To The Moon


“What’s this?” Chanyeol asks.

Sehun is standing over a very familiar bed, exactly the place that Baekhyun and Chanyeol had watched him slowly withering away in seemingly seconds before.

There is a figure in the bed, a man with greying hair and big doe-like chocolate brown eyes. The figure shivers, and pulls the blankets closer to themselves.

“That must be Luhan,” Baekhyun tells Chanyeol. The latter nods.

Sehun lets out a sigh.

“We have enough.”

Luhan scowls.

“Stop it.”

Sehun just stands there, his hand on his lover’s forehead.

“…I don’t like it when you lie.”

Chanyeol swallows and watches the scene unfold in fascination.

Luhan continues.

“I calculated our finances, I know what it’s like.” Sehun shakes his head and looks like he’s about to throw something, anything, out the window. He’s about to break.

“We need the money for your medical bills, Luhan!” he shouts.

“I understand that Yoona means a lot to you but… this is just too much. You can’t go on like this.”

Sehun looks like he wants to continue, but Luhan is quick to cut him off.

“Do you know what makes me happy, Sehun?” Luhan asks.

Sehun gulps.


“Do you?”

Sehun stand there in stony silence. Chanyeol is about to say something, but Baekhyun presses a finger to his lips.

Luhan coughs a little, and Sehun watches him carefully. There is a slight pause.

“When the papers for my treatment get here, I will not sign them. What you do with our money is up to you.”

Baekhyun notes the tears falling from Sehun’s eyes, as he turns away and tries to hide it from his lover. Baekhyun wants to cry too, but he doesn’t fully know why. He doesn’t know why Luhan’s sick, he doesn’t know who Yoona is.

Baekhyun looks over at Chanyeol. His partner is just as confused as he is. Baekhyun just hopes that soon things will be understandable.

“…But if you grant my wish, I want you to use it to finish building that house.”

Sehun is silent.

“Every day you live there… I want you to watch over her. Visit her, talk to her and comfort her. Make sure she’s no longer lonely.”

Sehun sighs.

“I don’t want her to be alone anymore,” Luhan whispers.

“But what about you?” Sehun argues.

“If you… I’ll be happy, if you do that.”

Luhan musters as much strength as he can, and moves his hand towards the bedside table, opening the top drawer. His hands close around a small piece of paper, and Chanyeol gasps aloud.

“That rabbit,” he whispers in Baekhyun’s ear.

Baekhyun listens carefully as Luhan pushes the paper figure towards Sehun.

“What is it?” he asks.

“One of your rabbits, like all the others you’ve made.”

Luhan shakes his head.


“It’s yellow and blue.”


“It’s made of paper?”

“What else?”

Sehun lets out an aggravated sigh and walks away from Luhan.

“Listen, just let me play you this. One song.”

Luhan looks upset, like Sehun is missing something, but he doesn’t press the matter of the paper rabbit further.

“How the hell did they get that piano up here?” Chanyeol grunts.

Baekhyun wants to roll his eyes at his partner, but he is too taken by the scene unfolding in front of him.

“What’s the song called?” Luhan asks.

There is a pause.

“It’s called… ‘For Luhan’.”

Luhan lets out a small laugh.

“Why so cliché?”

Sehun doesn’t respond, instead he sits himself down in the piano stool, his long fingers gently caressing the keys as he begins his song. It’s a heavy piece, one that surely reflects Sehun’s emotions at this time in his life. Baekhyun again finds that he could easily be moved to tears.

“Who is this Yoona they keep talking about?” Chanyeol asks Baekhyun suddenly. “If this person was so important, why haven’t we seen them in Sehun’s more recent memories?”

Baekhyun shrugs.

“Maybe it was a promise he didn’t keep. Unless…” Baekhyun trails off.

“Unless what?”


Chanyeol brushes some of Baekhyun’s hair to the side, but doesn’t press the matter.

“You know what, I’m too manly for this!” he exclaims.

“I already found the memory links, it’s time for us to move on.”

Baekhyun gives Chanyeol a small smile, tapping out on his laptop screen once again. The pair find a pot plant and hover the screen over it. Back to the past.

“The mansion?”

“We’re definitely further back in time, now.” Chanyeol remarks, as he steps over a flower that looks strikingly similar to the one found in the pot plant.

Baekhyun scans the area. Chanyeol is right.

Before them is a building, hardly near finishing. The roof has still not been built, and planks of wood line the leaf-littered ground. It looks like the building frame has been complete, and one of the walls has been paved in, although only halfway.

It’s night, and Baekhyun cranes his head to hear the sounds of the waves lapping against the shore far down below.

Chanyeol peers over the edge of the cliff.

“I bet they saw the cliff, and thought it wasn’t dangerous enough without building a house right on top of it,” he remarks jovially.

Baekhyun glares. He leads Chanyeol off to the entrance of the house, only to find a younger Sehun sitting in front of what would be the doorway. But he’s not alone.

“Lay?” Sehun asks.

The other man nods.

“I brought you some shortbread. I know you like the stuff.” Sehun smiles at the man and gladly takes a biscuit into his hand, taking a swig from his water bottle as he gulped it down.

“I heard about Luhan.” Lay says.

Sehun’s eyes seem to darken, and Lay gives his shoulder a sympathetic squeeze.

“Will he be alright?” he asks.

Sehun shrugs.

“His illness was diagnosed, at quite a late stage at that,” Sehun begins, patting the ground beside him. Lay sits.

“It’s treatable though.”

Sehun runs an exasperated hand through his hair.

“The medical bills are the problem.”

