Something Fishy.

I love you Oppa

Your Pov

I've been here for a few days now and all I can think of is..

Why does Henry seem so familiar?!?

I see him everytime now and he reminds me of someone.. maybe someone from the past...

But why did I recognize it now?!?

Could it be because I think he's my secret admirer?

"_____, what are you thinking about? You look deep in thought there.." Donghae asked.

"Donghae~Oppa do you think you can easily forget about a person if you feel that person meant something important in your life?"

"Hmm good question well I don't think so and even though you do forget I would think you would still end up remembering them since you know that person meant to be someone important in your life."

Did I meet Henry somewhere?

"Thanks Oppa!" I said as I hugged him.

"Anytime _______ now let's get you up that way we can eat dinner!"

"Good I'm alittle hungry!" I said as my stomach growled.

Perfect timing stomach..

"Alittle ______?" 

"Haha very funny" I pouted.

Henry POV

So I was walking over to the beach to suprise _________ with this bracelet I bought...

She looked at it when we went to this little boutique yesterday while the other guys went out doing who knows what..

I secretly got it for because I wanted to suprise her but eventually Heechul , Hangeng, and Kangin found out and now they won't stop teasing me for it.

They even tease me just because I took her to the little boutique.. 

Okay okay you caught me maybe I do have a thing for ________... maybe..


So when I was walking I overheard ________ and Donghae talking I was going to walk back but by feet somehow were planted on the sand telling me not to.

I know weird right? Anyways..


  "Donghae~Oppa do you think you can easily forget about a person if you feel that person meant something important in your life?"

"Hmm good question well I don't think so and even though you do forget I would think you would still end up remembering them since you know that person meant to be someone important in your life."

Well here's the thing I know it kind of might sound crazy but call me maybe (a/n: sorry that song is in my mind lol) but keep up with me..

See the thing is I knew _______ back when I was in Canada and well we kind of lost touch ever since I wanted to become a singer.. I'm alittle suprised she hasn't remembered me..

Okay yes I have an advantage.. Although she wasn't keeping touch with me.. I was keeping in touch with her.

I paid her neighbors to watch over her..

She always had alittle trouble with her parents and ran to me when she needed to.

So I guess you can say I'm her knight and shining armor? I dont know

But I heard she visited Korea and for a game I decided play alittle game..

Yes I was the secret admirer and I'm pretty sure, considering how smart she can be, she probably has figured it out.. If not then she has almost figured it out..

She just needs to put the puzzle pieces together.. and so far only the three erts know what's going on since I decided to finally tell them..

"Henry? What are you doing.." someone said..



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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 31: Adorable and cute and never thought it would be Henery
nightlocks107 #2
wow such a cuuuute story!!!! i loved it! :) <3
AnimeKitty #3
Oooooooooh!!! Could it be Henry???? Update soon!!
Please UPDATE! :)
kyunnie_hae #5
update pls. 100000000000000000000000x
sparkfiree #7
"Whatever right now its tied im going to get you when your least expected!"<br />
<br />
"Gulp"<br />
<br />
"Why are scared.."<br />
"It was for dramatic effect!!!<br />
<br />
Hahahahah xD
claire3leeteuk #8
im in chapter 7
sparkfiree #9
LOOL. Yesung moment. Awwwh.. So cute xD<br />
Then one of the members barge in Yesung's<br />
room xD Then, they'll jump into conclusions.<br />
Dun dun duuun~~ XD JK.
LeslyeAkira #10