Chapter 4

When All Is Fair

“Where were you this morning?” Myungsoo asked as he saw L.Joe approach the place where they usually hung out when they were both on breaks, which happened frequently since they coordinated their schedules together so they were always off at the same time.

            “Hyung’s wedding preparations,” L.Joe said sighing as he fixed his backpack on his shoulders. “Do you know how tiring it is to be involved in a wedding?”

            “No, I wouldn’t,” Myungsoo said with a slight laugh as he took out his cell phone to check the time. “We have about half an hour to kill before our next class, what shall we do?”

            “Dunno,” he said shrugging his shoulders as his mind began drifting to the note that Maddie wrote him earlier. He wondered how or why Maddie would want to talk with him and how in the world she was able to write the note while trying on the wedding dress. It was…unusual, but L.Joe didn’t want to think too much into it. He should be happy that Maddie wanted to see him, right? But somehow, something inside of him said that he shouldn’t be all too happy about meeting Maddie.

            “What are you thinking about?” Myungsoo suddenly asked knocking L.Joe out of his thoughts.

            “What do you mean?” L.Joe asked turning his attention to Myungsoo and blinking his eyes rapidly as he attempted to think of some good excuse as to what he might have been thinking about.

            “I mean…you just seem to be in a lot of thought lately,” Myungsoo said making sure that he emphasized the word.

            L.Joe just stared at his good friend. Myungsoo knew nothing about L.Joe’s feelings for Maddie. Just like everyone else, Myungsoo was in the dark about L.Joe’s growing feelings for her. If L.Joe had it his way, no one would ever know about his feelings for Maddie, not even Maddie.

            “I just have a lot on my mind,” L.Joe honestly admitted. “I don’t know why you’re being like this.”

            “Being like what?” Myungsoo asked slightly taken aback. He didn’t know why the topic was sensitive to L.Joe, but he wanted to find out. After all, he was a curious person and L.Joe was his good friend. It was only his right to be able to find out what was bothering his friend so much.

            “Nothing,” L.Joe mumbled as he looked at his watch. “Shouldn’t we be heading to class? It’s on the other side of campus.”

            “I guess so,” Myungsoo said with a smirk as he began walking in the direction of their class. He knew that L.Joe was attempting to hide something, it was evident, and Myungsoo was sure that he was going to get down to the bottom of it.

            As Myungsoo and L.Joe walked through the school grounds, many people stared at them, but it was normal for them. Everyone thought that they were flower boys and every girl wanted to date them, but like always, they paid no attention to them. Honestly, Myungsoo already had a girlfriend, a secret one at that, and L.Joe wasn’t looking for anyone in particular, he liked Maddie, even if no one would ever know about it.

            For Myungsoo’s secret girlfriend, only L.Joe knew about her existence. Myungsoo was afraid about how the other girls in the university would take the news about his girlfriend; hence he decided to keep things quiet about her. His girlfriend didn’t attend the same university, either, and she was actually overseas to study, so there was no way of anyone ever knowing about his girlfriend.

            “So, how are you and Jaerin doing?” L.Joe curiously asked as they took their seats in their class.

            “Good,” Myungsoo said nodding his head. He didn’t care when L.Joe talked about his girlfriend when everyone else in the class was talking and L.Joe understood that so whenever it was quiet around, like in the library, L.Joe never made any mention about his girlfriend.

            Somehow, L.Joe felt a little jealous about the fact that Myungsoo had a girlfriend, just like he was jealous at Chunji for marrying Maddie. L.Joe wanted a girlfriend, but he wasn’t going to date any of the crazy people in the school, he would rather find someone else that didn’t know who he was.

            “You know, she’s coming back in a week,” Myungsoo said with a smile. “It’s just for a visit, though, then she has to go back.”

            “At least she’s coming to visit, though,” L.Joe said with a smile. “Then maybe I’ll be able to meet this famous Jaerin.”

            “Yeah, maybe,” Myungsoo said with a laugh.

