The Twins

In Between the Lines

Present day

Haneul International Primary School


"Are you okay Vic?"

"Yeah." said teacher answered but the hint of sadness in her voice convinced the other that something is wrong.

"It's the twins right?"

Victoria stopped arranging the stacks of drawings on her table-  a sigh of distress escaping her lips. "The older twin's been colder than usual and Junho... the poor kid just refused to talk again."

Luna looked at the drawings on the table. The twins may be shutting themselves into their own world again but their drawings pretty much tell something about what's happening. If you're going to look at them, they both seem normal - 12 year old twins who have exceptional skills in drawing and painting but if you try to look beyond you'd see twins who are like persons who just lost their vision - desperately reaching out  for something/ anything for support only to discover there is none. After realizing this, both just cut their last string of hope. They'll live. Their parents are still alive and supports their  needs but it's just isn't enough especially for the younger Jang since the younger was suffering from depression.

"That care taker must've meant a lot to them. I've heard about her from Junho on several occasions." Victoria looked at Junho's last sketch. It was Wooyoung smiling and their care taker hiding on a big story book. She frowned. "...and it seems that she's the only adult Wooyoung gives his trust to."

"What happened to her?"

"I've heard that the twins were transferred to this school because their care taker can't take care of them anymore. She was confined to the hospital."


6 months ago

Haneul International Primary School


"Wooyoung seems happy today. Any idea why?" It was a normal day after class. Victoria stayed for Junho insisted her to sit beside him and draw something.

The younger was quiet. He was deligently erasing the pencil marks. Today, he drew a rose by a window sill -a white curtain blown away by the early autumn wind. Victoria stopped scribbling and wondered if Junho would ever answer her question. "His artwork was recognized by some people and he said it will be displayed on one of the most famous art exhibit in here." he took a deep breath and blew the mess his efficient eraser made. Then he looked at his teacher and Victoria was taken aback. Junho was smiling. But that smile has so many emotions in it. Too many for a 12 year old kid like Junho. "He's bringing his painting back to Busan tonight to show it to Mikkie." he then looked at his twin who was across the room busy wrapping his artwork with a newspaper.

"Well, that's nice of Wooyoung don't you think?" Victoria asked leaning closer to the younger Jang. "But don't you think it's more practical to invite Mikkie to come here so she'd also see the other artworks herself?"

Junho frowned. "That's the problem, Victoria." he whispered. "I'd love too so I can show how beautiful sunsets are here in Seoul and paint it together but the men in white gowns prohibited him to go out."


Present day

Haneul International Primary School


It was almost sunset and Victoria was already on her way out when she heard shouts from the backyard.

"DAMN YOU~!!!!" Wooyoung cussed

"Jang Wooyoung!!!" Victoria warned as she took the other girl to her arms only to be pushed by her.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled her bangs covering most of her eyes. "... and don't curse on me you cold-hearted person! You should thank m--"

"THANK YOU?!? YOU ALMOST THREW IT ON THE POND!" Wooyoung was red with anger. If glares could kill the young girl would've have died already. Victoria took note of the envelope Wooyoung was clutching on his chest.

"Psh.. I damn right know well how important that thing is for you but seriously, getting mad at me won't save your friend. I'm leaving..." she calmly walked back into the building grabbing her bag. "..pathetic cold-hearted Jang Wooyoung."

It's usually like this - ice prince and princess arguing. Wooyoung and Suzy are the best students in their class but their relationship is more of like the tsundere type. Victoria believes that aside from Junho, Suzy is the one who holds the key to Wooyoung's mysterious personality. Her thoughts were interrupted when Wooyoung feel on the grass. He looks very tired. Victoria got to her knees and examined Wooyoung. "Are you okay?" she was pretty much ignored. She noticed the envelope and was tempted to reach for it when Wooyoung slapped her hands away. "Don't touch it!"

