Dream 2 - HaWoo

Autumn : Only Tears Like A Dream



A/N:Before I say anything, I would like to explain about the School’s Confession Day. It’s a day when a girl or boy confess to the other and they will date automatically just for one day if the other accept. This day is made for single people. This day also made for bestfriend to hang out together. Yes, School’s Confession Day is made up. By me. it never exist. But I think it’s similar to Valentine and White Day.     




“It’s School’s Confession Day! What should I give to Yeollie-oppa?” Namjoo squeaked.


“Just give him chocolate or a kiss.” Sungjong replied. They walked together along an alley. “Oh, where’s Minwoo?” he asked.


“Minwoo? He said that he has something to do. He’s weird you know. Last night, when we  were doing our homework together, he was spacing out smiling to himself.


“Smiling to himself?” Sungjong turned away, biting his lower lip. ‘Could it be because of Hayoungie?’ he thought. They entered the schoolgate and that’s when he saw Hayoung. He wanted to call her but someone had called her for him instead.


“Hayoungie~” he felt a pang in his heart. From afar, he could see Minwoo running and ended his ‘marathon’ by jumping slightly beside Hayoung. They were smiling to each other  like a couple. Minwoo then threw his arm around the girl’s shoulder. Again, the poor 2nd year student felt he had been shot at his heart. What hurts more, the girl he love was smiling, her hand slowly moved to the other boy’s one that was on her shoulder. They slowly disappear in the flood of students.




“Yaayyy!!! I gave Yeollie-oppa a coffee and he likes it!” Namjoo squealed hugging Sungjong. The boy hugged back.


“See? I told you to give coffee for him. It worked. Sungyeol-hyung is a coffee maniac!” Sungjong laughed.


-------------------------outside the room-------------------------


‘I should give him these lemon candies.’ Hayoung thought as she grasped the nicely wrapped lemon candies. She walked slowly to Sungjong’s class. She saw the door was  opened. She could hear laughs from inside the classroom.


“Sungjong-oppa is the best!” a girl’s voice was heard.


She heard a chuckle from her beloved. “Yeah..Yeah.. I know.” She peeked and saw Namjoo with Sungjong.


“That’s why I love you!” Namjoo said hugging Sungjong afterwards. Hayoung felt her world broke into pieces. Her heart beat stopped as her soul left her body.


“Do you want to have a date? It is Confession Day.” Sungjong spoke making Hayoung’s grip on the lemon candies tighten. Her chest felt like contracting. ‘No…Jongie-oppa..like Namjoo?’ Hayoung thought and accidentally pushed the door wider. Namjoo and Sungjong ended their hugging scene. The youngest bowed, mouthing “I’m sorry.” And ran. She ran away quickly to the schoolfield. She didn’t know why her feet brought her there. Her lemon candies dropped to the grass.


“You dropped this Hayoungie.” Minwoo came out of nowhere and handed the lemon candies to her.


“Minniewoo…” Hayoung sob-ed. Minwoo gripped Hayoung’s hand, dragging her closer. He slowly wrapped his arms around her.


“Geokjongma, Hayoungie. I’ll cheer you up.”


Hayoungie slowly nodded. Minwoo suddenly blew his breath to Hayoung’s ear. The girl started struggling. “Minniewoo…It’s tickling me~” she spoke giggling.Sungjong saw it from afar. ‘Why is he kissing my Hayoungie’s cheek?’ he thought. ‘Does this means…one of them confessed? Probably Hayoungie? Please no.’ he went forward a little to hear their conversation. Hayoung and Minwoo were laughing their heads off.


“Now I can see your laugh again.” Minwoo smiled sweetly. “Hayoungie, can I confess to you? For just this day, will you be my girlfriend?” Minwoo held out his hand. Sungjong’s heartbeat stopped. He wasn’t breathing. He heard it loud and clear.


“Sure. Why not? I want you to cure my aching heart, Minniewoo.” Hayoung grabbed Minwoo’s hand smiling. Sungjong’s world started to collapse.




“Woaaahhhh!!” Hayoung cheered as Minwoo made a high score in the arcade.


