


It happens always at such state of mind like this

Those words you said to me pops back and

Sometimes the old time passes through my head

Even if we’re not together anymore

"Would you miss me, if one day, I wasn't by your side anymore?" Sunggyu whispers next to Woohyun's ear, his breath tickling Woohyun's earlobe.

Woohyun shivers from the sensation and turns his head slightly.

Their eyes meet and Woohyun can see Sunggyu's expressions portrayed clearly in his eyes, love, adoration, want, happiness.

Woohyun moves an inch closer and as his lips slightly brush over Sunggyu's, and he murmurs, "You're not going anywhere."

If it was a normal situation, Sunggyu would have pushed Woohyun away and chide him for being overly greasy again, but they were lying on Woohyun's bed, completely exposed to each other, limbs lost among each others' under the blanket and they couldn't be in a closer proximity than this moment.

Woohyun's mouth is still slightly brushing over Sunggyu's and his fingers are caressing Sunggyu's cheek softly.

Everything is too overwhelming, and Sunggyu is so filled with emotions that all he can do was to drown in Woohyun's gaze, his breathing uneven.

However, Woohyun's strong gaze wavers as Sunggyu's words run through in his mind and he can't help but move back an inch again and closes his eyes for a second.

When he reopens his eyes, the amount of pain, worry and confusion is clearly seen in his eyes and Sunggyu can't help but hate himself for making Woohyun show his vulnerable side again, and remind him of how insecure Woohyun just is.

"Hyung, were you hinting something because I-" Woohyun says and stops as his voice slowly wavers and he plays with his fingers, which was a habit he had when he was nervous.

Sunggyu mentally hits himself - Woohyun has not called him "Hyung" in ages, and he wishes he could take back his words.

"Don't be silly." Sunggyu says and smiles softly, his eyes slowly turning into crescents while ruffling Woohyun's hair and Woohyun immediately follows suit and starts smiling straight away.

Woohyun has always had a soft spot for Sunggyu's smile - those rosy cheeks and crescent like eyes - who could resist?

Please remember that dazzlingly beautiful moment now

Even if everything becomes faint already                                                                                                                                             

Don’t forget the moments, clearly (remember it)

"How could I live without this greasy tree?" Sunggyu jokes and Woohyun hits Sunggyu's chest playfully.

However, in the next moment, Sunggyu has his arms behind Woohyun's head and pulls Woohyun to his chest protectively.

Woohyun can feel Sunggyu's hot breath on his scalp and he snuggles closer to Sunggyu's chest - he feels the safest when he's tucked into Sunggyu's chest with Sunggyu's arms wrapped around him protectively.

"You know I love you right? I know- no matter how many times I declare my love for you, it will never be enough because my baby is just too insecure. Woohyun ah- I just want you to know, no matter what happens in the future, no matter what happens to us- I just want you to remember this. Us. And this beautiful connection we have. Promise me, okay?" Sunggyu says and he can feel Woohyun's slight nod.

"Gyu- I-" Woohyun tries to speak as he lifts his head from Sunggyu's chest but his mouth is immediately occupied by Sunggyu's lips and Woohyun can feel it- all of Sunggyu's emotions are put into this kiss and Woohyun is blown away.

Sunggyu has never been expressive, and it's hard for him to show his emotions, but at this moment in time, Sunggyu is putting everything, his whole existence into this kiss and Woohyun can't help but to let a tear slip from the corner of his eye.

He loves this man so damn much.

Kim Sunggyu - I don't know if you were an angel sent to me from heaven or a fallen angel sent from hell to pay for his sins - I don't know if you were a mistake, but if you were, you're the greatest mistake I have ever made - you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I remember when you held my hand firmly

The face you made when you kissed me silently, I remember it

I miss you oh yes I do

(I remember) when you stood at the top side of my feet

and whispered  love  to me

I miss you oh I still do

The first time Sunggyu and Woohyun met - it was winter.

One of the coldest winters that Korea predicted to have - It never went above 0 degrees Celsius.

And to Woohyun, being outside during the winter was equivalent to Hell.

Woohyun was mourning over the fact that he still had to go to work during winter that he missed the boy who was standing next to the bus stop stand.

"Sorry! I didn't see you- I-" Woohyun tries to explain himself, but the boy, who looks around the same age as him waves his hand and replies in his melodic voice, "It's okay."

