Chapter II

Chasing Summer




Dad went above and beyond. 

"I can't believe it. " I gawk at the room, being captivated with the interior decorations. 

"Do you.. like it? " Dad asks.

"Are you kidding me dad? I don't like it. I love it! " Dad somehow manage to set this room for me within a week, and now it's transformed from his packed office to my room. I can't believe the room is filled up with ceramic glossy white furnitures. The bed is properly tucked in with the blue floral prints bedsheets. Light pours in from the two big windows, a breeze puffing against the soft white cotton curtains. This is definetely way different from my room back in Japan. and now this perfect room is mine. 

In Seoul. 

The only thing I could think about last winter was about Choi Siwon moving away to Korea. How I never got to confess out my actual feelings to him. How he never realised that we belong together.

How I never got to find out if he feels the same way to me. 

I kept on replaying the words he said during the party "I've noticed you. Too bad we haven't actually talked before." I'm still unsure about what he said to me before, but maybe he was interested in me as well?  The way he kept looking at me, like he wanted to say something. Something I badly want to hear. 

I knew we could be together. I see the potential of us. If only I was given another chance. 

So here I am here in Seoul, living with my dad. When dad left Japan to Korea, he never returned back. He brought an apartment near Myeongdong. I've never been here before, but I heard the neighbourhood was amazing. It's located pretty near to the shopper's heaven, so yeah. Expect it to be pretty much loud and busy in the bustling city here. Eventhough Japan is pretty near to Korea, it's still pretty far. Living in Seoul had always been my dream, because it's basically where I was born. Dad and mum actually moved to Japan for work, but ever since Dad left us, he returned back to Seoul. I always hoped I'd get to live there eventually, but here I am now. Staying here, to find the man I longed for. Choi Siwon. 

It mattered to me so much that I gathered my courage to call my dad. 

It was a really big deal. I haven't actually talked to him since he left us. And that is like years ever since we talked. He tried to keep me in his life, but I never wanted any part of it. I don't return his calls or even visited him. So naturally he was pretty surprised I called him and decided to start a new life with him. Which is why he didn't believed I actually called. 

"I'm glad you called, I've really missed you. " 

"Well it has been pretty long ever since we talked..... but do you remember how you told mum I could stay with you? "

"yes. " 

"Is the offer still valid? " 

"Anytime, kiddo. " 

Obviously I didn't tell him I came all the way here for Choi Siwon. I lied to him that I just wanted a better school, more like the arts academy. I just needed a change and how a better school could motivated me to pursue my career with my talents. 

"I looked up for the SM Academy of Fine Arts. " 

"That's one of the best academy's to pursue your passion in arts. and I'd love having you here Sooyoungie. " 

When forces beyond your control take over, they make you do stupid things. Or even crazy ones. It felt good to be thinking of moving, it felt bad though. Especially about the part I was lying about. But that's the only way to convice dad I wanted to move. 

and probably, that's the only way to convince mum to let me go. 


"You're moving to Seoul to stay with your dad?! Just what were you thinking? Is living with me that bad? " 

I gulped nervously, not having the energy to move. "No, it's not... I just.. Want to pursue my passion to be a professional dancer. You do know that mum. " 

Damn it, I should have known better than trying to talk to her when she got home from work. She hates her job, personally. I mean who likes working? Mum didn't have to work when dad was around, she was way much more happier. Both of them were like the happiest couple. I missed the times when she would bake us brownie's and even plant the flowers in the backyard. She was really happy. But after he left,  everything turned all bitter and miserable. 

"Sooyoung. " Mum rubbed her temple as the grandfather clock in the corner ticked louder than usual. "Why would you move there with him after all he did to us? " She barked out a laugh. 

"I just wanted a change, I want to give off my fullest potential with a better school. I want to do this for you. and trust me, it won't be that bad to live with him. " 

Mum was skeptical. 

"So can I? " 

"Absolutely not. "

"Why not? " 

"Is living with me that bad that you really have to go running to that manipulative bastard? " 

Didn't mum realised that anger was actually destroying her life? The Moon Sohee I used to know loved singing in the backyard while planting flowers. Enjoying the cool summer breeze with dad. She would even surprise dad with a simple backhug while he was busy doing his sketchings. Those were the perfect memories that I picture in my mind, the perfect smiles from both of them. It felt really safe, like nothing would ever have to change. 

