a sudden distraction

a sudden distraction


Kai couldn’t focus on his homework.  Fill-in-the-gap tasks were probably the most childish and the most annoying ones one could have ever think of, not to mention English  wasn’t something  Kai really liked nor enjoyed wasting his precious time on. If there was something to get him out of the boring routine of having his head stuck in books while trying to memorize some strange words and then failing to pronounce something he will forget the next day anyway, he would gladly follow. An additional hour of dance practice, or maybe even on doing grocery shopping  for the whole dorm. Right, grocery shopping on Tuesdays and Fridays was Suho’s job, and even though Kai was too engrossed in his own little world to be responsible for food , he wouldn’t mind carrying 6 huge bags every 3 days for his hyung.  Kai was sure Suho wouldn’t object to that, he was simply too kind to say no.

Suho was someone everyone admired and everyone, without exceptions, liked.  As a leader, he couldn’t be better. Always polite, hardworking  and devoted to anything the group was doing. Proudly leading K whenever their appointment had been scheduled, he would always set an example. But even with the cameras off Suho was that sweet, kind-hearted guy that would put away all his private issues only to wipe Sehun’s  tears dry, pat the sad Chanyeol on the head or just listen to small unimportant problems his dear friends faced and eventually flash that understanding kind smile of his that was able to instantly warm one’s heart.  Kai didn’t want to admit it, but he was thinking way too often of his perfect hyung, way too much he should ever be.

If someone had asked Kai a few weeks back in time to describe his hyung with one word, he would have started some incoherent blabber about how kind, how warm-hearted, how hardworking, how sweet with fans, how open to everyone that seeks help, how handsome he is only because he thought calling Suho perfect wouldn’t be just enough. What he  loved about his hyung was the way he would wave his cute slim hands, the way his soft hair would brush against his forehead whenever he moved, the little sweet gestures he  would unconsciously make when angry or excited. But  most of all he loved the gentleness in those dark eyes that mixed with thousands of little stars when he was smiling and..

Kai snapped out of his daze when he finally realized he had been grinning like an idiot at the little heart he unknowingly had drawn right next to Suho’s name  on the piece of paper he had been  previously trying to work on for what felt like hours, and only when he  finally realized someone was standing right behind his back, hovering over his exposed shoulder. He stopped breathing, the color of his cheeks changing shades of pink almost instantly. It was inappropriate to think of his hyung that way, he shouldn’t have ever done that. But the thoughts of Suho kept stubbornly invading the already distracted mind, turning it into one huge mess that became really hard to control.  And what if this someone discovered his weakness? Immediately, Kai covered the four letters and the small heart with his palm wishing  his embarrassment wasn’t this big and wishing that someone could just disappear.


-hey, I liked that heart, why are you suddenly covering it now?

Suho’s soft voice cut the silence and Kai sighed deeply because of two reasons: Suho, the last  one Kai would have ever wished to see right now, caught him drawing love symbols next to his name in a damn English textbook; and the second, Suho ,whispering in the angelic voice of his into the younger’s ear. What the older was doing remained unknown to Kai as he kept on sitting bolt upright, paralyzed, staring in the space in front of him what happened to be a couch, not to mention insanely pounding inside Kai’s chest heart. Suho must have been really entertained by what he was doing to the younger, blushing like a school girl boy, or at least it seemed so to Kai. He wasn’t moving, he wasn’t even talking anymore, and Kai in shock could only be assuming whether Suho was still breathing. Oh yes, he definitely was, and he could  feel it when something warm and delicate was pressed against the way too heated up skin on his shoulder.

  He must have forgotten how to speak. Suho  had been watching Kai daydreaming, smiling and writing something in his notebook so absentmindedly it would have been considered a sin to disturb the young boy at the moment of the imaginative chase after  his dreams. But the younger brunet looked so beautiful, so pure and so innocent that  Suho couldn’t just keep calm. He had to do something about this disturbing feeling inside his stomach, so the older placed a soft kiss on the younger’s skin wanting to have his attention back.

Kai immediately turned his head towards the other man, his eyes wide open, and Suho could swear all he saw in those oh so beautiful eyes was his own reflection surrounded by all of Kai’s inner feelings. Smiling sweetly, still leaning  down, the older reached his hand towards Kai’s face and traced fingertips over the younger’s smooth, doll-like skin so gently as if Kai could break if he pressed harder. Not wanting to waste this precious moment, he slowly lifted the boy’s chin and simply placed his lips on Kai’s plump and pink ones in a sweet kiss, which made a bomb explode in the younger’s stomach and his heart stop for a moment.  Even if it was merely a second, being able to  taste Suho’s lips, though so unexpected, wasn’t something Kai could ever complain about.

The older finally backed away  just to peck the younger  again, devouring  his sweet lips once more, and examining the boy’s expression. Kai looked  drunk, happy and excited at the same time, a cute grin creeping on his mouth. Suho couldn’t help but smile while resting his head against Kai’s.

-just for your information- he started - I really don’t mind you drawing little cute hearts right next to my name- he said trying to stop the chuckle. Kai suddenly blushed , probably coming back to his senses, Suho assumed as he smiled.

-Jonginah…- he took Kai’s hand, to Kai’s surprise, in his and forced the oh so red boy to stand up before sitting on the chair himself and pushing the younger down  on his lap, embracing his waist almost possessively but still gently.

- I see you need some help with your English homework, why don't we work on it together?  And before Kai could protest or even utter a short sentence, Suho kissed him one more time, making it impossible for Jongin to refuse him.






lol nope






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Chapter 1: so sweet and cutee *o*
Chapter 1: Man, oh, man!!!!
*o* I totally loved your story and it's really a miracle because I don't read much ! I love both Kai and Suho and this pairing is really cool ! Thanks for helping me appreciating ^^
Zelinair #4
Chapter 1: Even if it is not an OTP that I ship I like this fic ^^ well done! ^^