And that was the time when Woohyun became absolutely mesmerized by Kim Sunggyu's smile.

The boy had to be around the same age as me, Woohyun guessed and he went on to examine the caramel haired boy.

He was slightly taller than Woohyun, had the cutest cheeks ever, and carried a leopard printed bag on his back.

Woohyun looked down at his leopard printed sports shoes and smiled - he hated people who didn't understand his love for leopard print.

Woohyun's thoughts were distorted when a gush of wind blew by and he immediately shivered and wrapped his scarf even tighter around his neck.

The bus arrived and both Woohyun and the boy alighted the bus.

They both chose seats near the window, Woohyun - as the seat was nearest to the heater and Sunggyu - because he loved how winter made the streets look even more beautiful than before.

As soon as Sunggyu settled down onto his seat, he took off his scarf and folded it nicely before placing it on his lap. He looks over to the boy from just now and scrunched his eyebrows together into confusion - the boy was wrapped up so tightly it looked like he would die of heat.

Woohyun must have noticed the gaze that was on him as he turned his head to his right and as his eyes meet the other boy's, unknowingly, he blushed.

Sunggyu chuckled inside, before saying softly, "You look like you're about to suffocate." and pointed at Woohyun's tightly wrapped scarf.

Woohyun blushed once again but replied, "I hate the cold. I'm freezing."

Sunggyu cocked his head to the side, as if thinking that hating the cold was ridiculous but then he giggled and Woohyun swore - it was the most beautiful thing to his ears.

Just so that he could continue listening to that melodic voice, Woohyun started up a conversation.

"So- what's your name? I'm Woohyun." Woohyun asks.

"Sunggyu! Nice to meet you, Woohyun." Sunggyu replies and Woohyun swears he melted when Sunggyu said his name.

"So- where are you going?" Woohyun asks casually.

"I'm actually going to get my first job experience today...It's kind of nerve wrecking but exciting at the same time." Sunggyu replies.

At that moment, Woohyun realized he has reached his stop and he quickly bows at Sunggyu before getting off the bus and walking into the cafe.

He quickly goes to the back and puts on his uniform - he's late and he's just glad that his assistants are there to help him.

"Woohyun!" He hears a bubbly voice call him from behind and he does not even need to turn around to know it was Dongwoo.

"Don't- you should know I'm in a bad mood because I hate coming to work when it's freezing outside." Woohyun complains and Dongwoo just laughs, mouth open with teeth and all - because it's Dongwoo, and everything is just natural.

"You're the boss and if you don't come how will we cope?" Dongwoo says with pouty lips and Woohyun can't help but chuckle.

"Woo baby- I don't know what you're doing but you better come help with the orders now-" Hoya says and he peeks into the room and Dongwoo quickly rushes out.

Woohyun smiles at both of them working busily behind the counter, but still able to sneak in sweet glances and innocent touches.

Without the help of those two, Woohyun really doesn't know how he will take care of this cafe all by himself.


Sunggyu walks into the cafe slowly and he's about to ask the cashier where he should get his uniform when the cashier looks up quickly and says, "You have to queue sir."

"I- I'm here- for the job." Sunggyu stutters out and the cashier immediately smiles.

"Sorry, didn't know you were the one here for the job, Dongwoo was probably the one who interviewed you. I'm Hoya, the boss is at the back, you can ask him about the uniform." Hoya says and directs Sunggyu to the backroom.

Sunggyu spots a guy who has his back turned to him and immediately bows before saying, "Nice to meet you- I'm-er- the new er- I mean person here for the job."

The guy turns around and Sunggyu is shocked to see that it's Woohyun.

"Woohyun!" He says before he can help himself and immediately apologizes when he realizes that Woohyun is now his boss.

"Haha- It's no big deal. Here is your uniform, you know what to do right?" Woohyun says and Sunggyu nods quickly as he takes the uniform into his hands.

Woohyun leaves the room and takes over Hoya's spot behind the cashier as he waits for Sunggyu to come out.

Woohyun has just taken one order when Sunggyu came out of the backroom in the uniform and Woohyun can't help but let out a small gasp at how perfect Sunggyu looked.

"So, what should I do?" Sunggyu asks and snaps Woohyun out of his daze.

"Er- you can handle the cashier while I take care of the orders okay?" Woohyun quickly replies and moves towards the machine to make a cup of Iced Americano.

