What if...love is what I feel too?

What if...

2nd part....:D Enjoy...Guess it's going to be a 3-shot...i think. lol

**Btw for those who don't know Black Friday: In America, Black Friday is a day where stores would have all their items and products on sale from 50% off or more. It's a very popular and crazy day here and its always after Thanksgiving. :D 


*First few months*

Sooyoung was frantically running back to the studio with the coffee in hand as she juggled it with Jessica's breakfast.

"Better hurry Ms. Choi." The owner of the cafe advised with a smile. Sooyoung nodded her head as she ran passed the woman. 

"Have a good day Ms. Jang!!!"

After 10 minutes....

Sooyoung opened the door to Jessica's room, holding up the coffee and bag with a smile on her face. "Sorry I was late. Long line." Sooyoung apologized as she gave Jessica her breakfast. 

Jessica took it with a blank face and enjoyed the taste of the coffee. "You are 5 minutes late." She commented grimly.

"I'm so sorry." Sooyoung apologized again and sat on Jessica's makeup desk. "What do you want me to do to make it up to you?"

Jessica thought about it for awhile. "I got it!" She snapped her fingers. "Take me shopping!!!" 

Sooyoung's face dropped but she forced a smile. "O-okay."

"Yay! You're the best Sooyoungie!" Jessica hugged Sooyoung. Sooyoung smiled. They've given nicknames to each other and didn't mind. It made their relationship even more special. 

"You will give up after this Choi!" Jessica thought to herself as she tightened the hug. "But then again,why are you making me feel so different each time I see you?"


"Taeyeon! I want my water now!" Taeyeon nodded her head as she filled the cup with water and had a plate of omelette on her other hand. 

"Where's my juice?" Tiffany asked once Taeyeon set her breakfast down in front of her. 

"Oops. Give me a minute." After a minute, Taeyeon came back with Tiffany's juice and waited patiently for any more requests.

Tiffany ate in silence as if trying to savor the taste of the food. Her different expressions as she took a bite of the food make Taeyeon even more nervous.

"So-so how does it taste?" Taeyeon stuttered in curiousity. It was her first time cooking breakfast for Tiffany.

Tiffany put down her fork and looked at Taeyeon intently.

"That bad huh?" Taeyeon let out a sigh of failure. "I'm sorry. I'll make it-"

"It was delicious Tae-tae." Taeyeon looked up to see an eye-smiling Tiffany. Tiffany had given Taeyeon this nickname a few days after they started to date and Taeyeon loved it. In fact, she has her own name for Tiffany too.

"Really Fany-ah?"

"You think I'll lie to you?" Tiffany countered, a little annoyed. 

"No! I trust you." Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany nervously.

"Good! Now hurry up and eat. You have to take me to work, pick me up, and then go take me shopping."

Taeyeon forced out a smile. Shopping with Tiffany is torture but Taeyeon endures it for her. "This is going to be a long day." She thought to herself. "Hwaiting Taeyeon!"

Meanwhile, Tiffany was smiling inwardly in triumph. "I will make you break Kim Taeyeon. I will never fall in love with you."



Sooyoung and Taeyeon continued to do whatever Jessica and Tiffany wanted. Even if it was ridiculous or dangerous, they did it, thinking that it were things that their girlfriends really wanted or liked. They did everything, from being embarrassed in public, to getting hit for being forgetful, to getting yelled at for not doing their "job" as JeTi's girlfriends/fiance.

But Sooyoung and Taeyeon endured it all. Both encouraged each other and was more than happy to comply to JeTi's demands. It wasn't as if JeTi was doing it on purpose.Right?

In the meantime, Jessica and Tiffany began to feel different toward Sooyoung and Jessica. Both didn't know why but kept the feelings to themselves. They only had one goal: Get rid of their fiance! 

But their new feelings keeps getting in the way. But they're not Jessica Jung and Tiffany Hwang for no reason. They deserve better...and Sooyoung and Taeyeon were not in their list of wants or likes...

So for the rest of the months, they continued to treat Sooyoung and Taeyeon mean, and without care although at times, there new developed feelngs would get the best of them and they would have a few 'affectionate' slip-ups...but that was all it was...Jessica and Tiffany's feelings were nothing...at least...that's what they told themselves.


*7th month*

Taeyeon stood in front of the pink door. She took a breath before knocking. She decided to enter when no one opened the door. 

"Fany?" Taeyeon closed the door and the light. The sight before her was saddening...

Tiffany was in fetal position on her bed. She was asleep. Taeyeon sighed and walked over to her girlfriend. She crouched down in front of her girlfriend and examined her features.