“I win!” Minwoo jumped up and down. “Let’s go for a milkshake.” Minwoo grabbed the other’s hand and skipped along the way. They entered Starship Café , meeting Youngmin. “Hayoungie~ I want you to meet Jo Youngmin, my bestfriend since kindergarten.” Minwoo dragged the blonde Youngmin to her.


“Hi, Hayoung.” Youngmin waved.


“Youngmin, you worked here?” Hayoung cheered.


“EHhhh~ You two know each other?” Minwoo looked at each of them rapidly. Youngmin knocked Minwoo’s head slightly.


“Heeellllllooooo~ I’m in 1-B okaayy~” he said making Minwoo oh-ed. They bought milkshake and walked along an alley. Hand in hand.


---------------------------At Sungjong---------------------


“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with Sungyeol-hyung.” Sungjong asked Namjoo who appeared beside him as he walked along the streets.


“Something came up. He has to go somewhere else. By the way, I have a lot more times with him after this. So it’s okay. “


“Yeah. Way to ruin my free day from everyone.” Sungjong teased making Namjoo pouted. He saw Hayoung with Minwoo. Walking hand in hand, sharing laughters. They were unconsciously walking towards them. Sungjong wanted to run away but that would make Namjoo suspicious.


And as he wanted to turn the other way, he heard Namjoo. “That’s Minwoo.” He prayed for Namjoo not calling his dongsaeng.


“Namjoo-noona! Hyung!” Minwoo ran dragging Hayoung with him. Sungjong stared at their intertwining hands. “Where’s Sungyeol-hyung?” Minwoo asked, looking at Namjoo and Sungjong.


“He has to do something.” Sungjong answered not looking at them. He finally turned when he couldn’t restrain his anxiety anymore. “Why is she with you?”


“Hayoungie? Ah..she’s my new bestfriend. It happened because she kicked my head that it hurts~” Minwoo placed his head on Hayoung’s.


“Yah. I didn’t mean to. You’re the one who sleeps in the middle of the schoolfield.” Hayoung collide her head with Minwoo.


“Oh yeah.. Says the one who walks with closing eyes~” the boy teased. Hayoung blushed, her elbow poked Minwoo’s rib. Sungjong didn’t like it at all. “Aw~ Please blush even more, Hayoungie~” Minwoo poked the said’s cheek. Hayoung slapped his hand away but his wish came true. She was blushing even more.


Sungjong curled his fist with all his might. His nails digging into the flesh. “Minwoo-ah, do you have anything to do? You can come with us to the shopping mall. Hayoung too.” Namjoo finally talk. Before Minwoo could answer, Hayoung cut him off. “No thanks. Count me out. I forgot that I have something to do so you three can go without me.” Hayoung walked away without wasting any time. Her tears were rising.


When she turned around the corner, her steps became faster. Faster and faster until she was running to all her heart’s content. ‘Yeah.. they have each other. Why would I join them? It would only end up me being hurt, not them. Me! Me! Me! Why can’t he understands it!?’ Hayoung thought. Her steps stopped when she realize where she was. She had run into a forest. A forest that she know for a long time. Her past. She looked up to a tree. There was a tiny house that had been left up on the tree. She brushed her fingers against the skin of the tree where there was a carved message, ‘Dongwoo+Hayoung+Sungjong+Sungyeol Treehouse’ . Her tears dripped slowly.


She climbed up using the stairs that could possibly break because of her weight. One of the stairs broke and she nearly fell but she still climbed and climbed until she reached the house. She entered and there it was. A wide space full of dust. She cleaned it up one by one. She found all the things that they had used since childhood.

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Chapter 19: aww~~ the ending is super cute and fluffy..
I toally LOVE your storys..
Chapter 19: aww...it's finally end~
i love this story!
waiting for your other pinkfinite story!
Chapter 15: myungeun back together! yay!!!
I'm waiting for hajong's misunderstood thing end up~
Chapter 14: cheongmal SungJong oppa!!!
don't lose hope.. :)
Chapter 14: U this babo sungjong appearing wrong timing~~~
Chapter 13: go for her!!!
Chapter 13: OMG hilarious. Did sungyeol wanna cuddle because of sungjong sline XDDDDD
sungjong don't let her go ;-;
Chapter 12: minwoo -.-"
dat boi maaaaan
Chapter 12: Naeunie drunk because of coffee? :O