I was so naive back then. Over the last few years, Mum gradually stopped doing those things. Sometimes I don't even recognised her. 

"He's not- " 

"Why are you doing this to me? " 

"This isn't about you, but me umma. " 

"You can forget it, " She retaliated. 

"I don't think so. " 

"Fine, if that's what you want. Let him deal with raising his daughter with all the money he has. " She spoke up before storming off to her room. 

and the living room, was all silent. 



I moved here, for a boy I don't know where to find. At least we're in the same neighbourhood, after what I heard from Hae when I ran to him to get a cup of  latte in a cafe. So you do think that finding him is pretty easy? But this is Seoul. There's like zillion people everywhere. We could live here forever and never meet each other at all. 

My stomach is churning as it starts to play a melodious orchestra. I'm so afflicted I don't even know if I'm hungry or just nervous. Before dad left for work, he passed me cash for the week. I decided to proceed to cafe in the building for some light breakfast. I glanced through the row of sweet treats and found myself a red velvet cupcake. Yes. Don't even try to steal my cupcake or I'd promise to eat you up. As my hand reached for the tempting little cupcake, 

A muscular hand was quick enough to grab the cupcake before I actually could. 

" WHAT THE FREAKING FRUITCAKE? Why do you have to grab the red velvet when there's others? "  I mentally cursed myself for being so loud. I'm pretty sure I'd get famous quick just because of a cupcake. I gathered the courage to look up to the owner of the muscular hand. 

Let me say this, He's hot just like Choi Siwon.  Like freaking hot. This man has a muscular build, tall for his age; infact taller than Choi Siwon, good looking, y tousled hair, charming eyes, y thick lips.... except, when he smirked at me. 

" Why don't you get yourself a fruitcake then? This cupcake isn't yours anyway. " 

" BUT HEY, I SAW THAT FIRST! " No way, I'd let him have my cupcake while my stomach is churning badly. 

"My bad, I TOOK IT FIRST. " He proceeded to the counter before paying it off. Gee, How gentleman could he be. I hurried over and chased after him, but seems like luck was not on my side. Stupid stilettos. I tripped over, and guess what? 


Damn, I'm so lazy to get myself for classes. How can life be this cruel to me? I was nearly late, and I missed my breakfast. So here I am, finding something light to munch before classes actually starts. Should I get donuts? Bagels? ... cupcake should be good too! 
I grinned at the thought of food as I look over the classic selections. I'm not sure If you've known me yet, but I'm actually taken. 
I mean, I get it.. there's many girls in the line chasing after me, but I'm practically taken by my eternal love; food. 

There's a brunette in front of me, eyeing over the glass panel. She's tall for a young lady, pretty y too, her curves are perfectly covered by the floral bodice, revealing her long luscious legs. and damn that heels, it's increasing the level of her ness. Wait, why haven't I noticed her before? Is she new? 

I immediately reached for the cupcake, and the next moment. I really wished I didn't. 


" WHAT THE FREAKING FRUITCAKE? Why do you have to grab the red velvet when there's others? " Can't she be even more louder? Her voice is enough to attract everyone in the cafe to look at us. Feisty much? or maybe, she's an ahjumma in disguise?  Seriously, what's with pretty woman nowadays. 

and what's with the freaking fruitcake? " Why don't you get yourself a fruitcake then? This cupcake isn't even yours anyway. " I mean, can you see her name stated on the cupcake? No right? She's y, but damn. This woman is fierce. Goodness, I've never thought a woman would resist me instead of food. I mean come on, who's not attracted to Shim Changmin? 

" BUT HEY, I SAW THAT FIRST! " Seriously, if you really want my attention. Don't bother arguing over the cupcake, because it's mine. I can really be possesive over the things I love, especially food. 

Yes, I'll make you mine. At the speed of lightning, I quickly took the cupcake and paid it at the counter. HAH TAKE THAT, IT'S MINE NOW.

