Now Entering Weirdsville !


You are now entering WEIRDVILLE, a very strange''place'' indeed!. You will discover a tribe of people who fearlessly walk on fire, a beautiful, priceless dia,omd that brings bad luck to all who own it, and a man who fell 18,000 feet from a plane-and lived to tell the tale

On your trip through Weirdville you will meet incredible animal heroes, learn about curious customs from other lands, visit the scens of startling crimes, and much more.

So pull out your road map and explore the bizarre, unexpected, the glory, and the downright weird in NOW ENTERING WEIRDWILLE !

Once you have enter, there is no turning back!!!!


just the facts

curious events

sttrang occurrences

the strangest stories you have ever heard

far-out people

unexpected natural oddities

all true

incredible places bizzare brushes with death tales os the gross&gory


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Wow I think it will awesome