

Warning: This was made in a rush so don't expect anything.






“Hyung, move... Get off…” Jiyong mumbled.


The ear splitting ring of the red alarm clock at the top of his bed was annoying the out of him. He would have slammed his hand that that vibrating annoyance however something was definitely crashing his rib cage preventing him to even move.


Seunghyun had somehow managed to crawl his way again to his bed last night and wrapped himself around him.


They had always been like this, since they first had their sleep over back in highschool. Seunghyun had a traumatic experience when he was a child, with the constant nightmares and tremors. So every time that he would sleep he would always find something to keep him sane. Something to keep him hold of reality, to remind him that it was just a dream, that the nightmares weren’t true.


And what used to be a stuffed bear had turned itself into a life breathing Kwon Jiyong. No one knows why though, Seunghyun had tried countless times to sleep with other people, to cuddle with them until sleep drifts in but every time it was a failure. He would still wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, gasping for air, tears in those dark eyes. But when it comes to Jiyong, everything goes away. The nightmares would stop and for the first time in a long time Seunghyun would get enough sleep that his body actually needs.


Jiyong doesn’t mind though. He understands Seunghyun. He had been bestfriends with the guy since their first year in highschool, he knows him already like the back of his hand. So when the moment Seunghyun crawled to his bed space that one sleep over with total fear in his eyes, Jiyong understood. He needed a friend and Jiyong was willing to offer himself.


To anyone who’s not aware with the situation, you’d think that they’re together. Seeing that they’re half , only wearing their boxers and sleeping with arms and legs tangled together. But they weren’t. At least that’s what Jiyong kept telling himself.




Finally realizing that it’s a lost cause trying to move the sleeping Seunghyun off him, Jiyong miraculously wiggled himself out of the older man’s grasp and turned himself somehow. Now he was on his stomach with his arm reaching towards the annoying little alarm clock. With one eye still closed while the other was half way there, Jiyong slammed the alarm clock shut.


Who knew that turning it off could be this exhausting?


Still lying on his stomach, Jiyong slumped back down the bed and buried himself on the pillow desperately trying to regain the dream that he had a couple of minutes ago. But once again, something prevented him to do so.


Seunghyun who was still hugging him unconsciously moved and wrapped himself tighter around Jiyong. And in an instant, Jiyong was wide awake with both eyes open, heart beating faster than usual, his skin heating up. He was aware of how Seunghyun had trailed his arms around him, leaving a trail of flushed flesh. And then there it was. Seunghyun’s soft snores heard at the side of his head indicating that the older man didn’t even realized what he was doing to the poor young man trapped in his hold.


“H-Hyung?” Jiyong whispered, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. He turned his head to his left where he knows where Seunghyun’s face was.


He was supposed to call out his name. He was supposed to shrug his hyung off of him. He was supposed to wake him up. But he didn’t. The peacefully sleeping face of Seunghyun had stopped him. He was the only one who gets to see this sight, being the only one Seunghyun wants to sleep with as a cure from the nightmares, but every time it still leaves Jiyong breathless.


Just look at him, Jiyong thought. How could someone be cruel enough to give this precious baby nightmares at night? It’s just unfair. I mean, look at him. Really look at him. He deserves nothing but the best. And if a peaceful sleep is what he wants then I’m willing to give it to him.


Lost in thought, Jiyong didn’t even realized that Seunghyun had already woken up a few seconds ago and who’s now amusingly watching Jiyong who was pouting and crunching his eyebrows. He’s obviously lost in his thoughts.


After deliberating with himself, Jiyong focused once again at Seunghyun only to find him looking back at him. On impulse, he jerked back and held on a stunned face for the second time that morning.


“Hyung! You’re awake.” He breathed out, heart still palpitating in his chest.


“What were you thinking, Ji?” Seunghyun smirked, knowing that he had caught the leader off guard.


