The Very First

The Very First


       I think I'm in love with you but perhaps, I should tell a little about myself.


      Love is like a snowflake. Each one is different. Each person you have loved were different in many ways. They did not look the same. They did not act the same. They did not dress the same. But each one has made you fall in love with them.



       I fell in the love with the idol, Kris Wu. However, what captivated me was the character of Wu Yi Fan. He was a man who rapped his heart out to millions of fans. He was a responsible leader who did just about anything for s and he still is. He treated people with respect and he got the respect he deserved as well. At first, he seemed like a cold hearted man who was always so serious and uptight. However, I was absolutely wrong. It was his little actions that caused me to go all crazy for him. The sincerity in his eyes when talking with fans was absolutely radiant. When he laughed, it just makes me want to drop to the ground. His gummy smiles were truly warm and his face would just light up. He waves to fans even if there were to be such a huge crowd. He was the kind of guy that just made me frozen on the spot.

       When seeing him for the first time, my heart just stopped. It was as if time just froze then and there. My knees wobbled and my palms were sweaty. It felt as if it was only the two of us standing in the world.



      What I fell for was a simple smile. It was probably during my second year in college. I spotted him in the library. A pair of dark rimmed glasses on just made him seem so attractive. His eyes hovered over a words in a book. The man had a thing for biting his lips when frustrated. He was always alone in the midst of the library.

      The sun shone on him like as if he was an angel sent from above. He was a beautiful man, if I dare say. I was shy when I finally spoke to him. I stuttered on my words and clutched my books as if I were going to die. All he did was smile and say, “Hello, my name is Oh Sehun.” The smile of his is what got me hooked. He made me feel like I was in heaven. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. It was an odd feeling but my heart just wanted to burst.



      I first fell in love in the spring of Kindergarten. The rose buds were in the midst of blooming. The sky became more blue and less grey. And it was all thanks to my teacher, Miss Im. Im Yoona was her name if I do recall. She was someone who was very young. Fresh out of teacher's college and teaching us little munchkins. Her beauty shining in the spring made me blush many shades of red. Every time I was near her, I clammed up and stuttered.

      She showed us the world and how important we were to it. We, little kids, had the ability to change the world with just one small difference. She brought us to zoos, parks and animal barns and they were just amazing trips to go on. Hey, I was just five and it was just that awesome.



      It was back in Seoul, Korea where I fell in the love for the third time. I fell in love with the busy streets of Seoul. The sun was shining at the ground. The streets were busily packed with all sorts of people. Teenagers with many shopping bags walked the streets of Downtown Seoul. Mothers were tightly holding the hands of their children as they walked across the busy streets. Children were happily enjoying the sunlight. Elderly people were ecstatic to gossip with their dear friends. It was my first time there during a summer break before heading back to China to finish high school as a senior.

      I saw him in the middle of the street gathering a large crowd. He was dancing his heart out. All his emotions just poured into his dancing. His moves were so crisp and clean. It was filled with elegance and suave. There were loud hollers and claps everywhere. His hat was constantly being filled with coins and bills. A dancing machine is what you would call him. And when he finished, he took a little bow and smirked, “I go by the name of Kai. Thank you for watching.” Then and there, I realized my heart was racing rapidly.



      I have been fighting but I'm not sure why I have been fighting. But it was him and his wise words that showed me why. I have been fighting for a reason to be alive. To be the person I am today. Kim Minseok; his words touched my heart. We all have days where we just want to unplug everything and just be alone and isolated. He reached out to me and smiled. Suicide is not the answer. It may seem like the perfect choice but it is not. He listened to me on a dark blue bench during a rainy day. He held an yellow umbrella for the both of us and I just poured my heart and soul out. I couldn't handle life. It was just so tiring but he made me see life in a different perspective.

      “Nothing happens until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change.”


      My name is Luhan and I believe you're the very first and hopefully the very last who will make me feel the same way these five people did yet all at the same time. I believe that you can make my heart freeze yet beat so rapidly. My heart will be moved by your choice of words whilst making me blush a shade of crimson. And also, to have my heart burst into the air. I hope that you will take my hand and together, we'll go on an adventure cherishing love.


Author's Note: This one shot won an exo giveaway and i thought you guys should know.  Thank you so much for reading! 


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man, i really gotta edit this


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jocheril #1
Chapter 1: Aww, I like it! It's really good! I like your English too! (: