To The Moon


“It’s impossible. We transferred the desire… didn’t we?” Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun gives a confused nod.

“It was…”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol search through the memory. The mansion is there, right where it belongs. The lighthouse is standing where it belongs, the sky is still dark, and Sehun throws origami rabbits into the sea.

“This is so like déjà vu,” Chanyeol complains.

Sehun turns.

“What a pleasant surprise. I don’t get many visitors up here,” he toots. Baekhyun swallows.

“My name is Doctor Byun Baekhyun, and this is…” Baekhyun turns to Chanyeol.

“I’m not saying it again,” he grunts.

“Doctor Park Chanyeol.”

The conversation continues exactly the same, and Baekhyun finds himself more and more unnerved by this progression.

“I’ll try again…” he mumbles.

Baekhyun pauses the memory, and checks the machine whilst Kyungsoo watches on in confusion. It’s in. No matter how Baekhyun looks at the screen, including upside down, the desire is in.

Baekhyun sends himself back into Sehun’s memory, finding Chanyeol once again.

“We have to prompt it. We’re going to need to go back through the memories and add bits, if we want this to work.”

Chanyeol nods.

“Thought so.”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol are back at the cinema, and a green-haired Sehun is sitting by the wall, moping about just as before.


Baekhyun moves his stylus over the screen, taping a few icons in the lower corner, before the poster on the wall changes. Instead of a cliché romantic comedy, it is a documentary about space travel; specifically, space travel to the moon.

“That should do it…”

Baekhyun checks the screen once a familiar scene plays out before him, where Luhan walks out of the theatre to find Sehun.

It’s definitely in. The desire, that is, and the prompt.

They flick back to Sehun’s future, but again nothing has changed.

“My turn,” Chanyeol grins.

Chanyeol steals the laptop off Baekhyun, and enters the coordinates for a different memory.

They’re back at school. Luhan is sitting on the end of the stairs, reading his book about lighthouses, and Sehun is puckering up his courage to ask the boy out.

Chanyeol uses the stylus to drag a new idea into the memory’s code.

The school is visited by an employee from N.A.S.A., but no ordinary employee… Chanyeol.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

“The aim was not to change too much and be subtle about it…” he grumbles to himself.

“Quick Sehun! It’s about to start!” Lay pulls his friend down the corridor and into a large hall.

There are basketball courts painted across the wooden floorboards, and holes sit in the middle of the room; space for poles to go for sports that need a net. There’s a stage off to the side, with a grand piano in the left-hand corner, bits of tape indicating stage directions, and finally a crate filled with basketballs and soccer balls in the corner.

Baekhyun scowls at Chanyeol as he takes the stage, microphone in hand.

“Are any of you interested in becoming astronauts?” Chanyeol announces to a filled sports hall.

There are a few nods, but Chanyeol doesn’t seem to make any sort of impression on Sehun.

“What an idiot,” Baekhyun mumbles.

Chanyeol continues his speech, completely undeterred.

“I know many of you are wondering, ‘what chance do I have making it into N.A.S.A. and doing something awesome like traveling through places never before adventured’!” he yells excitedly.

“N.A.S.A. have a new program for kids just like you! A new recruitment program, and any of you can try it! See, we believe that with enough will, and enough desire, everyone has the potential to dream big! You could even make it to the moon!”

Still, there is no response from Sehun.

Chanyeol shakes his head and runs off the stage, pointing to random children.

“It could be you… or you… or you!”

Finally, Chanyeol’s finger lands on Sehun.

“But I don't want to go to the moon,” Sehun complains.

“Well! You’re in luck… wait, what? Why not?”

Sehun shrugs.

“Why should I? I’m happy here on earth.”

“Don’t you want to go just a little…?” Chanyeol flings his arms in the air crazily.

“Er, no.” Sehun deadpans.

“No? Are you sure?”

Sehun nods vigorously.


Baekhyun pauses the memory, and Chanyeol grunts at him angrily.

“Why’d you stop it?” he growls. “It was going to work!”

“It wasn’t.”

Baekhyun leaps back to Sehun’s future, and surely enough, there is still no change.

“I just don’t get it.”

The pair tries a few more times, doing stupid things and cutting into the conversations with random information about the moon and space. Nothing changes.

“We’re back.”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol find themselves back in reality. Kyungsoo and Kai haven’t really moved, the pair are sitting beside Sehun’s bed even though it is now late into the night.

“I should have brought coffee,” Chanyeol moans.

Baekhyun shakes his head.

“You know exactly what caffeine does to you, and it’s not pretty.”

Chanyeol goes insane when it comes to coffee, something Baekhyun had to learn the hard way when they were bunking together in training.

An essay was due the next day, and Chanyeol had refused to start it, indeed refusing to even look up resources for information or form a proper bibliography.

Baekhyun, being a perhaps too caring roommate, had offered Chanyeol some coffee. It was almost midnight, after all, and Chanyeol’s eyelids were drooping.

Baekhyun was sure he wouldn’t last the whole night, or even get that essay finished.

Baekhyun soon realised coffee was perhaps the worst thing to give a certain Park Chanyeol. Soon, the teen was bouncing off the walls; flinging his arms around haphazardly.

He almost started a fire by knocking over one of Baekhyun’s mood candles, one that made the room smell soft lavender. Baekhyun remembers the scent.

Baekhyun also remembers how much of a pain in the backside it was to rid the stained carpet of fire extinguisher foam. Chanyeol didn’t complain though, he got that essay handed in on time after all.

Baekhyun shakes his head.

“We’re going to have to call back at headquarters and check through Sehun’s medical records, and we’ll need to check with maintenance that our machine is working,” Chanyeol explains.

Baekhyun sighs.

“There’s a bit of paperwork to sort out, but we promise everything will be complete in time…”

Kyungsoo nods.

“Take your time, but please be careful with him.”

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Hi, I'm not sure if you are still active on this account but I just wanted you to know that this story is literally a part of the things that changed me the most during my adolescence, I hold this story and you as the author so dear and I want to thank you for writing this, it's one of the most important things I have ever read. This changed Me in ways I cannot even explain and I would not be the person I am if I hadn't read this. All i ask is If you ever want to deactivate your account or put this story on draft, please forwarn me so that I can read it again before it goes. Thank you so much for writing this, and I hope life has been treating you kindly in the last few years ❤️
Omg I loved the game so much, I've watched pewdiepie play it like a million times, I just love it to the moon and back, to see you write this makes me so happy :)
Chapter 20: :) I really liked it! Though there were tiny details that you missed, it was still very nice! You should watch Cryaotic's and CinnamonToastKen's playthroughs of the game! I also secretly wished that Chanyeol needed the medication, and that it was included, but oh well. Great job!!!!!
Chapter 7: ○^○ THE BUNK BED.
I saw the title and read the little snippet of the description available, and I FREAKED OUT because it reminded me of the game. And that was where you got the idea. I already love it and I haven't started it yet. :)
DiepDi #6
I want the fans in my country can read it too, so can i translate your fanfic into Vietnamese? I'll promise to keep your credit and link back to your AFF. Just say the word :) Again, thank you very much.
P/s: sorry for my poor grammar
would you mind if I translate your story into Vietnamese ^_^ ? I really like the idea of your story, a beautiful love between Sehun and Luhan. I wanna translate this for someone who can't read English fanfic well ^_^ I'll keep full credit and give you back translated one 's link. Thanks for writing an amazing story <3
Levys12 #8
Can I translate this story into Vietnamese, please?
Your story is so AMAZING!
Chapter 20: THIS IS SOOO AMAZING!!!!