Getting his bearing back, Jiyong put on an annoyed face and buried himself back on his pillow.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He replied, his voice muffled.


Seunghyun didn’t reply but instead he snuggled in closer to Jiyong’s back, his face nudge on the crook of his neck, his fingers moved up and played with the hair on Jiyong’s head, slightly pulling and tugging on the black locks. He smirked when he saw Jiyong shudder from his touch.


“Come on, tell me…. Jiyong..” He whined, this time his fingers tracing imaginary lines on the back of Jiyong’s neck knowing perfectly well that it’s Jiyong’s sensitive part.


The younger man quickly jerked and turned to his side facing Seunghyun.


“Don’t, hyung! You know that tickles me!” He accused eyebrows almost together, lips pouting.


But Seunghyun just stared meaningfully back at the blushing man. Jiyong was always like this. No matter how much he makes an effort to put on a fake mask, he would always crumble when it comes to Seunghyun. Maybe it was because they had known each other for so long now that there’s no point in hiding his true self from Seunghyun. Seunghyun would recognize it right away anyway so why bother?


But right now, Seunghyun was being unfair.  How can Jiyong sort out his feelings when Seunghyun’s sending him mixed emotions.


Every ing time. Seunghyun would always do these kinds of stuff, something sweet and romantic after waking up, as if they were lovers, not friends. One time Jiyong had the courage to ask him about it and Seunghyun casually replied that it was just his way for saying thank you for another peaceful sleep.


So every time Seunghyun would do this, Jiyong would just shrug it off. It doesn’t mean anything, he would always tell him. But this time, something feels different.


After a few seconds of nothing but staring at each other, Jiyong buried himself again on the pillow.


“Why do you always do that, hyung?” Jiyong muttered carefully.


“Do what, Ji?” Seunghyun asked, fingers once again gently caressing the tip of Jiyong’s hair.


“This. Do this. You act like you love me more than a friend.” Jiyong whispered, adding an awkward laugh, not wanting to give him the wrong idea.


“Well…..” Seunghyun trailed off, not finishing his reply.


Not getting any answer at all, Jiyong clicked his tongue in annoyance. He was not in the mood for games especially not in the morning. He pulled his face up from the pillow and turned to Seunghyun to yell at him for not answering but what happened next was something he never expected.


The moment Jiyong pulled his head up Seunghyun closed in on him and pressed their lips together and kissed him. It wasn’t sloppy, it wasn’t deep, it was just a simple peck on the lips. But the emotions and feelings it conveyed where there multiplied a thousand times. A simple peck on the lips that left a warmth that was unlike anything Jiyong had ever experienced. It was better.


Immediately Jiyong felt himself flushed from the action, his face heating up. Feeling embarrassed he lifted his arm to cover his face but Seunghyun was faster and grabbed his wrist preventing him to do so.


“Hyung..” Jiyong whined, head turning to the sides looking for something to hide his face. But once again Seunghyun had the upper hand. He cupped Jiyong’s face with his hand and forced him to look at him. Despite being uncomfortable, Jiyong kept his eyes opened and stared back at Seunghyun and waited for him to say something.


“It’s simple, Jiyong. It’s because I do.” Seunghyun said.


“Y-you do what?” Jiyong said, barely a whisper.


“I do love you more than a friend. Heck, I’ve been loving you ever since you smiled at me that night when you found out that I had night tremors and offered yourself to me without even thinking about what others would say. I just knew at that exact moment that I should never let you go. And I never did.”


This time Seunghyun let go of Jiyong’s face and railed his hand down to Jiyong’s hand and interlaced them, sighing in relief that Jiyong didn’t flinch away.


“Why did you think I followed you at YG? It’s because I wanted to be there with you when you reach your dreams just like what you did for me when I reached my dream of ending those sleepless nights. And all I ask is for you to simply love me back but not as friends, but as lovers.”


“As lovers..?”


