Chapter 2

Lilies To Remember You By


Jonghyun snuck out of the house early in the morning to go to the hospital and was greeted by shouts and screams from Mi-sun’s room and by opening the door he dodged the upcoming bowl of soup, and beside Mi-sun stood a nurse with rice and side dishes all over her body.

“You poisoned it I swear!!” Mi-sun cried

“Listen up you pesky lil’ spoiled brat, why don’t you just die already? You’re nothing but a pain on everyone’s asses, face it , no one will adopt you, and you’ll die anyway so a slight change in timing shouldn’t be a problem” the nurse sneered and turned around, seeing Jonghyun with the head nurse

“What is going on here?!” the head nurse roared, Mi-sun did nothing but cry “you’re fired” he added, the nurse walked away throwing evil glances at the poor girl. Jonghyun comforted her.


“Mi-sun, are you okay? I mean that must’ve been shocking and all” Jonghyun asked

“Mi-sun is fine, good thing oppa came and saved her” she replied with cheery disposition “and Mi-sun is used to it since it’s obvious that they wanted her dead because she’s dying in the first place, so Mi-sun’s death is the only way to satisfy them”

Jonghyun clenched his fists “How can you…say that?!”  “Say what?” Jonghyun shook her like a Christmas tree “DON’T SPEAK OF DEATH AS IF IT’S A GOOD THING, CONSIDER THE REACTION OF THE PEOPLE WHO TRIED SO HARD TO KEEP YOU ALIVE!”

“They’re doing it because they’re paid to do so; Mi-sun bets that no one will even notice if she passed away” she replied, smiling sadly, and Jonghyun’s grip slowly weakened “don’t do it again…”

The scene was disturbed by loud tummy growl

“That’s yours” Jonghyun said “don’t worry, I bought you food” he proudly declared, presenting a lunchbox with fried rice on “eat up” he added. Mi-sun picked the spoon

“Jalmukesumnedaaaa~” she said blissfully, and then ate… “Wow! It tastes awful!!” she chirped and wolfed it down

Jonghyun gave her a confused look “oookaaayyyy” he said, and opened the laptop he was bringing

Mi-sun zoomed in to the device “Oooooh, what is that oppa?”  She asked

“It’s a laptop, Mi-sun you don’t know about it?” he replied while typing in to some website

“OMG! Jonghyunnie! I love you so much! Say you love me too please??” a girl cooed from the screen, Mi-sun’s smile vanished

“You love me too” he croaked, then tried to hide his laughter

“Hmph. Meanie!” the unknown girl pouted then disappeared.

“Who was she oppa?” Mi-sun asked, seriously “a fan” “she’s human the last time I checked” “no not that ‘fan’! The ‘fan’ like someone adores, praises, supports, loves and looks up to you’ “

Mi-sun gazed at the walls and walls of text from these so called ‘fans’ “you sure do have a lot of people who support you” she commented, Jonghyun smiled proudly but Mi-sun continued “Mi-sun wonders what will happen if they all disappear like the girl from the ‘magic glass’ “Jonghyun stared at Mi-sun, then back at the screen with shame

“Well, I don’t think that will happen! Oppa will always have one fan remaining!” Mi-sun chirped “Who?” “Mi-sun!!!” Jonghyun smiled serenely and Mi-sun’s head gently

“So Mi-sun, wanna try this laptop?” Jonghyun asked

“Sure!!” Mi-sun replied, and ventured into the miraculous gadget, from the outside the head nurse leaned against the wall and listened

“W-w-w-wait! Not that folder!”

“Why oppa? What’s in thi- EWW!!!! GIRLIES!!!”

A scream followed, the head nurse chuckled and left…

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blingdinosaur38 #1
I like itt~