Good Morning

Unwanted Exes

When you woke up that morning, you were surprised to find that you were the last to do so. You clutched the blanket that was covering you as you stretched. Wait, a blanket? Was it all just a dream then?

“Good morning!” L.Joe greeted you.
“Morning. Where did this blanket come from?” You asked.
“Oh, it was mine. I got up to use the bathroom earlier and I noticed that you didn’t have one. You were kind of shivering, so I gave you mine.” L.Joe explained.
“Didn’t Changjo mind?” You asked.
“Well he wasn’t there, so no. I uh…I actually don’t know where he went. But he’s back now!” L.Joe laughed nervously.

Changjo wasn’t there. It must have actually happened then.

“Sorry if I sound stupid right now. I just…I dunno. Never mind.” L.Joe said quietly.

He shook his head and slipped on a sweater.

“Weren’t you cold though?” You asked.
“Don’t worry about me, I was fine. It wasn’t that cold.” L.Joe said.

Just then, Changjo stepped out of the bathroom shaking the water out of his hair.

“Good morning, noona!” He said brightly.
“Clearly, you’re having a very good morning.” You commented with a smile.
“We’ll get out of here so you can get dressed now.” Changjo happily led L.Joe out of the room, waving to you cutely before closing the door.

As you got dressed, you couldn’t help but notice how chipper Changjo was this morning. Coupled with the fact that he wasn’t in L.Joe’s bed the previous night and your lack of a blanket prior to L.Joe giving you his, you knew that last night couldn’t have been a dream; there was too much evidence saying that it happened. When you opened the door after getting dressed, L.Joe stood before you with a small bouquet of flowers. Changjo was by his side, holding the bouquet from the bottom.

“Did I take a long time getting dressed or something? When did you–?” You began.
“These are for you.” L.Joe smiled.
“But where–?” You stammered.
“Don’t worry about that.” L.Joe said.

You both blushed as he handed you the flowers. It was like receiving flowers from your boyfriend on a special occasion. That was when you remembered—L.Joe was not actually your boyfriend, nor was it a particularly special day. He courteously picked up your bag for you as you smelled the flowers. They were daisies—your favourite.

“How did you know?” You asked.
“I knew.” Changjo bragged.
“That was really sweet of you guys. Thank you!” You said.

Each blushed as you gave him a hug. L.Joe turned especially pink when you gave him a kiss on his already flushed cheeks. Changjo awkwardly looked away, towards the clock. He noted the time—9:40 AM.

“Hey guys, when does our train leave?” He asked.
“10:00, why?” L.Joe answered.
“It’s 9:40, I think we should leave.” Changjo suggested.
“We are not missing another train.” L.Joe declared.

You were surprised when L.Joe hastily took your hand, walking quickly out the door. Changjo followed closely behind, surprisingly not feeling bad about himself. Last night had left him with a positive outlook on your relationship with L.Joe, despite not knowing that it was all an act.

Have a cute little filler chapter to keep you satisfied while I'm busy with school and such. (:

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Chapter 14: Whis is amazing. I like your story with the different ending ^^
I love both of the. Both of Ljoe and Changjo are sweet
RGurasu #2
That's a good idea,doing 3 endings~!This story made me a bit sad at some parts..
I liked all of the endings(Mostly ending B).
timeofmylife03 #3
I like endings A and B. They're both sweet. Lol(: I didn't like ending C because it was sad, so yeah. ^^
CarmenL #5
I will be happy if she/me is with Changjo>u< but I like Ending A~<br />
arrrgg\(>.<)/ Just be with Ljoe~XDD
Hahas Im GLAD that She got with Changjo in Ending B and C <br />
But Why am I happier with Ending A ?! xDD LMAO<br />
GREAT Story :)))
ThePowerChaserToYou #7
L.Joe is y on chap 8! Haha!
xFlyHigh #8
Ending A♥ cause L.Joe was quite the good guy in this fic ^^;<br />
Disliked the last one cause it was a bit rude and abrupt orz<br />
Loved the fic anyway :33
ShuHui #9
I like Ending A the bes though~ Cuz L.Joe's my bais! The last ending is sad.. He didn't get to even confess!!