            L.Joe was honestly curious about what type of girlfriend Myungsoo would have. Myungsoo started dating Jaerin before they entered college, which was how he could deal with having a long distance relationship. However, other than the simple things that Myungsoo told him about the relationship, L.Joe knew nothing. It wasn’t like he necessarily expected Myungsoo to tell him anything, but rather, he was just curious as to who would steal Myungsoo’s heart.

            “You’re not planning on introducing her to me?” L.Joe asked pretending to be hurt.

            “Maybe you’ll steal her away,” Myungsoo said with a light chuckle as he leaned back in his chair.

            “Oh, is someone jealous?” he asked poking fun at Myungsoo. “Don’t worry, she’s your girlfriend. If you can last for her being overseas, then I’m pretty sure that I don’t stand a chance to hinder your relationship.”

            “Of course you don’t,” Myungsoo said with a laugh as their teacher came in to start the class.

            The class was boring, like always, and L.Joe fought the urge to fall asleep. It’s when he stuck his hand into his pocket that he remembered the note that was put into his hands as he left the dress venue. Silently taking out the note again so Myungsoo wouldn’t be able to see, L.Joe read it over and over to make sure that he was reading it right.

            All of the questions entered his head once again. He wondered why Maddie would want to talk to him and meet him at the coffee shop. He wondered whether or not Chunji would be in attendance, but L.Joe thought that it was probably not very likely that his hyung would going to come to the meeting, if it could even be called that.

            “Yah, L.Joe, is your head in it today?” Myungsoo asked as he lightly rapped on L.Joe’s head.

            “Huh?” he asked as he looked up at Myungsoo who was practically standing over top of him.

            “I’ve been telling you that class is over for like five minutes and you’ve just been staring off into space!” Myungsoo complained.

            “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” L.Joe complained as he quickly gathered his things before he made his way out of the classroom and followed Myungsoo.

            The rest of the day was a blur for L.Joe. He just remembered getting scolded by Myungsoo a lot for not being able to pay attention for very long. “You were like a fish today,” Myungsoo said as the two walked back home.

            “What?” L.Joe asked.

            “Fish have short attention spans, don’t they?”

            “I don’t know,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “You’re asking the wrong person.”

            “Hmm,” Myungsoo said as he thought about it some more before dropping the conversation entirely. “What are you doing this weekend?”

            “Dunno,” L.Joe honestly told him. He hadn’t thought all the way into the future about what he was doing on the weekend. “If I’m doing anything special I’ll tell you, but I might need to do some more wedding things.”

            “Your hyung seems to be making you do a lot of wedding things,” Myungsoo said with a light chuckle.

            “Tell me about it,” L.Joe complained. “Just because I’m the best man.”

            “The best man is the most important guy, though,” Myungsoo said.

            “I know, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Blame Maddie for having this type of wedding,” L.Joe said as he looked at the ground and then back at Myungsoo. “She’s half Korean and her father is the Korean one. Her mother wants a traditional Western wedding so it’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before!”

            “Well I guess you’ll just have to deal with it,” Myungsoo said as he took his phone out of his pocket. “Ah, Jaerin is calling me, I’ll talk to you later, alright?”

            “Alright,” L.Joe said. “Bye.”

            L.Joe watched at Myungsoo made his way off before quickening his pace to get to his own house. He couldn’t wait until he could just relax on the couch until he had to leave to go meet Maddie for a mysterious meeting that he knew nothing about.

            “Welcome home,” his mother greeted him as he walked through the door.

            “Thanks,” L.Joe said as he took off his shoes and walked through the living room to the kitchen where his mother was. “What are you making?”

            “Kimchi,” his mother simply said.

            “Right,” L.Joe said as he nodded his head and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

            “How were your afternoon classes?”


            “Good to hear,” his mother said with a smile. “Thanks for missing your earlier ones for the fitting.”

            “I guess there was nothing I could do about it,” L.Joe said with a chuckle. “I mean, I am the best man.”

            “See, that’s the attitude that you have to have,” his mother said with a gigantic smile. “Speaking of, I invited Chunji and Maddie over for dinner.”

            “Awesome,” he said with fake enthusiasm that his mother still bought. “Um…I’m going out tonight, later tonight, and it’s not doing anything bad, it’s simply getting coffee with some friends, alright?”