"You were crying?" Taeyeon talked aloud softly as she gently rubbed Tiffany's tear-stain cheeks. Tiffany moved a bit from the touch, causing Taeyeon to stop her actions. Tiffany turned around, with her back facing Taeyeon now. Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief, glad that her intrusion did not wake Tiffany up. 

Taeyeon lifted the blanket on one side and carried Tiffany to lay her on that side. She then covered Tiffany with the blanket and as she hovered over her beautiful girlfriend, Taeyeon's remembered the conversation she had with Mr. Hwang:

Taeyeon ringed the bell and impatiently waited. She wanted to see Tiffany as soon as possible. Tiffany needed her...she could feel it.

Finally, the door opened for her and she quickly entered. 


Taeyeon turned to look at a forlorn Mr.Hwang looking at her with a sad smile. "Mr. Hwang. What happened?"

"Take a seat."

Taeyeon obeyed but she kept looking upstairs, waiting for a certain someone. Mr. Hwang seemed to have understood this.

"She's in her room right now. She doesn't want to see anyone right now. Especially me."

"What happened?"

Mr. Hwang sighed. "I just want the best for her. She's my youngest and yet, she acts so immature and irresponsible."

Taeyeon just listened, urging Mr. Hwang to continue. 

"I told her that she can't continue acting that way. She needs to be responsible like Leo and Michelle. But she just gives me attitude every single time. I told her that her mother and I didn't raise her to act in such a horrible way."

Taeyeon gasped and Mr. Hwang could only sigh in regret. 

"You brought up her mother? Mr. Hwang, you of everyone should know how sensitive she is when it comes to her mother." Taeyeon stated calmly and boldly.

"I know. I'm was so sorry and I regretted it so much. But it was too late, she just said everthing was her fault. Including her mother's death."

Taeyeon pitied at Mr. Hwang, who was breaking down in front of her. "I don't blame her Taeyeon. No one does. It was just a misunderstanding."

Taeyeon stood up and held Mr. Hwang's reassuringly. "I'll talk to her. Don't worry."

Mr. Hwang looked at her gratefully. "Thank you. She's been in her room for over 2 hours now. Please take care of her."

"I will."

Taeyeon sat next to Tiffany and gently moved Tiffany's hair away from her face. "What can I do to fix you Tiffany?" After those words, Taeyeon leaned down to kiss Tiffany's forehead. Tiffany woke up from that the kiss.


Taeyeon smiled warmly at Tiffany. "Hey. Are you okay?"

Tiffany just looked away, knowing that her father had told the short girl everything. "None of your business." Tiffany replied rather coldly. She was too vulnerable at that moment and she didn't want Taeyeon to see her in such a condition.

"Fany. It's not your fault."


"Your father loves you too much to hurt you. It was a misunderstanding." Taeyeon explained as she took one of Tiffany's hand but  Tiffany removed her hand from Taeyeon's hold.

"Just because my father likes you and you're his future daughter-in-law, it doesn't mean you have to lie to me. You'll be his daughter-in-law no matter what happens."

Taeyeon was hurt. She thought Tiffany knew her better than that. Didn't Tiffany know she loves her?

Taeyeon put on a smile though...she had to. She had to be strong for Tiffany.


"Just go out!" Tiffany yelled angrily, not looking at Taeyeon. "I don't need you!!" She sat up and pushed Taeyeon off from the bed. "Go away!!"

Taeyeon sighed and stood up. She was hurt but she knew Tiffany was hurt too. Taeyeon walked off and before Tiffany knew it, the lights in her room were off.

"Did she really leave?" Tiffany thought to herself. Suddenly, she began to feel really sad and she missed Taeyeon's warmth. Why was she feeling like this? She wants her Tae-tae. She didn't mean it.  She needs Taeyeon.

Tiffany was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice a person slipping in bed with her and hugging her. 

"It's okay Tiffany. Just let it out."

It was Taeyeon. Taeyeon didn't leave her.

Tiffany suddenly broke down. She held Taeyeon tightly as she buried her face in Taeyeon's chest. "It was-was my fault. I killed my own mom." Tiffany painfully confessed. 

"No. It's not." Taeyeon answered soothingly and held Tiffany closer. "No one blames you. Your mom loves you too much Tiffany. She wouldn't want to see you like this."

Tiffany just kept crying. "And you have so many people who love you. They want teh best for you and want you to live your life to the fullest. Don't live in the past Tiffany. Forgive yourself and move on. Do it for youself if not for your family."

Tiffany listened and kept crying. After awhile, she began getting tired.