There are currently no new orders and Sunggyu throws a small glance towards Woohyun and can't help but to continue staring at Woohyun making the Iced Americano - how his biceps were slightly visible through the white collar shirt- how the veins on the back of his arms looked so attractive - how his jaw line was perfect - how his nose seemed too sharp to be real how-

"Sunggyu? Sunggyu...?" Woohyun repeats and Sunggyu immediately snaps out of his daze and is startled when Woohyun's face is just inches away from his.

"Hey- day dreaming on your first day of work?" Woohyun teases as he hands the Iced Americano to Dongwoo.

"No- I- Sorry!" Sunggyu rambles, at a loss of words.

Woohyun just ruffles Sunggyu's hair as he laughs and asks him to quickly handle the customers that were piling up.


It's been a month since Sunggyu has started working in the cafe with Woohyun, Hoya and Dongwoo and all of them couldn't agree more on how Sunggyu was a great addition to the team.

Hoya and Dongwoo were outside sweeping the floors and getting everything ready to await customers while Woohyun and Sunggyu were in the backroom sorting out the extra garnishes for the coffees.

"Gyu- do you have the chocolate powder sprink-" Woohyun is about to ask when Sunggyu trips while holding the chocolate power sprinkles in his hand and even though Woohyun successfully catches him, Woohyun's face is now filled with chocolate powder.

"Oh my god - I - Hahahhahahahaha- sorry it's too funny!" Sunggyu bursts out in laughter, and Woohyun just snorts, trying to get the powder off his face.

"Come, I'll help you." Sunggyu says as soon as he is composed and uses a clean piece of cloth to slowly wipe away the chocolate on Woohyun's face.

Their faces are approximately 2 inches away from each other and Sunggyu is trying his best to concentrate on the chocolate on Woohyun's face instead of his perfect features.

Sunggyu believes he is done when he realizes he has missed a spot on Woohyun's lips.

Sunggyu is about to reach out to clean it off when he realizes the state Woohyun is in now - eyes softly shut, lips in a slight pout and hair ruffled naturally - he couldn't be more perfect in Sunggyu's eyes.

Before Sunggyu can stop himself, he closes the distance between their faces and softly settles his lips on Woohyun's.

Woohyun is startled, but stays frozen to the spot, his eyes not daring to open.

Sunggyu starts to slightly on Woohyun's bottom lip where the chocolate was and Woohyun cannot help but let out a whine.

The kiss deepens as Woohyun slightly opens his mouth for Sunggyu and they're so lost - lost in the moment, in the perfect moment that is just for the two of them.

Sunggyu is the one who finally breaks away from the kiss and Woohyun is afraid to open his eyes - but eventually opens his eyes slowly to see Sunggyu staring at him just like how a predator would stare at his prey and Woohyun can't help but feel the blush rush to his cheeks.

As Woohyun slowly flutters his eyelashes and opens his eyes, his swollen lips and innocent expression is enough to make Sunggyu go wild. How can this guy who he met one month ago already make him feel so frustrated?

Sunggyu slowly steps forward until his lips are hovering over Woohyun's ear and he whispers, "I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

It always happens when this season comes

Our last moments pops back to my head

Everything has become far away

And all those things that I couldn't  undo

It's winter. Again.

My most dreaded season of the year.

I used to only hate it due to the cold weather - but now, you have given me something else to hate about this weather.

Do you remember?

This is the season we met - and the season we broke apart.

You loved winter - we always had opposite preferences.

I guess it was also a good thing that you loved winter while I hated it.

There was someone to warm up my hands - someone to wrap my scarf extra tightly around my neck - someone I could snuggle with.

Do you have someone else to do that with now?

Does that person hate winter as much as I do?

Does that person complain about the cold and do you force them to go out with  the same promises you made me?

That bench over there - I remember us sharing a cup of hot chocolate while waiting for the bus.

Bus no.179 - I see that someone else has taken our seats now - they look as happy as we were Gyu - hopefully they won't make the same mistakes we did.

That dazzling moments

Had gone darkened before we knew it

I’m left with only the destroyed broken promises that I couldn’t keep

But I…

Maybe it's my fault -

I didn't treasure our relationship as much as you did - but how could you interpret that as me treating everything like a game?

I know I broke the promise I made to you - I know I forgot our anniversary date - but only if you gave me a chance to mend things.

I  can't even think of us anymore before thinking of you and him.

