


It’s been days since you last saw him. The last time you were with him you got into a fight…


“You’re always gone…”

“Well what did you expect?! You decided to date a Kpop Idol!”

“I knew what to expect! I just thought you’d be more thoughtful and actually text me or call me every once in a while!”

“Well you know I can get pretty busy!”

“Yes you are so busy! Even in the car ride to the next schedule right?!”


You threw the cup you had in your hand against the wall in frustration, but once it hit the wall you came back to reality and realized what you just did. You blinked a couple times before standing up and grabbing the dust pan to clean it up. You moved like a zombie, you were practically one. Every day you would wake up, wash up, eat, if you even felt like it, and then stare at the tv blankly while shows played as background noise. Your phone had tons of messages left by your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend… you weren’t really sure what you were anymore, but his band members left you loads of messages on your cellphone and on your house phone.

But you didn’t feel like listening to them, you didn’t even feel like checking the pile of mail that the mailman left at your door. You cleaned up the broken pieces of the cup, with tears threatening to spill over, but you quickly wiped them away. You were sick and tired of wasting tears over Kyuhyun. You haven’t seen him for the past couple months due to multiple practices for their next concert, Super Show 3, and you knew he had a lot to do. But when he came home from practices he was always grouchy and didn’t even want to talk to you. He would literally, come home and go straight on his laptop to play games, he didn’t greet you or say he loves you, he would just eat and play video games.

This was happening for a while and you stopped waiting for him to come home at night, because you were just sick of it all. You honestly couldn’t be in this relationship with him like this. You loved him, with all your heart, but you couldn’t handle the hurt he was making you feel. You went to sleep that night being completely numb to everything.


You opened your eyes the next morning and wasn’t surprised when you saw no one next to you. You heaved a sigh and rolled out of bed. You went to the bathroom to wash up but was confused when you saw a little yellow post-it on the mirror. You tilted your head in confusion when you saw it, it was just an arrow that pointed towards the door. You turned and saw another post-it with an arrow on the door frame. You slowly walked towards it and looked out the door and saw more post-its going down the hallway leading to the living room. Confused you decided to follow it praying that it wasn’t some creepy stalker that was luring you out. The arrows led you down the hallway but stopped when they reached the living room. You were quite confused, because the last one pointed to nowhere.

“I’m so sorry for mistreating you” said a voice from behind you.

You jumped at the sudden voice that whispered in your ear and at the sudden touch when arms wrapped around your waist from behind. But you didn’t even need to look behind you to know exactly who it was.


“I’m sorry, I should have been more understanding…”

“I thought you had rehearsal for the concert tonight…”

“I do but I wanted to apologize and make sure you were okay before I leave.”

You turned around and hugged him, tears threatening to spill over. It had been a long time since the two of you had been like this, for a while it was mostly fighting and arguing.

Just as you thought everything was going great his phone rang signaling it was time to go. He kissed you good bye and walked out the door.



You groaned and hit your alarm clock to shut it up. You opened your eyes and realized that it was all just a dream. Kyuhyun didn’t leave a cute line of arrows in post-its and he wasn’t there to apologize in the morning. You honestly should have known it was a dream, because he hadn’t done something that cute in months. But a part of you still hoped your relationship would go back to how it was before.

You rolled out of bed and went to wash up in the bathroom. Nothing was on the mirror no note, or post-it. You dragged yourself out to the living room and plopped down on the couch. You stayed there for a bit staring at the ceiling.


“You don’t understand anything!”

“WHAT?! How can you say that?! I know exactly what you go through on a daily basis! Let me remind you that I am a stylist for your hoobaes!” you retorted.

He looked away and leaned against the kitchen counter.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore…” you said softly.

“What did you say?” his eyes widened realizing what you said.

“We should end this… we’re only hurting each other” you replied.

“Is this what you really want?”

You remained silent and stared at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with him. He didn’t say anything but instead walked out of the apartment.


You shook away the thoughts from a couple nights ago, and sat up. You went to the kitchen to get water, hoping that it would help clear your mind. It didn’t help so you grabbed your jacket and decided to take a walk… see the outside world.