"Don't leave me. Please stay." Tiffany pleaded desperately. Taeyeon scooted closer to Tiffany, leave no space between them.

Tiffany was so tired but just before she closed her eyes, she heard a mumble from Taeyeon.

"I'm always here for you Fany-ah." Taeyeon was still hugging Tiffany.

And Tiffany, for the first time in 10 years, slept with a new feeling of security and happiness.


Sooyoung stood outside of the office, flinching now and then when she heard two loud voices yelling at each other from inside the office. She had come to show Mr. Jung some recent photos.

"YOU ARE SUCH A DISGRACE JESSICA!" Sooyoung heard Mr. Jung yell. She couldn't help but eavesdrop...it was really loud.

"I LEARNED FROM THE BEST!!" Once Sooyoung heard Jessica's statement, she quickly entered the room. The two Jungs looked at Sooyoung, making Sooyoung feel rather intimidated.

"What's going on here?" Sooyoung looked at Mr. Jung and then Jessica. "Jessica. Why did you say that to your father?"

Jessica scoffed, her teary eyes evident. "Well Mr. Jung. Looks like your favorite future daughter-in-law is here. I should leave you two alone." Jessica then pushed Sooyoung away and slammed the door shut when she left.

Sooyoung sighed and looked at Mr. Jung for some answers. "What happened?" Mr. Jung let out a heavy sigh and sat down on his desk chair. 

"I'm sure you heard of the recent news regarding my daughter?" Mr. Jung asked, giving Sooyoung a tired stare. 

Sooyoung nodded. "Yes. I have."

Mr.Jung raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. "You have? And you are not the least bothered by it?"

Sooyoung walked over to the desk so that she was now face to face with Mr. Jung. "I didn't say that. But that scandal is not true."

"How do you know?"

Sooyoung smiled. "Because Jessica would never do anything to disgrace you. Besides, why would she date a married man when she has me?" Sooyoung grinned, hoping to ligten the mood a little. 

Mr. Jung let out a small chuckle. "You're right. I was just too short-tempered. I'm so tired of my daughter having to endure such harsh scandals and lies." Sooyoung knew Mr. Jung regretted his words.

"You're just trying to protect her and in the process, you said some words that should not have been said. But I know you didn't mean it."

Mr. Jung just kept silent.

"I'll talk to her." Sooyoung bowed and turned to leave, but stopped when she heard Mr. Jung's question.

"Do you know where she is right now?"

"Of course I do. I'm not her fiance for nothing you know?" Sooyoung said with a dorky smile and finally left. Mr. Jung was left astounded but after a few seconds, let out a small smile. "My daughter is one lucky woman."


Sooyoung approached the curled up blonde sitting on the hill. She sat down next to her fiance, ignoring the blonde's surprised reaction.

"Beautiful night huh?" Sooyoung asked with a wide smile as she looked at Jessica. Jessica just ignored Sooyoung. That didn't stop Sooyoung though.

"Jessica. Don't keep it in. Talk to me."


"Okay then. You stay quiet and I'll talk." Sooyoung then scooted closer to Jessica and brought Jessica's head to her shoulder as she wrapped an arm around Jessica's waist. 

Jessica tried to break away from Sooyoung's hold. "What do you think you are doing-"

"Shh!" Sooyoung silenced Jessica with a finger to . "Let me talk and then you can do what you want."

Jessica reluctantly complied. "What do you have to say?"

"Jessica. You are not anything that those magazines and articles claim you are. You are a woman who may be famous and beautiful,but you are definitely NOT a person who will take what is not yours. And you are not the type to purposely cause scandals."

Jessica listened to Sooyoung's words and felt a tear trickling down her eyes. Jessica moved closer to Sooyoung.

"You are hurt right now because of your dad's words right?" Sooyoung asked as she rubbed Jessica's arm gently. Jessica nodded her head against Sooyoung's neck.

"Sometimes, to understand someone, you have to put yourself in their shoes. For example, as a father to a famous daughter, do you think he likes it when he hears all these bad things about you?"


"He allowed you to follow your dreams but it doesn't mean he has to stay in the sidelines and let you in everything by yourself. He got to the point where he can't take it anymore."

Jessica nodded her head. "But he shouldn't have said I was a disgrace." Jessica said with a quivering voice. "How-how can my own father say that to his daughter?" Jessica began crying now. "I can't help it if all these lies and scandals are released."

Sooyoung pulled Jessica closer and tightened the hug. "Sica. Your father was too angry. He wants his daughter to do what he thinks is best and when you refused, those words just came out. Trust me Jessica. Your father never meant those words even if he did say it."

