Drunkard’s Reason for being Drunk

'How to Get a Rock Star Boyfriend'



Hongki shifted uncomfortably on his sit as he watched Ji Hye drown herself in alcohol.

Sheezz~ I don’t have any idea how to stop this girl *sighs* and why the hell is she even drinking anyway?  he thought bringing out his phone.

He started texting his friends: I can’t stop a drinking girl! What to do?!!! T^T

Not a minute past when replies came flooding in.

“Take the opportunity Hongki-ah… fighting~!”

“Seduce her and then get her to bed~ :D”

“You’re even bragging on dating a noona now eh? Tch! I want to date a noona too. T^T”

“Get , man! Is she y? Get laid already~ :P”

 “Dude, you have protection with you right?”

“Are you dating a depressed drunkard noona? Kekeke~”

Depressed?Hongki paused for a second. He turned to Ji Hye, who had her head bowed down (probably sleeping), She’s depressed?

“What do you mean by depressed, man?” Hongki replied back. erted messages were still flooding in, he just sighed. Can’t their hormones stop working just for a second? Geez~ this people. And what noona? She’s not even a noona…she’s just—well, illegal.

Friend: She might have a problem or something. Ask her dude, she might need some comforting…you know, THAT comforting.

Hongki: Ya! Stop your dirty mind! And she’s not a noona!

Friend: What? Is she an ahjumma then? Kekeke

Hongki: Shut the hell up man! Anyhow, thanks! Gotta go~

Friend: Whatever dude. Get her to bed alright? :P Good luck!

Hongki cursed under his breath upon reading his friend’s message. What do this people think of me, a ? Geez~!

“ ‘Shameless, useless child,’ ‘I regret having you as my daughter,’ ‘When will you ever give me honor?’ “ Hongki heard Ji Hye mumbled under her breathe.

“What is she talking about?” Hongki asked himself and shook her a few times. “Ya, are you alright?”

“ ‘How long will you be a problem child?’ ‘Can you not humiliate us for once? You’re ruining Seo family’s na—‘ “

“Ya! What are you talking about?! You’re making me worry here! Are you crazy yet?!” Hongki said about to go mad at how creepy Ji Hye is acting.

The drunkard snapped her head up, her dizzy eyes wet. Yes, as in wet from tears. Grief evident on her pretty brown eyes.

 “Ji Hye-ah, w-wae? What’s wrong?”

She laughed looking foolish with her teary eyes, “HONGKI-AH! GWOMAWO!!! *grins*”

“Why are you thanking me? And quite down before people even think you’re crazy.”

“Ah chincha? De~ I’ll keep my voice down,” Ji Hye put a finger over , winking. She reached for another glass of alcohol.

Hongki sighed and grabbed the bottle of soju from her hands, “Seriously woman, what’s wrong with you? After that call from your father you’re acting strange—well you’re always strange but this time it feels strangely wrong—ah molla! You’re confusing me here! Tell m—“

“I thought I’ve already got used to those words before…but I was wrong. I still feel pain, right here,” She interrupted Hongki, clenching her chest. “Tell me; are those words even appropriate for a father to tell his very own child?”

Hongki stayed silent. He knew right there why she invited her this evening. She wanted someone to talk to, to listen to her or even someone to lean on.

“How can a father be so cruel with his own daughter, Hongki-ah?” Ji Hye whined and pouted like a child. “I did all what he wanted in the past, I’m like his puppet—he controlled all of my feelings, my thoughts, my actions…my life.  And when I thought I found something I really wanted, he thought it was stupid and useless. The time I started to pursue that dream I wanted for myself, he ruined it all. *hiccups* He eventually kick me out of the house because of the constant humiliation he thinks I'm making him face. I left of course and broke free from him and his mistress. Yes, you heard that right, he has a mistress and I hate her *hiccups*. It’s been three years since my mother died, I don’t know about my father but I’m still in pain whenever I think about her. Would you believe me if I’d say that I’m a good girl and student until my mother died, my father re-married and eventually kicked me out of the house and even disowned me  because I wanted music not his company or any of his bullshi—“

Ji Hye’s couldn’t finish her sentence. Her head almost fell to the table but just in time Hongki caught it with his hands. He held her on her both red cheeks. He gulped as he scrutinized the girl’s face, I didn’t know this tough girl has been grieving alone.

