Winter Love


Hi everyone! This is my first time writing a fan fic so please keep your negative comments to your self please. Please excuse me of miss spelled words. But anyway lets start! Also please tell me if you want me to continue the series.

 You were just a normal girl with a painful past trying to make a living. You did normal things you had school, a job, and friends. Until you had a dream that kept replaying over and over just showing this man that you never saw in your life. One day at school  your life changed for ever when you met the new school kingkas B.A.P. You become friends with some of the kingkas, but there is one that you hate but end up loving each other. As you grow closer winter is growing closer. Is he the one in your dreams?



 You ( Park ____)



Very sweet to close friends, but holds a grudge on rude people.

Doesn't fall in love easily

Works at a Cafe to save up money for collage.

Junior in high school.

Has only two friends in the whole school which is her best friend sense preschool and her cousin Park Bom.

Both of parents died in a car accident when she was 5 years old.



Park Bom

Age: 18

Cousins to Park ____, very close with her they are just like sisters.

Senior in high school.

Belongs in a group called 2NE1 who are the Queenka in school.


Bang Yong Guk


Age: 18

Senior in high school

The leader in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

Is tough on the outside but very sweet in the inside.



Kim Him Chan

Age: 18

Senior in high school

Belongs in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

A big flirt to girls around him.




Jung Dae Hyun

Age: 18

Senior in high school

He's kind of a player on the outside but inside he's a nice and kind guy.

Belongs in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

Starts to develop a love-hate relationship with _____


Yoo Young Jae



Age: 18

Senior in high school

Belongs in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

Very nice to _____, becomes friends with her.


Moon Jong Up



Junior in high school

Belongs in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

Very nice to everyone he meets.


 Choi Jun Hong (Zelo)


Age: 16

Sophomore in high school.

Belongs in the group B.A.P who becomes the Kingka in the school

Very shy when he meets new people, but when gets to know you he's himself.

Likes to be called Zelo, only his Hyungs can call him his real name.




Hwan Sasha


She is ____ best friend, very close to her she like a mother to _____


Senior in high school

Hates all the Kingkas and Queenkas she thinks that their all jerks and bullies.

Doesn't fall in love easily just like _____

Works in the same Cafe as _____

She was born in America,then she moved to South Korea at 10.



More characters to come later in the series.












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