“Yes, Ji. As lovers because I want to give you the love that you deserve. And it’s not something only a friend can give.” Seunghyun ended up looking at Jiyong with a gentle smile on his face.


He just had to say it. And it didn’t matter if Jiyong wouldn’t acknowledge his love for him because what matters the most was that Jiyong knows. It will hurt, yes, of course it would but at least Jiyong knows. And despite that fear of rejection Seunghyun felt wonderful and free, now that he had confessed to him.


Jiyong stared back and processed everything that Seunghyun had revealed to him.


He..He loves me? Love? As in, love? Love more than friends? Lovers?


But Jiyong could even make out anything from his thoughts, Seunghyun continued on.


“I can see it in your face that it’s bothering you so you don’t have to answer me right away, Jiyong. I know we just woke up and it feels kind of rushed but I just had to tell you. I couldn’t hide it anymore from you.” Seunghyun said, pecking Jiyong’s stunned self again, unwrapping himself from Jiyong and stood up from the bed.


Jiyong did nothing but stared back at the retreating form of Seunghyun.


Seunghyun looked back and chuckled when he saw Jiyong’s face.


“Go back to sleep, Ji. I’ll go make breakfast for the both of us. And don’t worry, I won’t make things awkward between us. Until you answer me, I won’t do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.” He smiled and started to walk out Jiyong’s room.


Jiyong snapped out of his trance. His eyes focused on Seunghyun’s outline as he made his way towards his door. Then he felt it. It was like a switch or a trigger inside him. And in an instance, he knew exactly what to do.


He loves Seunghyun. He had always loved him, he just kept ignoring the signs, always telling himself that it’s just because they knew each other for so long. But now he knows the true meaning of those mixed emotions. It’s not because they had knows each other since high school but it was simple because he loves him. More than a friend. And maybe even as… lovers.


So he decided. No more excuses. No more ignorance. It was time.


He would tell him everything, he would tell him the truth. He would tell him how much he longs for Seunghyun. He would tell him that he, himself, can’t sleep without Seunghyun wrapped around him as well. He would tell him how much he appreciates Seunghyun for always being there by his side through the ups and downs. He would tell him that he would do anything to keep Seunghyun smiling even if it’s the last thing he does.


And most importantly, he would tell him how much he loves him just the same.


So before Seunghyun could even put one foot outside his room, Jiyong called out with confidence and determination,


“Hyung, wait!”


Seunghyun turned around and captured just in time the half man that ran towards him with tears on his eyes and a smile on his face.

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edajyram #1
Chapter 1: Very nice. <3
Danees #2
Chapter 1: This is nice! Thank you (;
Chapter 1: perfect :):) they are so sweet
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 1: Sweet! Love it.
mikadosm #5
Chapter 1: So sweet. Sweet, lovely, cute, adorable and all of this makes me smile. Thank you a lot. P.s the picture you chose is my OTP in that fandom and is so adorable cute by the way ^^
theeKPOPlover #6
Chapter 1: Omg girl u just... K so I was surfing asianfanfics for like HOURS and I'm like fml I cannot find a good fic to read so then I came across this girl who recommends good fics to other ppl so they can read them. So i said to myself i should give it a try, so I skimmed through them and saw this random Gtop oneshot, i am not a fan of one shots but I decided to give it a try. And damn was I happy that I did. Thank you for writing such a short yet sweet loving one shot, I know that ur no longer on asianfanfics, but I still do want to stop by and say thank you for all your amazing work. ( I read most of ur fics btw). I respect the decision you made and good luck in life.

You inspired me to write a Gtop of my own.

Oh and one last thing, I am speaking on behalf all of ur readers we want to say thank you and goodbye.
StormyDay #7
Chapter 1: Nice and Sweet
Chapter 1: awww TT-TT this was just beautiful ♥
anechanlovesGTOP #9
Chapter 1: besutiful and sweet, simply perfect ;_; ♥