I quickly turned around and hurdled my way for vocal's class, completely ignoring the y brunette. Not when. 

It felt like gravity, or it felt like force that attracted my weight to the ground ; landing me perfectly flat on the ground. To make situations worst,

this y brunette is on top of me. 

Yes, both of us were completely staring within each other with great intensity. As though time stopped, I was somehow mesmerized by her beautiful brown doe eyes. She looks so innocent and pure. Those pink tinted plump lips, oh. I refrained myself from the temptation to land my lips against hers. but for some reasons, 

I wanted her to be mine. 



At the moment, I'd really love to mentally curse myself. Why did I have to wear the stupid stilettos, argue over a cupcake, stumble upon this charming man, and draw myself unwanted attention? I deserve to win the most clumsy and stupid award of the century, yay! Please applaud for me. Yes you may, and I'll swear I'd eat you alive. 

I tripped because of this painful stilettos, and landed perfectly on a warm muscular cudly chest of a man I don't have any clue about. Accidently, I found myself staring into his perfect hazel brown orbes, totally forgetting the fact that I'm on top of him. Somehow, he had the charm to hypnotize me and clearly, I was admiring his soft facial features. He didn't look that bad, in fact he has this unique charm. My eyes were busy roaming his clear soft features, slowly trailing down his perfectly sculptured jawline from his dark hazel brown orbes down to his thick soft looking lips...... 

and that was when, Choi Siwon entered my mind. Crap, what if he sees me like this. This is totally wrong. Oh lord. 

but the man infront of me is tempting. 

No Choi Sooyoung, No. This is totally wrong. Totally wrong, get over it. You're here for Choi Siwon! 

The man coughed and I immediately snapped out of it. I pulled myself away from him and tried to get up, leaving him dumbfounded on the floor. Not long after, he stood up and I was shocked. 

" I'm sorry for what happened. " He apologised, handing the little red velvet cupcake to me, " have this. Till we meet again. " He whispered before disappearing behind the transparent glass doors of the cafe. 

Till we meet again. 



I sneaked a glance around the auditorium. This is the senior's assembly, so if Siwon goes to this school he has to be somewhere here right now. Every time I look around, people stare back at me. I still couldn't get rid of the shame after what happened at the cafe earlier on. I force myself to quit looking. I don't want to get an instant reputation as a staring freak. 

I took a risk by bringing my phone. If it get's confiscated, I can always say I don't know the rules. I reached into my bag and check my messages. Still no replies from Tiffany. 

In a lot of ways, on the first day of school, everyone is wearing their best new clothes in this school. But it's expected, we're in an art school, you're supposed to look pretty appealing? Most of the students seem nervous, including me. 

In other ways, the rooms are relatively pristine. The trainers look even more professional. There's even a discipline code. I'm pretty shocked that there are actually consequences for not following the rules. My old school was so huge, no one even knew who you were. I get the feeling things don't work that way here. 

By the sixth period, I've not seen Siwon anywhere. I'm beginning to think that he doesn't study in this art academy. 

Finding him is the only thing I care about. I didn't come here to make new friends. I already have Taeyeon and Tiffany. Leaving both of them was really bad, but we'll talk most of the time. Who needs more than two good friends anyways? And what's the point of making new friends when we're all going separate ways at the end of the year. Eventually, everyone leaves. The closer you get to someone. The more it hurts after they're gone. 

Right before the eight period, I'm assuming that I'll never get to see Siwon again for the rest of my life. I've been around the corner, desperately trying to search for a room that apparantly doesn't exist. The bell rings, I searched into my bag to double check my schedule and the room number. 

"Lost? " someone says. 

"Sort of, well yeah.. I can't find room thirty-nine, class.... Do you- " 

I look up. 

And there he is. 

Choi Siwon. 

" Hey, " He goes. "I know you. " 

"Hilarious. " I say, Because of course he knows me. He said we should have talked more. He said he loves my cooking. 

Except the fact he's not smilling or anything.