Even though it was just once - just a glance - I can remember him.

Remember how you took him into my - no, our - cafe, thinking I wouldn't know - because it was my day off that day.

You wouldn't have guessed that I left my phone there and wanted to pick it up.

He was beautiful - he was everything I was not.

He had big doe-like eyes - and legs that would go on forever.

Was I not your type from the start?

He was able to be cute - without trying.

He was able to look unbelievably beautiful - just with his smile.

I think I never saw Hoya and Dongwoo laugh so happily like that when it was me by your side instead of him.

Maybe I was just another mistake you made.

I remember when you held my hand firmly

The face you made when you kissed me silently, I remember it

I miss you oh yes I do

(I remember) when you stood at the top side of my feet

and whispered  love  (to me)

I miss you oh I still do

Woohyun is sitting on the floor with his back rested against the bed - and there are photos scattered everywhere.

It has always been Sunggyu's habit to take photos - they are a way to capture memories and keep them forever so if we ever forget anything, we have something to bring us back to the past - was what he said.

When Sunggyu left, he left all the photos and memories with Woohyun - who did not know what to do with them.

Did Sunggyu foreshadow that he was going to leave me? - was what Woohyun thought every second.

Because that would explain why Sunggyu always made sure to keep everything in a box in Woohyun's house - never taking anything with him.

Being unable to dispose of all the photos at one time, Woohyun decided to give himself one of the hardest tasks he ever had to undertake.

He was to dispose one photo for each day Sunggyu is not his.

200 photos gone, 300 more to go.

900 more photos to go - before he will completely let go of Sunggyu.

Your voice, the look in your eyes

The hands  that reached me for a touch

I’ll never be able to forget all those things

It’s so clear as if I really touch you with my hands

The sound of your breath,

Your hand gesture when you wrapped me in your arms

I’ll never be able to forget all those things

It’s so clear as if I really touch you with my hands

There are only 3 photos left Sunggyu.

One of the first day we met, One of our first anniversary, One of our first morning waking up in each other's arms.

It's getting harder to choose now.

I miss you

There are 2 photos left Sunggyu.

I chose the photo of when we first met.

I don't think I'll be able to forget that day - I don't need the photo to remind me.

Now, it's really hard to choose.

I miss you

I chose the photo of our first anniversary.

I still have my ring - resting on the hollow of my throat.

Did you throw yours away already?

I miss you

I miss you

There's only one photo left.

I can't -

I can't - choose.

Gyu, I give up, I miss you.

Can you come back?

Can things go back to the way they were before you met him?

How can I ever throw away this photo?

It holds the most precious memory.

It depicts the time when we finally became one.

It reminds me of the way you looked at me the night before -

Your soft and gently hands that caressed my body -

The sound of your breath at the crook of my neck -

How you held me close - so close -


I miss you




Personally, I loved how this turned out. Hope readers like it too ;A;


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maedtuggi #1
Chapter 1: really a great story authornim... i love it!!! love it so much!!! and the bgm while i read your story is sunggyu's song i need you, oh my god.. it just too perfect...
Chapter 1: What the heck gyu!? Poor woohyun~
;A; I feel like I just got hit by a truck. That obviously happened because I was all "YAY OMG THEY'RE TOGETHER" and then suddenly you drop a bomb on me by saying that Sunggyu left him (I was kinda imagining Sungjong as the replacement hurhurhur) and the photo part just broke my heart ; u ; crying now brb
Chapter 1: bb just finish reading it >////<
sorry that i cant read it yesterday...
anyway ~ love this fic <3333 kkk
waiting for your 41days ~ fighting bb!!
woosoogyu #5
Chapter 1: T___T
Beautiful & heart-wrenching...
Chapter 1: aww, they were separated yet still was beautiful.
Chapter 1: OMFG! im a mess of tears now that was beautiful and sooooooooooooooooooooo heartbreaking! TT whyyyyyyyyyyyy????? noooooooooooooooooooooooo! TT
thank you hehe <3
Chapter 1: It was really good!
Don't break my OTP! :P
Chapter 1: mumumumu ;A; the last parts are really heartbreaking. and it was really all sweet from the first. didn't expect that Sunggyu would leave him like that, and even got the replacement. (should've expected that tho, since this is from the song. xD) and it's hurting me too when woohyun was like comparing himself with that new boy...
sunggyu you thuck.

this is nice btw~ ^^