New Revalation

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He liked harmony. He liked knowing what he did was worth it's effort. That it pleased people around him. He liked being needed, and that truly was his view in harmony. If he felt needed and wanted and not useless he was doing something right. Jukaru JewYonghae had stood by that and he still felt like he should. Then why was he in front of his parents office shaking while holding a pamphlet to Konoah Leaf Boarding School?. He at the moment didn't know the answer to his own question. He just knew this is what he wanted. This had to happen. No questions asked.


JewYong took a deep breath. Calm's not like I’m facing my death.... Yet he doubted his own thoughts. As is hand grasped on to the cold doorknob he shivered as the coolness ran through his body. With a twist and eyebrows scrunched together he pushed the door open slowly.


His dad was behind the big oak desk that someone might see in the old movies. He held power, demanded power and so his office was nothing but radiating power. His mom you could say was gentler then his dad. She gave of a mother's vibe and currently was sitting in the office sofa reading through magazine’s off plants. She was well invested in gardening.


“Excuse me?” he all but whispered remembering to breath. His mom looked up with a graceful smile. He felt his nerves subside. His dad had his head down writing what looked like a document file. “What is it honey?” His mom questioned.


JewYong didn't want to continue without his dad's full attention. What he had to say all mattered if his dad allowed it. He looked at his mom and then at his dad and back again. She understood as she said “Hey honey, JewYoung has something to say” He looked up and tucked his glasses in his pocket his face mutual.


JewYong walked in the middle of the room still grasping the paper. Both his parents eye's traveled to the paper. “Umm...well I’ve been home-schooled for..a while now and I was just wonder ificangotoboradingschool?” he said all to quickly. His dad soon scowled. “Slow down sweety” His mom said knowingly. JewYong took another breath. “I want to go to boaring school, if it's okay with you guys” He said. His voice unsure.


His parents looked at each other “no” “Sure” and he knew this discussion would be along one. And so he began his explanation. Along the way making up reasons to provide a positive light into his perspectives. He needed anything that put his reasoning into good grace. As long as it changed his parents mind's and convinced them.


“Okay, well uh I've been home-schooled entire life...and I feel the need to explore the rest of the world. Yeah, it sounds pretty cliche and all but, I can't stay home like this. I want friends, and adventure, and I want to use my knowledge and just see what the world has to offer. You guys might not warm up to the idea currently but please, it's something I’ve wanted and you said so yourself dad....that I should fight for it , for whatever I want. And I really want this”


The room fell into silence. The air was still. Or so it felt like it. His heart was about to burst into the room any given moment now. He was re-thinking his idea. Was this really a good idea? He new he couldn't always have his parents backing him up on everything. Sooner or later he was going to have to experience things alone. With out his gentle mom's supporting smile and warm back rubs and without his father's strong willed ara that spread to him when ever he needed advice. He was going to have to find things like that all on his own. He was going to have to start sooner or later and it was more beneficial if it was now.


His mom stared on at her child questioning when he became mature, he was growing up. Every mother goes through those moments in life when a spark electorate through their inside’s warning them that it was time. Time to let go of their child. And she guessed that this very moment was that time. She smiled with pride and turned to her stern husband who's attention was still directed towards their son.


He knew where his son was going with this. He himself hated being kept locked up and he didn't want to admit it but that's exactly what he was doing to his son. He sighed defeatly having lost the battle with himself., his son and apparently his wife as she raised her eyebrows up at victory.


You can go” was all JewYoung herd before he bolted towards his father's desk wrapping his arms around his neck. His father coming off after the shock patted his son's back “ You can go, but we have contact with you once or twice a day, and your grades better be in tip top shape.”


And know fooling around, you teens can be crazy!” his mother exaggerated.



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