He still held her heavy head as he transferred sits and sat next to her. He rested Ji Hye’s head on his shoulder. He felt awkward but at the same time he was glad that he could offer even just his shoulder for her to lean on, for her to feel that someone’s beside her.

“Omma bogoshipta...Hongki-ah wae do people have to die? Wae?” Hongki heard Ji Hye muttered as he felt his sleeves soaked with her tears.

He patted Ji Hye’s head a few times  whispering and whispered gently, “Gwenchana. Gwenchana.”

For some reason, Hongki felt something pricking his heart thinking of how the girl resting on his shoulder might have been suffering for the past years.

“I didn’t know how my father moved on for just a year after my mother past away but—omma, trust me I can’t forget you unlike appa did. Saranghae Omma,” Ji Hye continued murmuring with her eyes closed.

Hongki smiled as he continued to gently tap the girl’s head hoping she could get the message he was sending her.

Gwenchana…gwenchana Ji Hye-ah…


*Flash back*

2nd year Middle School:

Ji Hye locked herself up in her room wearing a black dress. Her tears, which she have been holding back since the day she found out her mother died because of a car accident, started to pour down her cheeks.

Her heart crushed as she collapsed on the floor wailing. “Omma,” was the only word she could utter over and over again.


3rd year Middle School:

Just last year I was wearing a black dress mourning for my mother’s death but now I’m wearing a white dress for my father’s marriage with another woman, whom I met just a couple of months ago. She didn’t even bother talking to me, what a gold digger. Tch! What the hell? Are you kidding me? Like I would ever attend this freaking wedding,Ji Hye thought as she sneaked out of the reception hall before the marriage even started. She headed to the toilet, pulled a bag out from under the sink and changed to her shirt and jeans.


“I’m very disappointed in you, Ji Hye-ah! How could you leave my wedding without my consent?! Can’t you be more rational than you actually are?! How could you embarrass me in front of your new mother and my guests? You shameless kid!”

That was the first time Ji Hye heard those words, and the insults eventually became often. At first she cried, but as the days gone by, calluses got stuck and she didn’t even know if she’s hurt or not. She kept her heart strong because she knew there’s no one there to support her. She only had herself…


1st year High School:

“Ji Hye-ah, what is this? Your rank dropped from first to the third place? What is this? Explain this to me! How could this happen?! I knew it; you shouldn't have been friends with those kinds of people who don’t even study hard. It’s our company’s future were talking about here. How could you enter college if your grades are starting to fall. If I find out what’s behind this, I’ll make sure it’ll be having its ending soon.”

It’s always the same. He lectures, she listens. What he likes, she follows. When she have done something he thinks is wrong and he wanted explanation, she give him what he wants but he calls it talking back. 



Ji Hye met her best buds when she was in her first year of high school. They were Jin Ae and Jae Yeon, the only people who she can be who she is.

Not only had their characteristics jived in but also their passion…music.

(Ji Hye’s mother was a singer in an opera and had been playing different musical instruments when she was still alive. That’s maybe where Ji Hye got her voice and her passion for music. Like mother, like daughter indeed.)

The three sooner or later formed a band named JCube. They played in different clubs at night, had jamming sessions, supported each other—their friendship and music eventually grew stonger.

Of course, Ji Hye’s father didnt know about her constant escaping from their house in the middle of the night until her stepmother caught her and told her father about. That b*tch.

Her father kept his promise that if he found out what’s behind her sudden fall from the school rank, he’ll destroy it.



A/N: Ok so here comes the drama…kekeke! And oh, I’m sorry for the sudden change of POV. I just thought that Ji Hye was too drunk to even relate what was happening with her surroundings. :P

The flashback ain’t finish yet so look forward for the next chapter~

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Hanna27 #1
Lollipopaddicted2 #2
Chapter 40: Hey! I usually don't read stories that haven't been updated in a while but I am happy I read this one :) I hope you'll update someday!! ;)
New reader, pleeaasse update again :)))
ilabya9 #4
Chapter 39: You're back!!! Yesssss this fanfic deserves an ending!!!
Chapter 38: Author-nim!!! You're back!!! MY CREYS!!! Thank you thank you!!! :))) <3
tomyidol #7
Chapter 39: Ohmergush! Haha! You're back! WeE! I'm still here. :)))
Update update update
shesworthit #9
Chapter 38: update please?
foreversucks #10
Chapter 38: can you please?