"MISS VICTORIA!!!!" another young girl in pigtails came. She was in a state of panic. Seeing who it was Victoria began to feel worried as well. Jiyeon was afterall the only pupil she asked to look after Junho.

Before she could react, Wooyoung was already speeding off.


"I don't know Miss Victoria. He was just sleeping and then he suddenly woke up. He was crying. I tried to make him stop but he wouldn't then suddenlly he was hyperventilating. I'm sorry Miss Victoria. I panicked." Jiyeon apologized

Junho already calmed down. Being his twin brother, Wooyoung knew what to do and he was now carrying his twin towards the make-shift bed.

"It's alright Jiyeon. It's not your fault." Jiyeon then excused herself. It was getting late anyway.

Victoria moved towards the twins the Wooyoung suddenly spoke without looking at her. "He's okay now." he moved the table away from the bed to make space. "..I mean for now."

"Wooyoung..." Victoria kneeled in front of Wooyoung placing both hands on his shoulders. She looked into the younger's eyes and Victoria saw an evident pain masked by the ice frost Wooyoung made for his own protection in his eyes. "Please tell me what happened. You can trus--"

"Leave us alone." it was firm and Wooyoung was looking at her straight in the eyes as if intmidating her. It was a command. "Leave us alone, Victoria.Its none of your business anyway." He stood up and headed to the door. Before he went out, he said "..and don't you dare ask Junho about it. I don't want to see my brother crying when I get back."

Victoria was now lying on her couch. She really couldn't get why her student woud be like that. It's been months and she's worried because the older Jang began to skip classes.

"Don't look for him. He's on a mission. No one would be able to stop him. His greatest enemy would be time."  was what Suzy told her. What was that supposed to mean?

She sat up. She's been thinking for a long time how she would be able to reach the twins but it seems her efforts are futile for now. I won't give up. she told herself as she used her palms to stand up only for the stack of mails of her small table to fall on the floor. She saw the bills. she needs to pay for them by this week or else she'd have a big problem. She looked at the others. It was an invitation.

"A reunion?" she was amused to say the very least. The invitation was from the infamous 3 idiots from her high school days. She can't believe these three would be three of the best businessmen in Seoul. She frowned. She hated these three with all her heart during the high school days because they were delinquents the very reason why she hated Nichkhun, her ex best friend, because he chose them over her. Painful memories came back. They never talked after the scandal. It was as if they had a silent agreement that they don't exist on each other's life anymore.

She sighed. She'll have to think about attending the reunion. Later. Just not now.

She turned to the next mail. The envelope was quiet old buut not too old enough. She observed the envelope some more.

And her eyes widened. 10 year letter sender shop the seal says.

That's crazy!

Well... I'll try to write something so we'll know if it really sends letters 10 years later.

Are you kidding me? Who will you write a letter then?

Victoria nervously turned the envelope.


He wasn't kidding.... because the letter indeed came from her ex best friend...




A/N: took me long enough. I'm very sorry. And as expected this turned out to be chaptered. XD Please tell me what you think~

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interesting ^^ curious about the twin>< and junho so cute being a lil doctor, hope you'll update this story ^^
dhenzxiah #2
Chapter 3: your story is interesting .. i hope you'll update sooner :)
Chapter 3: hehehehehehe ^^
mianhamnida Thor-nim ;)
forgive my dense brain xP
Chapter 2: aigoo, getting more curious who mikkie was..
Chapter 1: I'm sooo confused about the accident when wooyoung bursting out :(
and who is the girl who scream at wooyoung?
and who is jiyeon?
teacher or student?
and who is mikki?
their caretaker?
you dont put enough description in this chapter, so I hardly understand anything :(
Chapter 1: It looks interesting :)
Update soon ^^
coolgirlaamy #7
I don't know how I didn't see this story yet but it looks so interesting and the story line seems really original so I can't wait to read it. Don't make me wait for too long please authornim :D
Ooh this looks interesting!
10 years after??
woah such a long journey for a letter xD