Chapter 2

One Look.


For the next few years, Woohyun continues his study in university,majoring in photography.The world he loves the most. KSG 's photo was one of the photos on Woohyun portfolio. He was very proud of the picture as it the only memory he had of KSG.Everytime he looked at the picture,he smiled. The happiness in KSG's smiles gives him warmth.

He can't stop thinking about him. His heart ache for KSG. He always wonder how KSG doing. Does he still likes me? That question always linger in his mind.I hope he still does.

2 years in his study, he realize that he only dates Jia because Jia slightly resemble KSG.  She has small eyes and her cheeks are chubby just likes KSG. The fact she resembles KSG makes Woohyun missed him more.He decided to break up with her because he thinks that’s its not fair for her. He have feeling for someone else and Jia didn’t deserve this.

Jia  cried hysterically when Woohyun mentioned he wanted to break up with her. He decided to tell her the truth and also hopes that’s she finds someone who loves and adores her.Thank god that Jia understand. Woohyun couldn’t love her as his heart only belong to KSG.


Woohyun now works as a photographer at a magazine company. Its been hectic.Having photoshoot everywhere around the country makes him tired. He loves his jobs but he needs rest. So he decided to take a leave for a while.

Its one of his day off and he decided to just relax at home.He seems to be enjoying his relax time until his doorbell rings.

URGHH!I just wanna relax for one day! Leave me alone damn it! He thought in his head.

He opened his door and startled by the fact that his mom is here.

Why is she here? She didn’t tell me she want to visit. I haven’t tidy up my house. She will flipped.She's a neat freak. She need everything to be clean and organized. Sometimes I think she has OCD(Obsessive Complusive Disorder).

“Anyong! Woohyun ah.. Eomma is here!!” She says cheerfully. Eventhough she was well after the age of 60 but she still had a heart of a 20year olds.

“Eomma, what are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you wanna visit.”he said to his mom.

“I just wanna visit my son. Is it wrong  that I want to visit my own son? You didn’t want me here? I’ll go then” She faked sobs and head for the door.

“Anya eomma. It just that I’m shocked. I’m sorry ok.Please don't go.” He says . Damn it. Why do I have to fell for her trick every time.

“Eomma come here with a news Woohyun ah… Eomma had found the perfect girl for you.”

Woohyun groans.Again. She always want to set me up with someone. I turned her down everytime. Didn't she get it yet? I DON"T WANT TO BE SET UP!

“ She very pretty and hardworking. I thinks she will take a very good care of you.Look all this mess!If she is your wife, she will keep this house tidy. Not like you..Typical men.Loves to live in dirt.” She keeps rambling on and on about this girls she wants to set up with Woohyun.She'll cook for you. Wash your laudry. She has a good heart.ON AND ON.

Woohyun’s head throbbing painfully and he had it.” EOMMA! I’m gay damn it! Can you please stop. I don’t want to be set up with this girl!” He yelled at his mom.

His mom’s jaw just dropped to the floor. Woohyun put his head in his hands. He didn’t meant to yell at her. He just want her to stop talking.

Without saying a word, his mom leaves.

Great! Now his mom hates him.


A week after the his mom visit, his mom called him.

His mom tone was very cheerful. Didn’t she hates him? She demands to meet up with Woohyun at lunch.

They meet up at a restaurant near Woohyun place.

“Anyong Woohyun!” She says when she spotted Woohyun approaching their tables.

Woohyun sat silently in front of her. “ Eomma, didn’t you hate me?”

“ANI! I would never hates you. You are my baby. I was just shocked that day.”

“Really? I thought you hate me.” Woohyun mumbles sadfully.

“I love you,baby. Actually I’m glad I have a gay son” She grins.

Woohyun just chuckle at her statement.He's glad his mom accepted him.

“ The reason I want to have lunch with you today is that I want to tell you something.”

“What is it, eomma?”

“Umm. I set up your wedding with a guy. Your wedding is next week.”

“WHAT? WHY DID YOU DID THIS TO ME!” He stands abruptly.Everyone was looking at them wondering what their problem is.