"But it hurts."

"I know it hurts. And I probably can't do anything to heal it but you know your father better than anyone. Family will never do anything to hurt each other purposely. He must have been hurt by you too you know?"

Jessica nodded her head again and this time, wrapped her arms around Sooyoung's waist. "I understand."

"Are you sure?"


"Then talk to your father alright? You don't have to do it right away. Do it when you're ready." 

"okay." Jessica appreciated having someone by her side. And she was glad it was Sooyoung.



"I'm sorry."

Sooyoung loosened the hug a bit and looked at Jessica confusingly. "Why?"

"For being so mean to you."

Sooyoung gave Jessica a warm smile. "Apology accepted Sica."

Sooyoung then stood up and extended her hand to Jessica, who was still sitting on the grass. "Let's go home?"

Jessica smiled and took Sooyoung's hand. "Yes. Let's go."

As both of them walked through night in the dim lighted neighborhood, Jessica intertwined her hand with Sooyoung.

"Wae?" Sooyoung asked with a small smile.

Jessica shrugged. "Just felt like it."

"Oh. okay then." Sooyoung didn't pull away her hand though. She let Jessica do whatever she wanted.



"Will you always be by my side?"



And ever since that night, Tiffany and Jessica realized one thing: After that night, both finally realized why they always felt warm, fuzzy, and happy when they were with them. Jessica and Tiffany had fallen in love...with none other than Sooyoung and Taeyeon.



** If love is what you feel, then value it...because love can bring so much happiness and comfort in a time of difficulty and hardship....and can at times...make you want to change for the better.




Just in case you guys are confused, the very last statement in this story is the answer to the title of the chapter. :D 

Happy Thanksgiving!!! :D

See all of you later. 



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maemae08 #1
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH!! It's too short I want moreeee🤧🤧
achie86 #2
You make this story in 2012, and still...in the end of 2015 I'm still read this story over and over again.

In honest, once in a month I'm always read this story. Kekekekeke...
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #3
Nice story !
iheartchoding #4
Chapter 8: made me cry :)) nice fic author~ssi! keep it up!
Chapter 8: LOLOLOLOL. this is sooo awesome. it ended happy -tears-
And may I just comment that JeTi here are soooo cry baby? In every chapter, they don't forget to cry... It's so drama!!! And I was quite annoyed at SooTae for playing so hard to get. Gawd!!! My poor JeTi..
And I also chuckle at you, author, whenever you say "last chapter" when in fact, there are a LOT more chapters in line. And you even said at first that this would either be two or three shots. lol.. And I'm glad I can get the Phoenix Bakery stuffs. :PP
And may I just say that I like sweet Taeyeon and sweet Sooyoung more than coldmeanie Taeyeon and coldmeanie Sooyoung. But in JeTi's case, I find the coldmeanie Tiffany and coldmeanie Jessica cuter than the crybaby Tiff and crybaby Jess. Meheheh.. I hate seeing JeTi cry.. But I have to say that I TOTALLY prefer sweet Taeny and sweet Soosic more..
Gawd.. Jessica threatened her life just to prove Sooyoung that the words "I love you" for Soo is true.. That's soooo sweet.. She even denied that she wrote the letters. Have to admit, I was amused at the 'What ifs' question written by JeTi.
I just hope you wrote the chapter of the wedding.. Mehehehe. lol kidding. And I remember Mr Jung being so cute and funny wahahaha... I like him! Mehehe. He likes teasing his older daughter much.
And have to comment about Jiyeon and Hara too. :(( Though I can't fail to like them still because of their real personality in showbiz.. they're soooo humble in real. It's just so funny that Tiff appeared like a fool to the readers and Taetae that she thought they were making out. lol! And Hara, she was quite annoying here. She even made Jess remember about the rumors but she can't fail to be a cause of HellSica's sudden emerging. Jelly Sica is sooo cute. :PPP She even denied that she's not jealous with her angry self seeing Yuri and Sooyoung being touchy-touchy. :PPP This story is sooo fluff and drama. I like the combination. :DDDD I regret reading this just now...
Anyway, thank you.
Chapter 8: hi, i just read this.. like it.
unitha #7
Chapter 8: Finally got around to reading the latest update. *-*
OMFG SOOSICA <3 I loved how Jessica got jealous when Sooyoung "thought" Hara wrote the letter. xD I'm so glad everyone's together now. ^-^
EMT0304 #9
Chapter 8: Thank you for ur story..
No more "What ifs" but I want be "How if" as the sequel ^^