Myungsoo was about to greet him but something caught him off guard. Sungyeol's face was expressionless, unlike his usual happy, dorky expression. The tall boy's eyes were blood shot, which showed he was crying a lot. Myungsoo stood up and walked towards the boy and asked, "Sungyeol...are you okay?" Sungyeol turned in surprise and his red eyes widened at the sight of Myungsoo.

His hands started to rub at his eyes and Sungyeol said in a nasally voice, "I'm fine...just got something in my eye." Myungsoo took hold of his wrists and moved the tall boy's hands away from his face. "Sungyeol, it's okay. I'm here for you." He pulled the boy into his arms and held him close. "Just tell me what's wrong." Tears started to leave Sungyeol's eyes as he said the words, "I can't marry you."

Myungsoo began to feel his whole world fall apart and he backed away from Sungyeol. “What do you mean you can’t? Don’t you love me?” Sungyeol ran a hand through his hair and said, “I love you it’s just…I can’t marry you.” “Why? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?” The tall boy nodded furiously. “It’s not you…it’s me.” His heart began to race at the fear of getting rejected. “What’s wrong? Tell me.” Guilt began to arise in Sungyeol and he yelled loudly, “I found someone else!”

Myungsoo’s world instantly fell apart and he stared at Sungyeol with wide eyes. Tears began to fall down his face and his heart ached like crazy. It felt as if his heart was torn out and there was no way to replace it. “What do you mean you found someone else? Have you been cheating on me?” Sungyeol’s eyes began to fill with tears and said, “I’m so sorry…it’s just…you’ve been so busy studying and I met him while you were away. I just needed someone to comfort me; I didn’t think it would get any farther than that.” “You didn’t think you would break my heart? Did he send down here to break up with me? Did he tell you he won’t date you unless you break up with me and call off the wedding?” Sungyeol nodded and covered his eyes as more tears began to fall.

“Just go.”

Sungyeol’s red eyes looked up in surprise and saw Myungsoo’s expressionless face. That scared him. All the color in Myungsoo’s face was completely drained; even his eyes lost color and seemed lifeless. The tall boy walked up to Myungsoo and took off his ring and gave it to Myungsoo. He didn’t even look back as he turned to walk out the door. As soon as he left, Myungsoo fell to the ground and began to cry hard. Sungyeol was…is Myungsoo’s first love.

 (My two stories)
My hot and cold times (with you)
They’re both memories that you gave to me
(My two stories)
The same times, but with different sides of you
My double-edged memories

Myungsoo suddenly awoke from his day dream and realized he was still in the café. Everyone in the café already left and he was the only one inside. He saw Sungyeol walking towards him but he didn’t want Sungyeol to see him crying. He quickly threw money on the table and put Sungyeol’s ring on the table and tried to leave as fast as possible. Sungyeol was faster.

“Sir! You forgot your ring!”

Myungsoo froze and tried to wipe his eyes as fast as he could before turning around. Sungyeol’s happy eyes became blank and stared at Myungsoo in surprise. Memories began to flood Sungyeol’s mind and Myungsoo could see tears forming at his eyes.  “Keep it…it was yours to begin with…along with my heart.” Myungsoo closed Sungyeol’s open hand with the ring and turned to leave the café.

He was hoping Sungyeol would stop him but he knew that wouldn’t happen. Rain started to fall down his face and he opened his umbrella. The same umbrella he used when he first met Sungyeol; the same umbrella he used when he met his first love.

Sungyeol thought it would be like any other day. The day begins; he gets up and goes to work, work ends, and the day ends. He thought it would be another boring day; a certain person changes that.

He was underneath an awning and was waiting for the rain to stop. An umbrella suddenly came into his view and he jumped in surprise. The umbrella began to rise and a handsome boy was in front of him. “You look like you need company.” Sungyeol smiled at him and said, “My name is Sungyeol…yours?” The mysterious boy said, “My name is Myungsoo.”

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed it! It took awhile to get this one shot to the way I liked it. I had a lot of mental battles with this story. xD Let me know what you guys think! Btw...(NOT REALLY SPOILER ALERT) The cafe Sungyeol works at is actually the restaurant Myungsoo bought. I was going to add story to that but then I was like...let's just leave it a mystery. But me, being me...I HAD to spoil it. Bye! Love you all! Leave comments and subscribe to my other stories! ♥♥









Credits to GIFS: Tumblr users...whoever they may be.

Myungsoo isn't my bias but I couldn't find recent GIFS of Sungyeol :(((


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Chapter 1: MyungYeol ♥ It's sad T.T but I like this^^
CaratCake #2
Chapter 1: I cried my heart out. Just like I did when I watched the music video and listened to the song~ Sooo sad! D:
nekodesu #3
Chapter 1: It was beautiful ♥ :-(
KimberlyLovesYou #4
Chapter 1: Sungyeol you babo! It's Myungsoo. MYUNGSOO. How can you dump Myung? :/
Chapter 1: sobbing real hardddd. Sungyeol waeeeeeee?!
SarahRiich #6
Chapter 1: WOW THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL AND NOW IM SOBBING!! I'm sorry but this is better than the MV and OMG it was sho sad--
Chapter 1: It was great! You perfectly told how the MV was (well expect the reason why they broke up which we will never know). Poor MyungSoo getting his heart broken because SungYeol fell in love with someone else (I will think that the guy is WooHyun, haha! (don't destroy my dreams now T_T))
Uhm...okay, I love it! xD
BUT broken MyungYeol isn't great at all. T_T
Chapter 1: WAAAHH! im gonna cry it so nice!!
better than the mv hahahaha...
love it!

sad ending though :C