activity check shall be going on until december 3rd. .-.

( adult's lullaby ) — au aff roleplay | mixed pov ( activity check / still can reserve )

read the title.

it will be on a blog post.

/does math homework/





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uwahh...29 RPers here already, -lullaby, I say we throw a party :P


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Chapter 1: idol's name: ( real name )
birthdate: ( 7th june, 1993 )
group: ( t-ara )
occupation: ( trainee )
company: ( wanderlust music )
why do you want to be an idol? ( i want to bring glory to my family. i will also experience some things. i'll learn a life lesson. )
what is your preferred debut? ( girlgroup / soloist )
what is your preferred genre of music? ( dance / pop )
what do you specialize in? (dancing )

ooc info;

age: ( 14 )
time zone: ( gmt +8 )
writing style: ( para, 3rd pov )
do you ? ( yes. )
what is the phrase? ( let the wind blow. )
/slapped by a piano.
mianhae, school's getting in the way,
all my schedules for other things are,
and just probably reality
i'm sorry ;~;
Kris is here!!
Chapter 7: So much people deactivating! T^T
al_suzy #5
im sorry y admin :(
life is getting in the way ; n ;
im deactivating,
i'll miss you!