“S-she said she wanted to end it hyung~!”

“Kyuhyun-ah I’m sure she’s just hurt and the way you’ve been treating her isn’t helping much either” Leeteuk said.




You walked around the streets near your apartment building. It wasn’t crowded which surprised you because normally there were people walking around and shopping. You passed by a little café, you looked into it and sighed remembering that, that was the place you first met Kyuhyun. Back then you were a fan of Super Junior, well you still are, but you just gotten out of class from your university and decided to go get some coffee to wake you up a little. You had just gotten your coffee and turned to head out the door and walked right into Kyuhyun your coffee spilling on him. Who knew that would have led to two years of being together? As you continued walking down the street you walked past many spots that held great memories of you and him.

Not wanting to be reminded of all the things you went through with him over the past few years you decided to just go back home. Plus it was already late in the evening. You had been walking around so long you didn’t even notice the time.

You stared at the door and heaved a sigh. You opened the door and stepped in, after taking off your shoes you went to the kitchen to get something to drink. You blinked a couple times seeing a piece of paper tapped to your refrigerator. You looked closely at it and saw it was from Kyuhyun.

You took it off of the fridge and read it:


The first concert of our SS3 concert series is tonight…

I know you probably don’t want to come but please… please watch it on tv tonight. Please.


You bite your bottom lip, and put it on the side. You got a glass of water and walked to the living room. You plopped down on the couch and stared at the tv not sure if you should watch or not. Then your phone buzzed. You grabbed it off the coffee table and read the text:

Hi _____!

Please watch our concert tonight~!


Ryeowook was your favorite oppa out of all the Suju members, and when he asked you to do something you just couldn’t say no to him. So giving in you the tv and watched the concert. You found yourself smiling for the first time in days while you watched them dance around the stage singing their hit songs. You even found your heart beat accelerate when Kyuhyun would sing his solos.

You enjoyed watching them perform and it made you feel better. But then it was Kyuhyun’s solo stage. You walked away to go get a snack from the kitchen, but quickly turned back when he started talking.

“Hi! I’d like to dedicate this song to a very special ELF. I know I have caused her a lot of pain for the past couple months and I would like to say I’m sorry… ______ this one is for you.”

You stood in the doorway that lead to the kitchen, frozen, speechless, not really sure if you heard him right. But then he started singing I Was Once By Your Side. Your heart clenched as you heard every word he sang, the passion and emotion he put in to it. You didn’t even realize you had started crying until he finished his song and the lights went dark.

After the concert had finished you turned off the tv and took a shower. Then because it was late you decided to go to bed.


You heard a voice whisper and a slight tapping on your shoulder. You rolled over too exhausted to wake up.


Your eyes shot open and turned to face the source of the voice. It was Kyuhyun.

“W-what are you doing here?!” you whisper screamed not wanting to make too much of a ruckus that late at night.

“Did you watch the concert?” he said softly.

You sat up and nodded, “I did…”

“I’m really sorry _____. I should have treated you bett-“

“I forgive you” you cut him off and hugged him around the neck.

He hugged you back, “I’m so so sorry jagi~ I promise to always make time for you and-“

You hushed him and pressed your forehead to his, “I forgive you~ I love you Kyuhyun.”

He smiled and pressed his lips to yours. The two of you haven’t been like this in so long that it felt like it was your first kiss all over again, it had so much passion and longing in it.

You pulled away slightly and smiled, “come to bed now jagi~ it’s late” you yawned. He nodded and climbed into bed next to you. Then he wrapped his arms around you, you snuggled close to him and the two of you fell asleep.

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Chapter 1: Aww so cute ,,, his effort to make up is just ausbushuibssiuhbsubhau XDD
Chapter 1: this is just CUTE ! Love it , author-nim !!! <3
Oh gawd Kyuhyun.
Chapter 1: AWWWW so cute!
hojyasynamelia #6
Chapter 1: Ahahaha typical kyu and his star craft..... This is so sweet:)))