“Baby, don’t  be mad at me.” She pouts.

OH MY GOD. Why I still fall for her tricks,Woohyun thought.

He sad back down and try to calm his anger. He needs to thinks this through.

" Woohyun ah. I have arranged everything. He's my friend's son.His name is Kim Sunggyu. I swear he's cute that I want to bite him!"

He wonders why the guy just agreed to this marriage.Do people still practice arranged marriage this days?

 After these years, he never found KSG again. Its about time he give up so he agreed on the marriage.

Eomma didn’t even let me meet my groom. She said that she already arranged everything, so there's no reason to meet him. I just want to get to know him eomma. EOMMA! Sometimes you are very annoying.I wonder how I put up with you.

I wonder how my groom looks like. I hope he's chubby and has small eyes. 


Its his wedding day.Everyone congratulating him on his wedding.  His colleagues was shocked that he's getting married since he never in a relationship since they knew him. Woohyun just want to kept the fact that his mother arranged this marriage to himself so he just smiled at them and says

" Its fate. Its time for me to get married."They just laughed at Woohyun's statement.

He stands nervously at the podium. He nervous about getting married and he’s nervous to meet his groom. Waiting for his groom is so nervewrecking.The wedding march start, all heads turned toward the entrance.Its time. Breath Woohyun. Breath!You can do this!

His groom was wearing a tuxedo matching his. Black tux with white dress shirt. They compliments their tux with a black bow tie.

Woohyun reaches for his groom. He was shocked that his groom was a handsome young man. He has tiny eyes.Yes! He looks familiar but  Woohyun could not remember from where he knew him.

Woohyun started to read his vow.

“ I Nam Woohyun promise to take care of Kim Sunggyu well.

I will hug you,kiss you and annoyed you until we both shall live.”

Really eomma? How childish.Why the hell I let her wrote my vow.

Sunggyu just chuckles at Woohyun’s vows.

"I Kim Sunggyu promise to take care of Nam Woohyun well.

I will be with you in sickness and healt until we both shall live"

See Eomma. Why can't you write it this simple. He groans at the thought.

 After they finished their vow, the minister announced their marriage and they may kiss. It was awkward because they just met for the first time.Should I kiss him on cheeks? Should I kiss him on his nose? OH GOD, where do I kiss him?

Eventhough its awkward, Woohyun just leans towards Sunggyu's lips and peck him. His lips is so soft. Woohyun just want to kiss him again and again.He saw fireworks in his head when he kissed Sunggyu.

Sunggyu eyes widen at the gesture and he blushed.Woohyun chuckled at how cute his wife is.

Everyone clapped happily.

Its a start of a new chapter of Woohyun's life.

Married Life.This is going to be so much fun.



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Chapter 5: Awwwh sooo cuteeeee chummy chummy haahah
Chapter 5: jajaja...ayyyy Nam XD
Chapter 5: Aw...this is so cute & sweet :D
I love it ^_^
infinitedongwoo #4
Chapter 5: SO. FREAKING. CUTE. *explodes*
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 5: This story is perfect...! A bit of angsty... Cheesiness... Greasiness.. Cutie... Fluffy... ^_^
Hmm... Author-ssi, can I suggest a pair of specs for Woohyun coz he fail to recognise Sunggyu for 2 times... >__<
Thank goodness, woogyu ended up together... If not, I would gladly offer 2 panda eyes for Woohyun... ^_~
Chapter 5: owwwww cute and cheesy and cliché and woogyu's style~~~~ OwO
mepastah #7
Chapter 5: wah...i love how this story is so unexpected in a lot of ways. like, i didn't expect woohyun to forget that the boy at the park and the boy who confessed are the same. and then suddenly they are married.
this story spells 'adorable' from the beginning until the end. so cute. woohyun's wedding vow, i laugh there
thank you for the story^^
Chapter 5: Woohyun-ah~ you almost have me a heart attack too when I saw that you jumped. OTL

They are so cute together. C:
Thank you for continuing the story~
Chapter 1: omo....poor gyu!!! >3<