            “Sure, I trust you,” his mother said as she continued mixing the cabbage.

            “Alright,” Chunji said nodding his head as he left the kitchen and made his way upstairs into his room.

Without much of a problem, Maddie and Chunji came over for dinner and spent their time there for a little while until they had to return home since Chunji had to continue doing work. Throughout the whole dinner, L.Joe was nervous at Maddie’s presence. It was the first time they saw each other since she slipped the note into his hand, but Maddie didn’t seem affected by it at all. If L.Joe were to say something, it seemed as though she didn’t write the note in the first place.

            Quickly, eight o’clock rolled around and L.Joe left the house to go to the coffee shop. It didn’t take much of his brain to think about the only place that Maddie would be talking about, since it was a coffee shop that was right near her house and one that she frequently complimented for their coffee.

            L.Joe was the first one to arrive in the coffee shop and took a booth near the window so he could look out of it, since he didn’t know what time Maddie would be going, although the note did say eight. “May I take your order sir?” the waitress asked going over to him.

            “I’d like an iced coffee, please,” L.Joe simply said. “That’s it.”

            “As you wish, sir. Your order will be coming right up,” the waitress said. As soon as she disappeared, L.Joe turned his attention to the window. He wanted to look for Maddie and to see when she would be walking into the place.

            “I’m so sorry I’m late,” Maddie exasperatedly said as she took a seat across from L.Joe in the booth.

            “It’s fine,” L.Joe said with a nod of his head as he placed his half drunken iced coffee down on the table. “I wasn’t waiting for long.”

            “Really?” she asked as she looked at him. “It looks like you were waiting for forever. I mean, you’re almost done your coffee.”

            “I like it, so I drink it fast,” he said shrugging his shoulders. “What was the reason that you wanted to meet me here? What did you want to discuss? Do you want to talk about my hyung? Are you wondering whether or not he’s going ot be a bad husband? Although, you already live with him so you’ve probably already seen everything.”

            “Byunghun,” Maddie said quieting L.Joe.

            “It’s L.Joe, you can call me L.Joe, I’m pretty sure you’ve done it before…but maybe not.”

            “Well, these matters are important that I want to talk with you about.”

            “And what are these important matters?” L.Joe asked as he leaned forward and intertwined his fingers together on the table. He was doing his best to keep calm in front of Maddie, but curiosity was slowly gnawing at him and he wanted to know why he was there and what Maddie wanted to discuss if it had nothing to do with his brother.

            “My feelings,” Maddie said, “my feelings for you.”


What does Maddie mean by her feelings for L.Joe? Who is Myungsoo's girlfriend? What wedding thing does L.Joe need to participate in next?


Here's Chapter 4. Hope you enjoyed :D


And I'm so sorry that it's taking me this long to update, but with the holidays and then with returning to college, some things have been hectic around here, but I'll be updating more often. And just to let you guys know, Daehyun is ahead in the poll, and I think he's going to win and the topic is probably going to be time travel, so look out for that in the future.


So, have fun doing whatever you happen to be doing now!

Goodbye :D

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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 15: GO mad die and l.Joe ship both
Chapter 15: I honestly dislike Chunji now. ._.
Maddie why would you try to take your own life?! :(
Chapter 13: Oh my God they kissed!!!!!
I ship them, hehe.
On another note, I hope Myungsoo can forgive L.Joe. :/
MissCrayon #4
Chapter 13: omg i ship maddie and ljoe ♡ please let jaerin just stick to myungsoo dont fall for ljoe again
Chapter 13: i'm definitely on team ljoe. and jocelyn is so cute! i really hope that jaerin doesn't fall for ljoe again
Chapter 12: OMG... secret is out! what happens now??
update soon!
MissCrayon #7
Chapter 10: What's going on with Chunji, and Maddie, and L.Joe what. Is Maddie developing feelings for L.Joe omg this doesnt seem right :o
Chapter 10: Urgh, I'm so confused now. aslkdfm
Chapter 9: Chunji you jerk. ;_;