Sweet Little Things

Simple Beauty

Life’s beauty lies in simplicity.


Your eyes traced the words that were carefully painted on the wall opposite your bed, which you shared with your better half, Taemin. That particular quote had been chosen after hours of bickering between you and him about what should go on the walls (the two of you had moved in together about a month and a half ago). But come to think of it, there was a lot of truth in those five words.


The way his hair seemed to fall back in the right place with a slight shake, even with the worst bedhead; the way he mumbled nonsensical things in his sleep while pulling your body flush against his. The slight hook in his nose-bridge and the awkward curve of his cupid’s bow that you loved so much, though you didn't know why; those simple things made him, him; Lee Taemin, proud owner of your heart.


The way your smile could light up his day no matter how bad work had been; the way your laugh had a certain sparkle to it. How you’d bury your face in his chest while you two were watching something scary, making him feel manly (though most everyone thought otherwise), or how you’d snuggle closer to him in your sleep when it was thundering out. To him, these things made you, you.


Most importantly, how both of you just knew when something was bothering the other, even when they'd give only the subtlest of hints. Or how when both your lips touched, the world spun and there were fireworks everywhere, just like when you first fell in love. Not even that, how your bodies seemed to fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces; his arm around your waist, your head in the crook of his neck, your hands intertwined together, his lips against yours.


These things are what made your relationship so wonderful. He was the peanut butter and you were his jelly, he was Super Man and you were his Wonder Woman, he was the prince and you were his princess. You were each other’s worlds, each other’s lives. And the beauty in your lives lay in the simple things that made your relationship so special.


“Life’s beauty lies in simplicity after all,” you said quietly as you yawned and rubbed your sleepy eyes.


“Hmm?” He poked his head out from underneath the covers questioningly, but was clearly blinded by the morning light from how he was squinting.


You laughed, “nothing, pabo, go back to sleep.” Meaning to go start breakfast, you attempted to get up from the bed, only to be pulled back down and into his oh-so-inviting arms with a tug of the wrist.


“Where are you going?” He whispered softly into your hair; you giggled at how his breath tickled your neck.


“Nowhere, apparently,” you retorted, smiling.


“Good, I like it that way,” he replied as he tightened his grip around your waist and pulled you closer. You sighed contently and settled into his arms, a comfortable silence enveloping the room. A bit more rest wouldn't hurt right? 


“Jagiya~” he whispered, breaking the silence just as you were about to fall asleep.


“Mm?” you mumbled as you adjusted the duvet over yourself.


“Saranghae~” he hummed sweetly in your ear.


“Nado saranghae,” you murmured back, a smile enchanting your face as you floated off to whatever sweet dreamland would grace you in your much-needed slumber.


Saranghae, yeongwonhi.

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justnormalme #1
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