Lay leans his head on Sehun’s shoulder, and Sehun breaks down into sobs.

“I know he doesn’t want it.”

Lay looks to him in confusion.

“He’d rather I finish this. You don’t know how much this place means to him.” He holds his arm out, pointing to the scenery around them. Lay gives a small nod.

“I know.”

“He’s going to be heartbroken.” Sehun says quietly.

Lay thinks for a minute, but shakes his head. He looks truly sympathetic.

“I’d help, but Kris and I… we’ve only barely been getting by since the stocks crashed.” Lay looks like he has more to say.

“What are you going to do now?” he enquires.

Sehun looks down, suddenly interested in the ground. Lay watches him carefully. Sehun finally brings his eyes back to face the taller after a few minutes.

“I’m going to tell him everything’s alright,” he says pointedly.

“I’m going to tell him we can afford it. I don’t want him to do anything crazy.”

“You shouldn't lie to Luhan.”

Sehun scowls.

“I don’t want him to do anything reckless. I don’t want him to choose this over himself.”

Lay stands up and dusts himself off, holding out a hand for Sehun. Sehun takes it in his left, using his right to wipe stray grains of dirt off his face.

“If it’s what he wants, Sehun, it’s what you should do. Regardless of the outcome.”

“It’s not just about him,” Sehun announces kicking at the ground. “It’s about me too. I don’t think I could handle being alone. I’m not going to let him die.”

Lay shakes his head at Sehun, and begins his trek back down through the forest.

“That doesn’t make what you’re going to do less wrong!” he shouts back over his shoulder. “Everything’s going to be alright.”

Sehun walks over, picks a couple of flowers, and follows Lay back.

“No it’s not.”

Once the two have left the clearing, Baekhyun stretches out his arms.

“Time to find the parts,” Chanyeol says.

They walk back towards a fraction of shortbread biscuit forgotten by Sehun, and scan it. It glows, and Baekhyun and Chanyeol are once again pushed further back.

“Where are we?” Baekhyun asks.

“Looks like a café.”

Lay is sitting by a younger-looking Sehun, who has his hand enclosed in that of a healthy and younger Luhan. There is a tall blonde man beside Lay, and Baekhyun thinks this may just be the Kris that Lay was talking about in the future.

Baekhyun realises just how pretty Luhan is. Luhan looks like a porcelain doll, his face a perfect oval, his teeth perfectly straight to match his expressive chocolate eyes. But just like a porcelain doll, Baekhyun thinks, Luhan is easily broken.

“What are they talking about?” Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun shrugs, listening in.

“Seems they’re talking about the finances, for the mansion on the cliff, I mean,” he explains to Chanyeol.

“Building a house there? It must be nice,” Kris says kindly, “you both got together there, didn’t you? That’s where Sehun asked you out, right Luhan?”

Luhan nods and gives the taller blonde a smile. Luhan takes Kris’ hand and the pair wander off to the bathroom.

Lay leans over the table.

“Did you tell Luhan about that thing from back then?”

Sehun nods.

“I did.”

“How did he take it?”

“For the most part, well… but ever since that incident… he’s been making these strange rabbits out of paper. They’re everywhere. I just don’t understand what could possess him to make them.”

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun excitedly.

“Maybe we’ll understand now!” he grins. Baekhyun hushes him.

“Shh, we’ll miss it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?” Lay asks.

“I don’t think it’s the same as normal people.” Sehun responds.

“Is it a common trait in his condition?” Lay questions.

“Yes, but there’s something off about it. Something doesn’t feel right.”

“So even he never knew anything about those rabbits,” Chanyeol remarks.

Baekhyun takes Chanyeol’s hand, and leads him over to Sehun’s table. He looks at a slip of paper on the table, and runs his laptop over it.

“Got everything.” Chanyeol says. Baekhyun nods.

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Hi, I'm not sure if you are still active on this account but I just wanted you to know that this story is literally a part of the things that changed me the most during my adolescence, I hold this story and you as the author so dear and I want to thank you for writing this, it's one of the most important things I have ever read. This changed Me in ways I cannot even explain and I would not be the person I am if I hadn't read this. All i ask is If you ever want to deactivate your account or put this story on draft, please forwarn me so that I can read it again before it goes. Thank you so much for writing this, and I hope life has been treating you kindly in the last few years ❤️
Omg I loved the game so much, I've watched pewdiepie play it like a million times, I just love it to the moon and back, to see you write this makes me so happy :)
Chapter 20: :) I really liked it! Though there were tiny details that you missed, it was still very nice! You should watch Cryaotic's and CinnamonToastKen's playthroughs of the game! I also secretly wished that Chanyeol needed the medication, and that it was included, but oh well. Great job!!!!!
Chapter 7: ○^○ THE BUNK BED.
I saw the title and read the little snippet of the description available, and I FREAKED OUT because it reminded me of the game. And that was where you got the idea. I already love it and I haven't started it yet. :)
DiepDi #6
I want the fans in my country can read it too, so can i translate your fanfic into Vietnamese? I'll promise to keep your credit and link back to your AFF. Just say the word :) Again, thank you very much.
P/s: sorry for my poor grammar
would you mind if I translate your story into Vietnamese ^_^ ? I really like the idea of your story, a beautiful love between Sehun and Luhan. I wanna translate this for someone who can't read English fanfic well ^_^ I'll keep full credit and give you back translated one 's link. Thanks for writing an amazing story <3
Levys12 #8
Can I translate this story into Vietnamese, please?
Your story is so AMAZING!
Chapter 20: THIS IS SOOO AMAZING!!!!