Then he says, "How do I know you? " 




"umm... I'm Choi Sooyoung, Summer. We went to- " 

"Right! sorry! I was spacing out. Trying to find room thirty-nine? " 

"Same here. " 

"Do you think it's a conspiracy? " 

"All I know is that this room is supposed to be somewhere in between room thirty-eight and forty. " 

Note to self : Do not burst into tears.

I mean, Of course I moved in all the way to Seoul for a man who doesn't know I exist, at all. 

But.I know that I belong with Choi Siwon. I know that I belong here. 

"Should we ask the main office? " I suggested. 

"Good Idea. " 

We were halfway down the hallway when he asked "Wait, Why are you here? " 

"I go here..? " 

"That's so wierd! "

"I know. " 

"When did you moved? " 

"A few days ago. " 

"Why? " 

There is no way I'm gonna admit why. At least, not yet. 

"Oh, because... " 

Then again, if I just come right out and tell him he'll finally know. Isn't that the reason why I came all the way here? To make him understand that we belong together. The problem is, I might be the only one who can see the potential of us right now. If I scare him off, we might never get together. 

I decided to go for the truth with a side of omission. 

"..... I'm living with my dad now. " 

Taeyeon didn't even bothered saying hello, she excitedly asked me when I answered the phone, " OHMYPEAS HAVE YOU FOUND SHIWONNNNN? "

"Yes, how did you know? " 

"Hae told me! " 

"Woah, since when you talked to him? " 

"Since today? He stayed after and came to me. " 

"How? " 

"Siwon told him. " 

"what? why? " 

"I know right! " 

"He called him right after school! and he said both of you had classes together? he was surprised to see you as well! " 

"He was? " 

"Of course! " 

"In a good way? " 

"For sure. " 

Things are definetely working out. Both of us live right in the same neighbourhood, same school, and even same class together. and I even get to sit beside him. When we found the room we were looking for, there were only two seats left. My aversion to sit infront is nothing compared to my desire to sit next to him. 

He even told his close friend about me. Seems like things are going pretty well? Taeyeon is also excited about this compared to the situation when I told her I was moving, She was completely protesting against my decision, but in the end she understood. 

"So when are you telling him? " 

"I'm not so sure, I don't really wanna rush things. I should give him some time because we're like seeing each other every single day! " 

"That sounds good! " 

"It's really bad that he didn't recognize me right? " 

"It's not the best, but it's the first day right? So, how was your day? " 

Speaking of the first day, I had completely forgotten over what happened earlier on this morning. and suddenly, the scenes earlier on, were all over my mind. 


Her eyes her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining~ 

I shifted the curtains slightly as the moon and stars greeted the dark navy blue sky. I focussed my attention towards the stars while humming to one of my favourite lines. My mind was distracted by the reflection that has been constantly disturbing me ever since we met. 

Her beautiful brown doe eyes. Her full and plump, pink tinted lips. Her rosy cheeks as she flushed in embarassment when she fell on top of me. Images of her had been lingering on my mind for the past few hours. 

and for some reasons, I wanted her to stay in my mind. 





A/N: So, here's chapter two! :D To clear things up, This is a fic that is based on sooyoung's pov. but on certain scenes, there would be Changmin's/ Siwon's pov. *-* Changmin finally appeared on chapter two, and you can see that he has the hots for her. eue 

Anyways, please enjoy the chapter ^^  Comments, critique's and feedbacks are 







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sumerize #1
Chapter 2: asdfghjkl love this fic freakin much
syoolove #2
Chapter 2: Woahhhh....looks like Soo and Min fall in love for the first sight...
But Changmin was being jerk infront of her while Siwon being nice
She might be confused the man that she loved actually...
thanks for the update :)
summer24 #3
Chapter 1: Update juseyo, as far as I read everything was good
sumerize #4
Chapter 1: looking forward d next chapter^^ .seriously ur fic awesome
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 1: Lol welcome to the ChangSoo world~ Hope you'll stay with us xD Yes, tes ChangSoo are just so flexible you can write anything using those two :3 Anyways interesting story I thought the start would be much deeper but it's quite light-hearted, great start :)
Chapter 1: Aigooo~ sooo cuteee heol my changsoo feel :3
Just the foreword blew me away. o.O
I love it. Plz update soon! =)